Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another Tuesday

And another blustery day. One of those days when the wind blows in your face no matter what direction you're riding. Ran some errands yesterday on my road bike. A dark sky, a few sprinkles and stiff wind said autumn is here. My favorite season. I saw my first pumpkin stand yesterday too. And cyclocross... The enthusiasts are experiencing bliss.

Here is a good portion of the peaches we took off the tree. Ate lots of cobbler and pie, and Misao made oodles of jam. And of course we gave plenty away. I didn't take out the runt or damaged peaches from the tree over the summer as I did last year. I think the main reason they were small this year though were the long stretches without rain. I only spend 5-10 minutes watering the entire garden and lawn when we don't get rain for a while.

I am working the core, my mid-section, where the most fat is, at the gym and at home. My left shoulder had stiffened up and was very painful as the weight I was benching went over double plates (2, 45's each side) and started shoulder strength training. My wife found a couple of pressure points under the shoulder blade that just melted the pain and tightness away, at least temporarily.

Then I pulled out this 'moxa' stuff from the drawer. Put a few of those season laden cylinders on those points and lit them. The blisters take a day or two to form. The next morning I rotated my shoulder and it went; pop, pop.... pop. It has been fine ever since but I haven't been lifting much.
Alternative medicines are something that I would pursue if I could afford it. One gentleman at the Wednesday Night Race awards evening recommended 'Apple a Day' and another place I can't find on the Internet.
Didn't get out to ride today. The first free day I have where Misao doesn't need the car I have to spend on a house repair. Have to be free to run back and forth to the hardware store because you don't always know what or how much you need until you get into the project. It is something that I cannot let sit once I start. With Winter coming and much needed work popping up from time to time the riding has suffered.
I can't wait for Windows 7 to come out with the problems I've been having. If I could have afforded it I would have gotten an Apple.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Finally my work number has transferred over to my new cell phone. With the new all-in-one computer device I scanned some of my work for a future web site. Also am going through some albums to see if there is anything I might want to digitalized. Found wrapping paper scraps still looking for a proper place in the album, from a gift, undelivered, I wrapped this spring.

Here is a photo from when I was living in Korea. Took hap-ki-do all four years. A studio in a neighborhood where I was doing some volunteer work. Everyone should know how to defend themselves and I look good in black. They have a promotion for their hap-ki-do lessons going on at Bally, but they wear white. Yes I was that thin. Below is a picture of my teacher. A bit of a mountain biker also.

I had an interaction over the Internet with my younger brother once. He claimed I was a violent person. He couldn't really give any examples for his ridiculous claims. Certainly no one I trained with in Korea, or here in Milwaukee when I took karate at UWM, would say I am violent. I mentioned my brothers assertions to a guy I know from the gym and he laughed in disbelief. But kudos to my brother for actually communicating his concerns; everyone talks about me and no one talks to me.

I have been part of conversations, not complimentary to others, when the object of the conversation was absent. I don't initiate such conversations but when I find myself in such circumstance I make it a point when I meet that person to say; "Hey, I heard you....."

Martial arts is about discipline on several levels. Fighting to keep in shape or restore ones health is a discipline. So is trying to be a good person. It requires constant attention. Man is more than material.
It is autumn. Most trail work gets done in the spring and autumn. I wont be helping on the trail work day tomorrow (it's Sunday). It is also the time to plant bulbs. we don't currently have any bulbs in the ground but I made a small new garden plot in the front where I may try the layer (aka sandwich or lasagna) system to have blooms all spring long.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Lazy Tuesday

Calling around I could find no work that pays today. And, it's raining again, oh no... Two solid weeks of work would 'start' to make a dent in our debt. Two solid weeks of work on the house, requiring the expenditure of the hard gained dollar, would put me in good shape as far as being ready for the Winter. I got to some of that work yesterday and will be taking on a chunk today. I also have about a dozen pieces for my various blogs bouncing around in my head that I could spend a whole week on. Some of that I will get to today also.

And of course I have to keep riding. I had a nice ride this last Sunday and if not for the falling darkness and approaching rainfall may have kept going forever. At least that is how I felt.

Just being in the limited nature our metro area provides is an upper. Seeing these deer munching acorns under an old oak tree in the park reminded me of the hunting season. The north woods with clean air, clean water and good food drawn from the immediate environment. Our economic circumstance will keep me from participating in either the bow or gun season. I'll be lucky to get up once to shoot a few rabbits.

Continuing the ride down the trails of unofficialdom along the river, here is the passage under the Swan Blvd bridge. Just pick a proper line and trust in the roll, gliding right through. Don't let worry or fear frustrate what comes natural like to the bike.

