Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Wheel on the Bike Goes Bump Bump Bump

Yes, I got in a good ride shortly before noon the other day when suddenly the bike started going bump bump bump. Inspecting my tire, I found the sidewall is failing. Another expense I can do without but I have to buy a new tire. WORS has recommended this tire; XR2 TLR 26". Looks good to me. The tread on my tire was also nearly gone, but you'd think a tire would last more than one season. I suspect it has something to do with being made in China. So I will have two different wheels with two different tires on my bike. Then I need a new bottom bracket, and the fore mentioned tubes and break pads. Should be set to race then... after I lose about twenty pounds.

Still I continued my ride as I thought I better get in as much riding as possible as long as I was out and wouldn't be going again until I got the new tire. Traveled the paved Hank Aaron Trail west. This is well used. People taking walks on their lunch breaks, mothers out with their children, bicyclers, joggers and the homeless all taking advantage. It is the green and relative quiet that is attractive. And here is a good segway to promote the Fresh Air Fund, though I am a bit late. It appears a cause based on sound ideas. Being closer to nature is good for all of us. Groups now contact me to promote their causes on this blog. Not sure where they get their stats. My counter tells me one thing, blogger stats tell me another, so I am unclear which, if any, source is correct as far as Internet traffic is concerned. I came across this video studying the interactions of autos, pedestrians and bicyclists. It doesn't make bicyclists look good.

On an earlier ride I was greeted by a man that proudly proclaimed that he rode 75 miles in the 'Miller Lite Ride for the Arts.' The Trek 100 has passed also. Both events I failed to mention. Also have to recognize a local for great achievements. But the 'Midwest MTB Festival' is this coming weekend. And the 'Ride the Divide' race is on. The promotion of the "Ride the Divide" film has been a big boost to the event. As of May they were expecting 100 participants. The problem is that it is an underground event, no permits (not sure if any are required) or sanctions by any organization. I have not been able to find the race event site where in the past you could follow the races progress. On the movie site all shipping for merchandise is free (code required) until the leader finishes the race. You can get the code from their facebook site. All things to put on your calenders for next year.

A big endurance race this weekend at John Muir. And don't forget the Subaru Cup is fast approaching. Not sure why I was thinking of attending the Subaru Cup, I have a big family event to attend on that date.

Yes, last night was the monthly mountain bikers meeting, for all of those who ride monthly... or not. The highlights being remarks that the John Muir Trails are in fantastic shape and mountain bikers love the technicality of the Emma Carlin Trails. And most importantly, orange is the new black. Or so Metro Mountain Bikers claim as they fawn over their new orange jerseys. Not sure how well that will go over in Architecture, where Architects claim relevance by garbing themselves in black.

I took this picture on a ride a couple days after the spring river clean up. Obviously the cleaning was not as thorough as it could have been. It goes to show what happens when you try to be something your not; this raccoon thinking himself a beaver. Just some of the lessons one can learn from nature, from riding a mountain bike. In my goal to put in 60 productive hours a week into work or exercise I have found a schedule useless. Schedules just disrupt the natural flow of activity. I have a list of things I want to do on a particular day and start with one item. If it fills the entire day... good. If not I move onto the next item. It is why I don't make it to the gym much. The time when I usually go, when my friends are there, just breaks up the day to the point where I cannot immerse myself into a project. Some of my blogs I include in the 60 hours, others I don't. I have been putting together a spreadsheet, cost estimates for repairing my roof. $2,500 in materials, well over $3,000 if I want to do it in a fashion that excludes a potential plunge to my death.

Facebook is the biggest waste of time. The Internet in general is growing cumbersome. far too over extended. I don't go to the mountain biking forums any more. I was in my e-mail the other day and it suddenly said my instant messenger has been disabled as I just signed into my account on another computer.

I hate those that take spying for wisdom, who take want of manners for courage, and take tale-telling for honesty. ...Confucius (2006). The Sayings Of Confucius (Kindle Locations 990-991). Public Domain Books. Kindle Edition.

Yes plenty of free books available for Kindle, and for a very small price you can purchase my books of adventure and battles for worth. I highly recommend all my stories.

Hopefully Alois will be posting soon with tales of his own adventures here in the United States. Will be focusing on my other blogs for a while now.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Is it Spring or Summer?

Yes, Memorial Day seems to be the natural turning point from Spring to Summer. We went five whole days after turning off the heater before putting in the air conditioner. New record highs in a mini heat wave made this following weather, now over 30 degrees lower than a few days ago, seem cool. Just a month earlier 60 degrees, and colder, would have seemed warm.

But I did get out for some good rides. Even in the extreme heat I got out some evenings. The pool is open at Hoyt Park and the trails ride well. My knee has been bothering me as I fell on it last month bowling. I am wondering if I have/had a hair line fracture the way it has been feeling. That and the inability to lose much weight have made me give up on the Subaru Cup. Money is an issue also. I will set my sights on local races; WORS races 6, 7, 10, and 12, possibly 9. And yes, the Wednesday Night time trials are going on with Metro Mountain Bikers. I should start attending. Also they have the Odd Tuesday Rides, all the information on their site.

Here was our Memorial Day meal. I need to find a proper diet to lose weight. I see many people claim protein diets work, though I can't get Misao to stop serving carbohydrate filled meals. Taking a break from our mundane life we went to the mall and walked around. The book store had a book from a guy who claimed it was insulin control that is the key to losing weight. It makes perfect sense to me. Too bad we can't afford his book. High protein and high fat, who can argue with that?

I haven't posted much recently but have plenty of pictures to make up for it. Alois passed his test, as he was studying English in California, and has promised many photos after he returns home and has time to post.

I made a carrying case for the back of my bike. Just gathered stuff hanging around the house, a couple dollars on hardware, miscellaneous tools and about an hour and a half of my time.

Three pieces of scrap plywood, roughly the same size and shape.

Clamp with nuts and bolts the base of the box, part of a commercial container system for transporting cut flowers, between two pieces of plywood.

The bottom piece needed to be cut to fit underneath the saddle stem mounted cargo rack. The drill provided the rounded end and then the jig saw finished the job.

Then I bolted everything together creating a snug fit to hold the box to the rack. Tightening any of the bolts too much thew off the alignment of the bolts on the three pieces of wood. I had to loosen everything and then tighten it again. It was a bit of a hassle to get the rack clamped to the saddle stem. The box was set far back enough that I didn't need to remove the saddle bag. It also doesn't interfere with me.

Misao took note of my creation and asked, "You're not going to go around on your bike picking up cans are you?" She said that would be embarrassing. And with one look, a single remark, my goals for world dominion have suffered another set back. It was also to be part of my weight loss plan and source of funding for new bike parts. I'm not sure if it is the act of recycling she finds embarrassing, or the fact that she dresses me so fashionably and my bike is so nice compared to the people usually collecting cans by bicycle around the city.

I also spent time in the most heated of heat this past week putting in the garden. A bit late, but we got everything in. Also planted some sunflowers where the raspberries grow. We only have one small raspberry plant. It will fill in the space over the years.

Here is a photo from the Memorial Day Parade. We rode our bikes to the Parade. There were lot of people out on their bikes. The new Canal Street corridor is very nice. Most people like to ride the broad sidewalks though some, as is legal, ride with the cars in the street. Many people took their bikes to the Parade but I was surprised how many people were riding away from downtown as the time for the Parade to start was quickly approaching. The photo is also a good opportunity to shamelessly promote my latest book, available only for Kindle. I took the photo for the cover myself. I haven't written much recently but feel a writing binge coming on.