Saturday, April 23, 2016

Ready, Set, ...Pump

Midget wrestling tonight! I would tell you where, but I am sure the crowd will be overflow. Even now those midgets are pumping up their muscles.
April showers? Yes. it is April for one more week. You would not know it today, but we had snow this month. But there are no more excuses. It is time to ride.

We made it to the Bike Expo, simply out of habit. I intended to buy a new helmet but the wallet doth protest. Besides, pumps were cheaper than helmets. (we didn’t but a pump either) The nice clamp onto the stem with a pressure gauge pumps of various price. You could even buy a pump bundle, complete with a tire repair CO2 kit and bicycle care products for $100; still cheaper than some helmets.

As we approached the Bike Expo we saw at least a dozen people walking out with pumps. And it is time to pump up those tires; the Kettles have opened and so has Little Switzerland. Minooka is open also. The biking season is underway. The rain this week was not enough to close the mountain bike trails for long. Check before you ride or simply use some common sense.

The La Crosse Omnium is just around the corner. One of the most beautiful areas of our entire country. Pump up those tires, get out on your bike and prepare for whatever level or venue you desire to compete at. The WORS handbook is available on line or at many of your local bicycle shops.

You don’t compete? Despise competition? Get off my blog!

I have written about bicycle baskets in the past, that their were too few available. That has changed somewhat. I saw a very interesting basket at the Bike Expo. It clipped into a bracket you mount on your bicycle. You can detach it and it has swing up handles, much like a grocery basket.

I asked my wife, “Do you want a basket like this for your bike? You can go grocery shopping with your bicycle.”

“No.” she answered in her most common of responses to my inquiries, as I mused getting it for myself and doing my own grocery shopping.

So am I become a housewife? Underemployed I find myself vacuuming and cleaning, and doing the dishes at an ever increasing rate. If I were to take up such a role, certainly “the dishes would all be cleaner.” But never fear, such a fate will never befall me, bringing all to question the future of what it is to be a man. I have many a manly pursuits to entertain myself in, building with wood, working the dirt with my hands…

I am growing potatoes this year. Seeing how expensive grow bags are, a person on the Kenosha Potato Project Facebook site suggested I could make grow bags out of a good quality garden fabric; that one uses to block weeds and such. I suggested to my wife that we get a sewing machine, but the finances are prohibitive. So I will sew up some grow bags by hand.

It’s beautiful outside. Get out and ride your bike; …do something, anything outside. (I know I’m on the computer but I was outside) It looks like we will have a good crop of peaches this year, despite losing several major branches from the weight of the fruit tearing them from the tree last year. I saw a bumble bee buzzing about the yard today. I do not think we will be doing any canning though.

Sorry, I have been long overdue in my posts. I will rectify that.

The $134 question: What were my three most favorite WORS races? Keeping the same question. Check out the Charity Jackpot Page link in the sidebar to possibly triple the amount.