I chased off some ducks loitering on the trail here, obviously up to no good. A steep drop with no room for error. What everyone in the know will tell you is, keep your eyes where you want to go and don't look where you don't want to go... or that is where you will go. The river being low it would be a hard landing. That white blob is my black tire.

Not only getting back to riding more but already looking to get ready for next year. Am going to focus more on the core training at the gym and with the extra work looking to have a trainer this Winter. People recommend the spinning classes at Bally, but the mornings are too early with our schedule and I hate the crowds in the evening. I think I have plenty of upper body strength and don't need any extra weight there.

Moss roses. A nice ground cover. Another part of my friends garden. Will be giving him more help after this rain passes. It is nice to work with old friends, doing manly man stuff and trading friendly insults. Working in the hot sun where the only sunscreen used is a baseball cap. After many a day of work we decided what I will be paid for this labor intensive project. Not that I haven't helped without compensation before, but he has money and I don't, and he's my friend. And you would just have to be a jackass not to pay someone for this kind of hard labor.

When building trail one of the first lessons is the circle of death. That is you don't work when anyone or their tool is within the reach of the tool you are using yourself. I had brought over my digging tool, a 5+ foot long iron bar (it's really heavy), to help with the task at my friends property. Slamming the rock hard clay soil with shovels has brought some hurt to my wrists and elbows. I was digging and he was swinging this iron bar at an angle, shattering and shaving off the hard packed earth at the same time, striking perilously close to my foot.

"If you slip you're really going to mess up my foot." I said.

To which he responded, "Then you can't chase me."

I paused and replied, "You're right!"

The truth is all around us.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


When working days on end in the old studio classroom at SARUP there was nothing like Frank to get the room on fire in the middle of an all nighter.


Or happy birfday day to the Shed Master. No I'm not giving you $2 for beer.

And I'm not riding because I've been shoveling dirt all day. A small part of the extensive garden of my elementary school friend. No... we are not currently in elementary school, it is where we met. A good portion of the earth moving on the never ending projects he comes up with were accomplished with my help. And really... this is only a very small part. Pretty, isn't it.

And now we are digging up part of the yard again because the grass wasn't green here. He blames poor advice from the sod man who claimed you only need 1 inch of top soil under the sod. So take out the clay soils and then new top soil and sod. 6 inches of top soil is what you need but we will be providing 8-10 inches. Always ultra-meticulous and over doing everything.

Since pretty colors are so dominant today, why is the valve cap red? It is a slime tube. A self sealing tube. And you best orientate the valve like so when you're not using your bike. Otherwise the slime that drips into the valve while riding or parked will blow back into your tire pump. YUCK!

New camera means more pictures. I can't wait till 7 is released. I planned on taking a long ride today but after seven hours of digging and shoveling dirt and I was exhausted. An honest days work.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Maybe I should have bought a cheaper camera and got a photoshop package instead. Or I could have bought that and more along with the phones and camera. I don't have to pay for it for 18 months. But we just spent the minimum to get the financing and things we need. So being a struggle to edit and create videos I'll just put in a single clip and a photo from the now infamous Treadfest.

It sure was dusty and hot for September but a taste of Summer at last. Wished I had decided to race, but the way I felt after just hiking around maybe it was best I didn't. Besides, I saved some money and enjoyed taking photos. Racing sport makes the photo taking much less enjoyable. More rushed and it is always nice to catch photos of people you know but they are mostly racing sport themselves.

I'll get all the photos onto Flick'r eventually for all you looking for pictures of yourself. And hopefully put together a video montage to post in the future.

This weekend the local trails will be empty with the popular Chequamegan Fat Tire Festival. Though many are going I hear lots of complaints about the people up there. I go up to those parts whenever I can and know what they mean. The Ore To Shore, already past for this year, is highly touted and the area has more and better restaurants so they say. The Fall Color Festival, something for the whole family, is soon and sounds like a good time but... no money and a time crunch.
Happy riding everyone.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Going Mobile

Yes, to save a bit of coin we went mobile. A cell for each and broadband Internet. To get 18 months free financing we got a camera also. Small like our last one. So I will be going to Treadfest, at least to take some pictures and video. Maybe enter that competition they keep holding. And the camera has some great features. 16 shots in a second with one click make it ideal for sporting events. A feature only available on Nikon cameras.

Get back, see how football is going, go to church and then catch the Packers vs the Bears. Sounds like a plan. I just haven't been feeling well or riding much so I think it best not to race. I'll have to put my hopes for mountain bike glory on Sheboygan.

