Wednesday, May 28, 2014

3 Hours and 44 Minutes

0527141936aThat is how long it took the Milwaukee Brewers to win last night. Misao had a great time with me at the game, a game that went into extra innings. It was a great game. I don’t mind losing if it’s the other team. We were in the nose bleeds and when we came down in the tenth and watched from the concessions/circulation area when we were kindly told to take a seat by the staff. There were lots of extra seats. A great win. As soon as the bounce off the wall was misjudged it was over. The man from first base was already over halfway to third.

DSCN3837Another activity Misao really enjoys is live theater. This Sunday, June 1st, is the United Performing Arts Fund Ride sponsored by Miller Lite. A worthy cause, one among so many. This one in particular has looked to Metro Mountain Bikers and other such organizations for volunteer ride Marshals. They make sure everyone has their helmet on correctly, not backwards (it happens), and assist any bikers in distress.

After three days of barbeques ending with my grilling perfection on display Monday I jumped on the scale and found I had lost three pounds. Plan to buy a load-full of beef sticks, maybe turkey, to fuel my planned training program; a protein diet. Yes, planned. I had little exercise this month. Last night’s walk to and from the game from our home was the most exercise I have had in weeks.

It is not that I have not been busy. I have been working hard to make my writing goals, despite the extensive fore mentioned holiday activities, a major holiday, Mother’s Day, specific to our retail business that was more than three days non-stop for us, both our cars needing to be repaired not to mention yesterday’s game and the demands spring brings to yard and garden. How many words was that last sentence? Yes, I include successful blog posts in my monthly word counts. And no, no, no ….no, no … no, no I am not trying to senselessly add needless wording to make my goal. It is for you, my gracious reader’s entertainment.

Really, really really truly. Trust me.

DSCN1060Yes, my weight is on it’s way down after a typical very small Spring bump. I have been getting my bike cleaned up and will be hitting the trails hard this Summer; promise. Writing and riding will be the order of business and all entertainment options, except for taking Misao and my mom to see Godzilla (I told you it would be a hit), is dictated by the Summer bowling league my friend dragged me into. That is where I received the Brewers tickets and will be getting Wisconsin State Fair tickets. Wisconsin has the second best State Fair in the whole nation for any of you who want to come and visit. Actually, I might win some movie passes this week if I strike on a colored headpin.

The $59 Question; What three homes did we eat at this holiday weekend? See Charity Jackpot Page in sidebar.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Here Comes the Sun

Is the sun setting on the old Trek 6700? I stripped it down, removing the air pump, saddle bag and accessories, to be carried on my person when needed. Front fork maintenance? What’s that? It ran fine over the trails these many long years, but it wont see anymore racing. From this year it will be my official getting around bike, cheap enough now to be locked up at a bike rack. Sure I’ll be fun’n on the trails but it’ll take many a lost pound and a new bike to get back to racing.

DSCN4670Always looking to keep my readers informed, one of the best lakefront events of the season is just around the corner; The Milwaukee Air and Water Show. Reserved seating is available for purchase. It’s what keeps the event alive. Plenty of stands and vendors lining Lincoln Memorial Drive. That’s June 21st &22nd from 10:00 to 16:00. The Blue Angels will be there. It is a great time on the lake. The best part is it is a beautiful ride there and all the way down to thye lake. the Hank Aaron Trail and Canal Street are a convenient bicycle corridor. Plenty of time to make your plans. …You’re welcome.

I almost got out on the trails yesterday for the first time this year, and the day before that was the Odd Tuesday Ride with Metro Mountain Bikers. Couldn’t make it. Yard work and spring cleaning, isn’t the weather great now, along with my writing goals kept me occupied and away from the trails.

I know what you are all wondering. I have left you all in unwarranted suspense. “Did you take first and win the trophy in your bowling league? Tell us. Tell us!”

OK. I’ll tell you. They didn’t award trophies for first place, they awarded plaques.

DSCN2256The sun draws me outdoors. It isn’t the time of year to be indoors bowling or watching TV, though it happens. I heard that the variety show is trying to make a comeback on television. If that is even remotely possible I have only three word’s; The Band Perry. The only act in entertainment today that says family. And our country really needs family and the values that come with them. We loved their performance in that show for the troops the Country Music Academy put on. I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day. Our weekend is booked with friends and family. I will be grilling on Monday.

You can take any worn out old American flags to North Shore Bank and they will send them to management which will have them disposed of properly.

The $58 question: What is the name, with the State, of Captain George’s hometown? From my book: ”Chuck Hammer and The Invisible Squadron; A Vendetta’s Wage’' Check out the Charity Jackpot Page in the sidebar to see how to double or triple the amount.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Oh No!

I Predict “Godzilla” will be the biggest movie of the Summer. OK, now you’re asking yourself; ‘What’s Summer?’ I’m not sure how to explain it. It’s when everything is so warm, you try to make yourself colder, if that is possible to imagine. We don’t go to many movies in the theater, but if my mother wants to go with us we’re going. I need the Godzilla roar ringtone to assign to my wife’s number …because she’s Japanese. Actually a big attraction at the earliest movie theaters was that they were some of the first facilities that had air conditioning. I know, what would anyone need air conditioning for?

DSCN4564My wife was all a flutter when I told her The Band Perry made a music video to “Chainsaw.” We saw it on the Internet cause it aint workin on Vevo via our Roku. It freezes up. Sorry for the cold reference.

