Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Winter Currents

Thanks again to Alois for another post. Yes, I've been getting out and riding everyday. I take my road bike as I dread the thought of my beloved mountain bike being exposed to the corrosive salt brine that covers out streets this time of year. As you can see many paths are still snow covered and a melt followed by a freeze will leave them rivers of ice. Monday I rode to the gym and was going to do some strength training for my legs. The ride in the falling snow and wet streets left my sweat pants so grimy I could not in good conscience use the equipment, so I worked the elliptic machine. Lacking any fancy Winter bike wear, old torn riding shorts go good under the sweat pants for Winter riding, saving my good shorts from needless wear and tear.

Also traveling downtown by bike on some errands. Had to mail some letters and pay some bills. It seems I wont need to be leaving the country and will be working evenings over the Internet if things work out. Things go much more smoothly when you deal with people who are not hoping you fail. I'll still have my days open, and now capital, to develop my company. And money to race.

I feel bad exposing even my road bike to the corrosive nature of Winter roadways. Can't use the hose outdoors to clean my bike so I thought since I was going to take a shower anyway I'd clean the bike at the same time. But it didn't fit in the tub.

Feel free to vote in the poll. Don't be shy. I know someone is there. The counter tells me so. I voted skeleton. Part of the allure of the Winter Olympics is how the events are so integral with the environment. And then their is the equipment. Misao said we had to watch the female figure skaters; the Japanese superstar vs. the Korean superstar. The rivalry is not only intense because of the history between the two nations but also based on their religions according to what my wife has read on Asian web sites. It seems that when the Japanese Mao Asada fell in a previous competition with Kim (or Queen to some) Yu Na, that Korean Christians were boasting it was because Asada had no particular faith (you almost have a different version of Buddhism or Shintoism, for each family in Japan) and Kim was a Christian, Christianity making up over 25% of the population in Korea. That's the spirit! ...?

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Heute hat das Thermometer nach langer, langer Zeit endlich mal wieder die Null Grad Grenze nach oben überschritten. Die Sonne hat sich auch kurz gezeigt, und ich habe die Gelegenheit genutzt, eine kleine Rad-Tour zu machen. Mit meiner Digitalkamera habe ich ein paar winterliche Szenen einfangen können:

Unsere Esel sonnen und wärmen sich gegenseitig in der Winterkälte.

Das Lama wundert sich über den unbekannten Besucher ...

Enten auf dem Eis - zu kalt ...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Did I Miss Fat Tuesday?

Almost. I guess Easter will be in March this year. Happy Ash Wednesday, if that is the proper greeting.

But I caught the local news coverage just in time to reflect at midnight, with a smile, on my experience in New Orleans some many years ago. When the Shore Patrol, Mounted Police, Deputies and law enforcement of nearly every type made a line and marched down the streets of the French Quarter proclaiming Mardi Gras over. Giving fools what they deserved if they failed to vacate the streets. 

So I rode my bike today to the gym, and have to determine to ride everyday this Lent no matter the weather. I'll also have to give up on the 'Maple Leaf Cream Cookies'. Watching the Olympic athletes, after years of excruciating training, giving their all in their events while sitting on the couch eating 'Maple Leaf Cream Cookies' just seems so right, the Olympics being in Canada and all. But I guess I can make the sacrifice.

Bike Teams:

Team Cyclopath has new jerseys this year. They are going with Champion Systems. Metro Mountain Bikers is also creating new jerseys and is planning to go with the same company. The pricing is good but no one thinks their biking shorts are beyond mediocre. A post to those on the Alterra e-mail list says they are looking for new team members. Unless he was talking about starting a new team. Not exactly sure. And then the rumor of an all Clydesdale team is out there. Right now I'm wondering if I'll be able to afford racing at all this year. Don't know what team commitments I can make. Not much communication with Team Cyclopath. I might not even be in the country by the time the season starts.

Bike Races:

I can think of three WORS and one WEMS race I can make but that's about it as it stands right now financially. Continued talk of a 75 mile Epic MTB Race coming to Wisconsin, but no one has any specifics. And one of the growing trends in bicycling is the 'self supported race'. The Chequamegon 100 one of many popping up all over. The Great Divide Race being one of the originals. Not every athlete can be a superstar. The ever increasing interest in fitness seems to draw athletes to individual sports rather than team sports. Even bowling leagues compete on individual rather than as teams more and more. Perhaps a symptom of peoples interests and activity being less focused on their geographic community.

Other Issues:

And the breaking top news for this Winter is that 'Ray's MTB Park' will be opening a facility in Milwaukee. The economic impact of cycling tourism for Wisconsin is being played up. Of course that includes the improved health benefits of physical activity among other things. I'll be looking at that closely when I get the chance for a post, one of two, I have been putting together for my professional blog. And yes the Wigwam photos are up.