No more land lines, better voice mail and a more secure Internet connection. Probably wont have the numbers switched over until tomorrow. My cell is my former business number available on one of my other blogs. I'm just getting easier to reach all the time.

No more cables and wires running through the house. We wont save much but we'll save the church a few dollars too by Misao not using a cell on their package. Now if I can get repairs done and the house prepped for Winter we should be running trim and with the extra work getting our debt down.

Trail work today. Lots of people came to help. A crew with chainsaws, some more post holes dug and signs installed and the Oak Hill Trails are good to go. I last about 90 minutes before I start petering out. I should bring some drink along to keep going as do others. Plenty of refreshments afterwards. Thanks 'Beer Man' and thanks for the pleasant company to all those I worked with.

Missing the chance to write more on topics dear to my heart, my memoirs and reflections along with professional interests, but am happy to get the work and we need the money. I could try writing a book. The more I work on houses the more I get back into my design work. With the school season starting regular lectures at SARUP will keep me motivated and inspired.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day

Which is not today. The labor that pays alludes me today but hopefully tomorrow will be different. I wrenched my back (feeling a lot better) and re-tenderized my knee on a job site last week and that, with the extreme lack of funds, will keep me from Treadfest. My bestest favorite venue. No room on the CC for preregistration and no cash. If I had a camera I would go to take pictures. No Wednesday Night race tonight either as it stands now. Besides, my heart isn't into it.

But Misao and I had a nice ride on Sunday and enjoyed the holiday with a movie. "Julie and Julia" will get many a nomination. Then I busted out the gas grill. Misao always protests the use of the gas grill. I don't know why. we had a roast and some frozen steaks and pork we grilled up, among other things.

"Do you want to grill the meat (a bacon cut from an oriental market) you have in the refrigerator too?" I asked.

"No!" she said.

But that is what she always says. Then when i fire up the grill she starts bringing anything and everything out to grill, including zucchini and the fore mentioned meat. Pushes in and starts moving my well planned arrangement around to fit in all her stuff. Then she walks away leaving me to sort everything out. To restore order and reason to the world of grilled meats.

People say daughters are a joy. I imagine they would do much the same thing only it would make one very happy rather than...

rather than....

Leaving one to marvel at the capacity for opposites to attract. It would be nice to find out.

Still haven't called a dentist. The tooth hurts less than before with the chunk busted off.

Last night at the monthly meeting they decided to hold the awards for the Wednesday Night Races next week. Yes, tonight is the final Wednesday Night Race and next week at 7:00, after the Hank Aaron Trail Open House they will meet at Benno's Bar and Grill for the awards. Afterwards Fat Tire Beer is having a promotional event. I doubt they produce an NA version and I am not sure who Benno is. I'm not sure of a lot of things. I'm just guessing and hoping. My family says I'm crazy and angrily demand I never ask them again.

All that free publicity I give people. Can I still call myself a capitalist?

I posted this on the wrong blog and the d*** Vista wouldn't let me copy clip over so I had to retype the whole thing and set up the links again.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tuesday's Main Event

Before I write about the 'Wheel and Sprocket' sponsored ride this last Tuesday I feel compelled to comment on a very important issue. I feel I've disappointed myself and others as well.

I did not know that was a veggie burger. By the time I was aware of the fact I had already added the condiments and, the food being free, I felt it best not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Yes, free food and the opportunity to demo some Bikes, mountain and others, sponsored by 'Wheel and Sprocket.' Hoyt Park was ideal for its access to trails as well as the parkway for those looking to test out some bicycles and appreciate the company of good people. They plan to do it again at least once next year.

After looping the trail all too familiar to me I test rode the Trek 69er. So named for having a 26" wheel on the rear and a 29" wheel on the front. I found it counter intuitive that I continually felt the tendency that my tail was going to fly in the air sending me over the handle bars. They don't make the model any more.

Then a full 29er, the 'FELT nine.' Nice smooth ride that makes you feel big on the trail. Both test rides reminded me what a tank my 28+lb Trek 6700 is. The seven or so pound difference from my bike was very noticeable and I realized I need to get new front derailleurs. So nice when it just shifts smoothly without any finessing.

So did I enjoy myself? I can't enjoy much of anything any more. But more work today. Working with others is much more fulfilling, stimulating and just plain motivational than trying to work alone at home. Though I'm busy my projects at home are progressing more quickly.

Maybe I'll have a decent camera soon and provide some nice pictures. WORS is winding down its season. Certainly planning to make Treadfest and the Wigwam MTB Challenge.