Friday, May 31, 2013


Congratulations to the hardworking mountain bike enthusiasts of Waukesha. The Minooka Park Trails have a ribbon cutting tomorrow morning. They worked hard. More trails to come. Go thank them and check out the new trails.

If only I had stayed current in my fitness goals I may have enjoyed entering the Spartan Race being held just down the road at Miller Park this September. I can always dream.

My wife has been studying this Heso Ampuku Message. I had been looking to find a good alternative medicine institution but this will have to do until we become filthy rich. Filthy is the easy part.

DSCN3857My wife’s efforts suggest that my liver is the problem, not that I didn’t know that, some chronic condition. I also take these supplements that are both good for the liver. They are supposed to help me lose weight. I don’t take as many tablets they recommend. Some may call me cheap. I prefer fiscally prudent. I have not lost any weight these last couple of months. Green coffee has been talked about a lot as a weight loss aid. I tried it as the claims are it specifically attacks fat in the liver and abdomen.

Yesterday was my final delivery day. I will now focus on writing full time. I arrived home after my final delivery day and put the car in the garage. Sitting in my car in the garage I waited a moment to see if some blow hard on the radio was going to play a song he had said he would play for like fifteen minutes when I received a text message. It was from Twitter. An author I had been following a long time had just begun to follow me. Closest thing to a message from God that I have had in a long time.

I will change my rules for the jackpot again to include International readers. They must name a charity based in the United States however so I can verify its validity. I can add more states to the qualifications if I can receive reliable information as to the legality of awarding prizes to charities in those states. Check out the Charity Jackpot page in the side bar.

The $12 question is the easiest so far, but it is only a $12 question and it is a trick question. After High School in my first year of University where did I live? No specifics required. General answers allowed and expected.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

A time to remember those who died, most notably members of our armed forces. It was called decoration day and decorating graves of loved ones was the norm. Then it modelAbecame decorating ones yard. I was planning a garden day as both my wife and I had the whole day free. We were going to get some major garden projects done and maybe go for a bike ride. The weather snuffed out everyone’s plans. The whole neighborhood was quiet.

But the weather was perfect for bringing an end to some old unsustainable school projects. I couldn’t bring myself to throw them in the trash so I burned them. The largest seen here.


It is surprising how well Strathmore burns once it gets going.

The WORS season looks to be going well though I have yet to get to a race. Plenty of pictures on their Facebook page. I missed the last Metro Meeting having had a very long work week and weekend with that other holiday in May. I was still recovering and completely forgot.

Another race series some may be interested in is the Urban Dare, coming to Chicago June 15th. I am still pushing to get back into a rigid fitness routine. I gave my delivery job five months notice and will soon be writing full time. It will be easier to work in an exercise schedule around my writing. Writing I am also doing a lot more reading.


Of course there had to be the grilling for the holiday.

Note the changes to the jackpot rules on the Jackpot page.

Here is the $10 question. I have never gone to a movie by myself. Way back there was a movie I really wanted to see but my brothers and mother went without me. I never saw the movie. What movie was it? Hint: I have been there.

See how you can double the winnings for charity on the jackpot page.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Pictures and Portends

My wit, sometimes too earthy humor, valuable information and advice keep people coming back to the blog. But it is pictures that really keep people interested. Like a good coffee table book a blog needs photos.

DSCN3893Took a ride today. Here are the gravel paths around the detention ponds near the Hoyt Park Trails. The site I suggested for an “It’s April You Fool” race. Though in April the trails may not be fit to ride the gravel would hold out. Maybe some cyclocross style runs up and down some grassy knolls. Want to ride the Himalayas? I got an e-mail from these guys.

DSCN3895The other side of the road has more. Several runners and walkers were using the paths.The mountain bike trails had a few wet spots but were in fairly good condition. Tomorrow will be an odd Tuesday ride. I believe it will be the first. I need to follow the site more. I missed the e-mail about the Sunday trail work day they held yesterday afternoon. One of the first times I would have been free. The Wednesday time trials will begin soon at The Rock; The Alpha Trail.

DSCN3887Not sure if this is connected to the flood control plan but it is a picture.

What will the rest of May bring? How will the summer play out? May 1st has been an important date for different cultures and of course the communists. Some consider snow a good sign and it snowed heavy in Northern Wisconsin. In the orient they say a families fortunes are shaped by the landscape of burial plots and many of my family are buried in the north.

DSCN3906Here at home our peach blossoms bloomed on May 1st. Who knows if it is a sign of changing fortunes for us.

DSCN3891We found ourselves in that socialist haven called Greenfield. Took some interest in a local artist.

I checked my settings and yes, I do have the settings at “anyone” for comments. Maybe people don’t like money.

Here is the $8 question anyway. I went to a movie with my classmate who put me onto the magazine of $6 question fame and one other. What movie did the three of us go to see when we were in High School?