Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Another Tuesday

And another blustery day. One of those days when the wind blows in your face no matter what direction you're riding. Ran some errands yesterday on my road bike. A dark sky, a few sprinkles and stiff wind said autumn is here. My favorite season. I saw my first pumpkin stand yesterday too. And cyclocross... The enthusiasts are experiencing bliss.

Here is a good portion of the peaches we took off the tree. Ate lots of cobbler and pie, and Misao made oodles of jam. And of course we gave plenty away. I didn't take out the runt or damaged peaches from the tree over the summer as I did last year. I think the main reason they were small this year though were the long stretches without rain. I only spend 5-10 minutes watering the entire garden and lawn when we don't get rain for a while.

I am working the core, my mid-section, where the most fat is, at the gym and at home. My left shoulder had stiffened up and was very painful as the weight I was benching went over double plates (2, 45's each side) and started shoulder strength training. My wife found a couple of pressure points under the shoulder blade that just melted the pain and tightness away, at least temporarily.

Then I pulled out this 'moxa' stuff from the drawer. Put a few of those season laden cylinders on those points and lit them. The blisters take a day or two to form. The next morning I rotated my shoulder and it went; pop, pop.... pop. It has been fine ever since but I haven't been lifting much.
Alternative medicines are something that I would pursue if I could afford it. One gentleman at the Wednesday Night Race awards evening recommended 'Apple a Day' and another place I can't find on the Internet.
Didn't get out to ride today. The first free day I have where Misao doesn't need the car I have to spend on a house repair. Have to be free to run back and forth to the hardware store because you don't always know what or how much you need until you get into the project. It is something that I cannot let sit once I start. With Winter coming and much needed work popping up from time to time the riding has suffered.
I can't wait for Windows 7 to come out with the problems I've been having. If I could have afforded it I would have gotten an Apple.

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