The Green Police Quiz:

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

And Happy New Year as the Year of the Tiger starts today. A busy weekend and not much time to write as it is a good day for selling flowers and Churching. Out of several job options available is one that would take me overseas for a year. Misao seemed a bit too excited when I ran that one by her. She must think she can come along.

A favorite of many locals has reopened for Valentines Day for those sushi connoisseurs. It is where my wife would rather be today.

What about those Olympics? Have been missing some of my favorites being busy. All I can say is these Olympics are very Canadian. Whatever that means to you.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day

I really like this picture. I'm not sure why. Yes, I got me photos up on flick'r from the 2009 Treadfest and will have the Wigwam photos up tomorrow. ...

Ride into the light...

The dog says; "We call this snow young man." And we have at least eight more hours before it stops.

All efforts to resist the onslaught seem futile. Of course the drifts are the highest in front of our garage door. Fortunately the Snow Fairy will come by tonight, and in the morning the sidewalks will be clear. I believe.

I used to have trouble keeping warm in the Winter,often getting headaches and chills, but going barefoot at home seems to keep my body regulating itself in good and proper fashion. Or maybe it's just a sign of better health, now that I can actually sleep since being treated for the dread sleep apnea.

No riding today.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm becoming John Madden

Yes, I can't seem to get my weight down, but that is not the only reason I'm becoming John Madden. I was watching the Super Bowl and hoping for a turn over by the New Orleans Saints on their touchdown drive. Somehow I knew it wasn't going to happen. After the Colts got the ball back I knew Manning was going to throw an interception and nearly stopped watching. And it came to be. Reminded me of all those Monday Night Football games Madden used to call. He would say this is when such and such happens, and a few plays later it most always did.

Of course in the first quarter when the refs didn't call that hit out of bounds against the Saints or the pass interference, I wasn't expecting the Colts to win. And then a late hit almost exactly the same as the one not called was called against the Colts. It could have been an instant replay. And funny how no one referenced the Packers' playoff game when the Saints did that on side kick. I guess no one is allowed to question authority anymore. Best commercial....

I got on my bike today despite the morning flurries and the big flower day on its way. I determine to push the Winter riding and then the weatherman predicts 6-10" of snow starting tonight, or 9-12" depending on which channel you watch. I thought I was over dressed on my way to the gym. It was warmer than they said it would be. On the way back, riding into the wind, I found I was barely over dressed.

My knee is bothering me. Walking the track also caused pain so I did some light extensions, focusing on keeping everything in line. Afterwards the knee felt fine as I walked. It must be the extra weight that is causing it to act up.

Searching public records is nearly impossible without names and dates, or loads of money since they have hefty fees to see any documents, or I'll just get a lawyer. I don't speak to my family much. If they would lie to me again I think I would just drop dead on the spot, so I don't even ask.

Tomorrow will be a computer day, with occasional breaks to shovel snow. I have a drawing to work on and some things to write. I also have a nice new shiny bag of mortar mix, Type S. And I found a product for another basement wall repair that I need to do. Didn't have the money to buy a bag or two but after the holiday sales I should be able to pick up a few more things a need for the basement. Don't think I could swing a trainer though.

The Olympics are on the way. Every weekend has Winter sport events on TV. It seems the variations are almost endless. 'Crashed Ice' is one such sport that seems to be unique to Quebec. Seeing green grass in news shots of Vancouver I don't think the Olympic athletes will have much of a problem getting their.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday

Today is the big day. And unlike most Sundays there's no Churching, outside of my own study. No way to get there without a car. I could have gone by bicycle. Too bad I thought of that just now. Actually a bit cold for me to ride and I don't like riding the salty streets. But I'll brave the cold tomorrow on a shorter trip to the gym and see how it goes in 20 degree weather. Have to take advantage of the lack of snow seeing I can't afford a trainer.

I have no particular interest in who wins this game. I love the older teams, but the Colts moved so dropped out of favor in my mind. Some think New Orleans should move,... the entire city. The TV coverage has already long started though the game is several hours away. Don't feel like doing anything special to prepare for the game, seeing my weight shot way up this last week. Most likely I'll practice my mad poker skills online while I watch. Still chasing that $1 million play money goal. You get so close and then it's one bad beat after the other.

I'll be looking for the team leading at half time to lose.... unless the Colts are winning.

I'll also spend some time writing today (like right now). A title search on google has a piece of fiction I wrote on my political blog coming up second. I should have created a counter just for that page to see how many have visited. I have several pieces all put together in my head waiting to explode. Including a piece on why playing Omaha hi/lo will improve your Hold'm game.

I would spend time wondering if there was anything I wasn't good at, but it would take too long.

