Friday, July 19, 2013

Three Bridges Park

Tomorrow is the official opening of Three Bridges Park. When I heard of it on our neighborhood site I thought they were renaming our park as we have three automobile bridges surrounding our neighborhood. But no. This is a new park a bit farther down our Menomonee River Valley, heading east to the lake. The valley does have three auto viaducts over it but the name comes from three (I am sure very expensive) bicycle bridges that connect the park to the south side which would otherwise be cut off by the river and railroad tracks. It is part and parcel of the Hank Aaron State Trail.

This weekend also includes the Trek Summer Sale at Emery’s and other dealers I am sure. This week is the La Crosse Speedway Criterium, in West Salem. Sounds like a spectator friendly event.

The fact that I have not come across the Three Bridges Park, or the area, since they started the work on it really highlights how little I have gotten out on my bike over the last year. It is very close. So I know what you’re thinking:

“We don’t hold it against you Phillip. We know you’re not one of those dipsomaniacal heathens or liberal binge drinkers that make up the radical bicycling crowd. Don’t worry about it.”

But there are plenty of right thinking high minded wholesome people, like myself, who make up the radical looking bicycle community.


DSCN3934Yes, after some four years, almost being chewed down beyond return, our raspberry bush is producing. Despite the heat life goes on. Some quite productively. Our lilies are blooming and the cucumber is finally starting to grow; taking off. I have not ridden in the heat.

I know the Charity Jackpot is getting tempting because my wife asked if she could win the money. Now for the $18 question:

In editing my books I often reduce the word count by eliminating unnecessary tautological expressions. I also increase my vocabulary by making notes of unfamiliar words I come across when I am reading. What was I reading when I came across the word “Tautology?”

OK. It’s an almost impossible question. Why complain? No one has been making any attempts. I can tell you now this will be reused if no one even tries. If you are a dipsomaniacal Liberal or heathen binge drinker you might get it. See the rules page.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Car Troubles

Ike was mystified by the fireworks until they became too loud. We saw in part several local 4th of July events in the distance from our local park. And the 4th of July of the Mountain Bike season is soon to arrive. Not yet a national holiday but who knows. Yes, that national classic, The Subaru Cup, is this coming weekend. It is part of the WORS Series. WORS is an advocates of school based mountain bike clubs and competition. Another event this weekend is the Milwaukee Challenge, a scavenger hunt.

Yes car troubles kept me from the Metro Mountain Biker’s monthly meeting last night. I did not forget. Ride my bike? Well… I thought of it too late. This coming Tuesday there will be an Odd Tuesday Ride. It will also be the day Paul 0519121347aMcCarthy will be performing at the Brewers stadium, the All Star Game is played (Baseball), the 68th anniversary of the detonation of the atomic bomb is …not celebrated and my birthday.

My car is in far less trouble than this tree; a huge spreading oak. What’s killing it? Malicious landscapers. This tree’s roots had been exposed over much of the yard for decades. When landscapers covered them with top soil for the new owners who wanted one of those ‘most beautiful yard’ award signs in front of their house it began to die. Exposed roots rot if you cover them. I knew that and I told them that. The tree really is, soon to be was huge. They should display the trunk at City Hall (Wauwatosa) as a display of the largest oak in the city and how it was …murdered!

I have been setting my mind to work, design and writing and adding value to our home and whatever day work I can get, and am just now adding regained focus on fitness to my too numerous endeavors that hinder peak productivity. This month has already been one of my most strenuous training wise. I was running along swimmingly, or perhaps swimming, when a ponderance stopped me nearly cold: How does the simplicity of a flash drive become corrupted? I lost three weeks of writing on my book. Fortunately I have hard copy of about a third of what I lost, as I sent a portion of my writing to Alois for review as some of my characters are German.

0609121341Why would anyone want someone who can’t dig a straight trench do anything for them. The fact that my attention to detail astounds some, that it is no longer common, is a poor reflection on society. The complimentor spelled ‘hole’ wrong. !? Or did he? Perhaps he is calling me a “whole”.

0721121833The $16 question: Where was the picture directly above taken? See rules in link in sidebar.