After three days of little sleep, not much chance to sit down and financial risk induced stress we accomplished our business goals over another hectic holiday weekend. Ike didn’t appreciate being cooped up for long hours at home and we suffered for it when it was all over as his energy overload released in some real craziness. You have to learn to use your words Ike. …(This is for humorous effect. Ike is our dog, not a person we confined alone to our house for three days)

I had no physical breakdown from this long hard weekend like I have had afterwards in the past. Then again, when we went to see my mother, a former nurse, at the final daylight hours of Mother’s Day she looked at me and asked me if I have a cardiologist.

It all means I must lose weight and that the acupressure kind of things my wife has been doing for me most likely improved my liver health.

We have been down to one vehicle as A young lady hit me over two months ago and it has taken this long for her to work out paying for the damage she caused to our car. She didn’t have her drivers license so I helped her out by not making a report even though a squad did stop by. After more than four weeks she decided to tell her mother how much the damages were, as she had promised to pay. Then they decided to turn it over to their insurance but the young lady wouldn’t call her agent for over two weeks to give her side of the story so the agent could process the claim. We should have the car back tomorrow and then we can take the van in to be repaired. It couldn’t pass its’ emissions test and now there are only two weeks on its’ third and final registration extension before… YIKES! Electrical problems.

What do I get for being nice to people? I have a long list and none of it is good. (OK, for humorous effect again, …sort of)

Being of one vehicle and it needed by my wife Tuesday evening I missed the Metro Mountain Bikers monthly meeting in Waukesha. But their odd Tuesday rides start next week Tuesday the 20th because it is the third Tuesday of the month, not because 20 is odd. It is at Hoyt Park, a durable and enjoyable two mile loop. I have not hit any trails yet this year. The Rock Sports Complex was hoping to open its’ trails about this week but with the recent rains I doubt that. The Menomonee River has been very high. With rains like these is the only time one can canoe or kayak the Menomonee.

DSCN4538This photo may terrify you now, but hopefully in three months we’ll all be hoping for Winter.

Walking, mostly due to Ike, has been the extent of my exercise this last month or so. Let’s see if I can put many a trail mile on my bike and drop thirty pounds in three months. You can get the latest on WORS and WEMS on links in the sidebar. I have to overhaul this site at some point. I have been writing everyday, advancing my books and stories.

The $57 question is the same as the last post. Check out how you can double or triple that amount for your favorite charity on the Charity Jackpot page.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Is it Spring Yet?

Thoughts of Spring were dancing in my head when I saw the WORS update last week in expectation of the Iola Race this past weekend. Fantastic memories and great course. Will I ever get there again.

DSCN4651I heard the conditions were great prior to the race at Iola but Ike says, “We can still have snow.” You can find WORS results and standings online. It’s a great organization. Don’t forget WEMS this weekend.

DSCN4649The biking season has begun though the weather is slow to comply. The Wisconsin Bike Fed Magazine has a calendar of most all cycling events in Wisconsin.

DSCN4640Ike and I were pleasantly surprised a couple weeks ago and thoroughly entertained since. Is “American Hoggers” the greatest show ever or what? Hunting wild hogs with a pack of dogs, then wrestling them to the ground and tying them up. If I knew you could make money doing that I’d be in Texas right now. Dogs and guns, guns and dogs and plenty of pork. Wouldn’t have to worry about the rising price of bacon, would I. It’s Ike’s favorite show, that we enjoy on demand via our Roku. (I don’t talk to things, …usually) But what I truly found surprising, perusing another MTB publication, is that they have an MTB Race in Illinois; The Palos Meltdown, July 20th. Plenty of time to prepare. Or if New York is more your style, The Wilmington Whiteface MTB Race is June 22nd.

The Chicago types may also enjoy coming to the Metro Milwaukee area to ride at The Rock. It was planning to open the middle of this month, but with the rain storms passing through now that may be delayed. BMX, pump track gravity park and more, a must visit if you’re into the sport.

My weight took a slight uptick this Spring. Always contemplating life and reality I connected it with a lack of a good breakfast. We ate substantial breakfasts most of the Winter but my wife starting slacking. Really, you do not get nearly as hungry or get the boredom cravings if you get a good breakfast. I wish we had a more regular schedule so I could work in more exercise too. 60 Minutes did a report on a 40 year study to see who makes it to 90 years old. 45 minutes of exercise a day was one key. More exercise, even much more did not make a difference, and you don’t have to do it all at once either.

DSCN4643Man, those modeling classes sure paid off. Or rather, ‘dog’. I am determined to write every day this month. No, not my blogs as you may notice, but my books; several works of fiction and a preliminary work on planning which I may use as a basis for a Masters Thesis in the future. It is going well so far. SARUP had a great speaker from Harvard, an urban planner that was magnificent. Against suburbs and local rail, and completely data driven. I caught him after the lecture and ask him some questions. About what? Food of course. “Does the urban dweller eat the whole cow?” gets to one aspect of my inquirery. Soon we’ll only be eating only corn, then soylent green.

The $56 question? I will be changing the format. The initial question will also be from my books (not about myself). I will start with a question that is part of the bonus question (see Charity Jackpot page in sidebar, you can double or triple the stated amount) What is the name, with the State, of Captain George’s hometown? From:”Chuck Hammer and The Invisible Squadron; A Vendetta’s Wage’'