And then there is my continuing crusade against tall people. I worked at one firm with another of the tall people. He continually asked the principle Architect if he could beat me to a pulp. Mostly in good fun but still not something you say to a fellow co-worker. Especially someone near ten years your senior. But no one said a thing to him for months till one day three simple words, or is it four, in response to his threats to beat me up must have resulted in him being called into the office. Cause I didn't hear it no more.

I said; "No you can't."

Maybe I learned not to be enamored by someone because they are tall from my older brother. Being that he is considerably shorter than myself.

Another task to do today would be to organize my photos from last year and get some up on Flick'r. Been on my short list for a while. An old acquaintance of mine has started a blog on photography. I will be adding him to my blog list.

I'll be making another run at trying to make some money on e-bay. But you need money to make money. You see all those free $500 gift cards. Well you have to sign up for a lot of stuff to get them and not cancel a portion of the offers over some period of time. It means it takes time to get the gift card and it's going to cost you something in relation to the other things you have to sign up for. But for most cards you can get at least 90% of the value on e-bay, minus e-bay's fee and postage.

Why... I saw a $50 Home Depot gift card with a bid of $51.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tall People

Today was a bit too cold and windy to go for a ride and I haven't been feeling well.

We all know tall people. The first ones picked. They get the higher salaries and everyone wants to be their friend. The problem with tall people is that they are all part bully. They can't help it. They are never challenged and learn they can get anything they want, make people back down, just by asserting themselves.

The other day at the gym one of the tall people took offense that I didn't consider his advice as being from on high. Attacking me with insults I stood my ground giving a well reason response. He responded with a vile derogatory. When I called him the same his face quivered with shock and awe and he said;

"You called me an ...."

I doubt he even realized he had called me the same moments earlier. Being tall he most likely never faced any consequences for anything he has ever said since he is basically a good guy. But he's tall.

Now if ever I feel down I can think of the look on his face and have a good laugh. Then I got in his face and told him he didn't know what he was talking about. Standing up to the tall people is one of the small pleasures of life that far too few people dare to enjoy.

As a general rule the tall people don't like me, even before they know me. I often wonder if it has any relation to my family name which means 'short' in German.

I'm a bit obsesses with the bulbs I planted this fall. I found one on the ground before Winter came, and wondered what had dug it up, disturbing the pattern I had created. Wondering how everything will look when spring finally gets here. The squirrel is the most likely culprit. But I haven't seen the squirrel around for some time now. And all those rabbits that litter the lawns across the neighborhood at night when I walk the dog seem to be gone.

I suspect fowl play.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Rocking Chair

 There are two activities that one can use to dominate ones time, keep from spacing out, when spending most of ones day alone without much human interaction, as I do not have full time employment. Those are reading and writing. So I spend a lot of time on the computer writing on my many blogs. It doesn't get the other things I need to do done, but I don't have the money to do them anyway (now the furnace is busted... again). But it keeps me from spacing out.

After I wrote this piece, I've received on average over ten spy-ware attacks everyday according to my software.

I have found that a rocking chair works very well at the computer desk. One can lean back confidently and lean forward easily to get deep into the screen or look at some reference material. And you can turn the chair much more easily than a traditional four legged chair.

Our office chair, with wheels and swivels, broke. I'm just too fat, but I can burn some of that off rocking back and forth.

Yes, I claimed victory and then my weight shot up. But I just got in the mail a free trial of a fish oil and Acai product and I was down one pound today. Took my bike to the gym yesterday though the temperature was at freezing. But there was no wind so it was a comfortable ride. Pulled out some of my camouflage hunting head gear to keep my face warm. Not sure if the cars could still see me. One nearly ran me right down. Hope it wasn't anyone who knows me.

One thing about writing on the Internet is that more people know you than you them. I receive lots of e-mails from women looking for relationships. Probably hundreds over the last few years. I'm quite sure all my profiles say I am married. I never read them.. well I read one once... or two... maybe four. They come from dating services and are generally harmless. Are they sending them out in mass or what? Maybe I am the target of a practical joke. They go into the spam folder and are deleted.

I pulled out my spotting scope last night about 2am and tried to get a shot of the waning 'wolf moon'. The first full moon of the year when the moon is closest to the earth. The skies were overcast on the day, Saturday, so I had to wait a couple days. The scope gave me a beautifully detailed view of the moon. Unfortunate the digital camera has no threads to connect to the camera adapter so I couldn't get a clean still shot. But I got a picture for my blog.

A Winter with little snow can hardly be called Winter at all. The unnaturally warm January temps melted most of the snow and got me thinking of the garden. I moved the begonia into a bigger pot with some fresh soils. I put in some fancy tulips and some other bulbs by the front gate. I put some tulips in the former begonia pot. Both pots are sitting in the basement. It will be nice to see them all come up along with the new hybrid lilies and the lily of the valley I put in near the end of last year. Something else I can use the camera for.

The Bicycle Federation is having a 'love your bike party' for those so inclined. That's Thursday, February 11th. That's before the big flower day.