Hopefully next year. Time and money have restricted any desired deer hunting adventures. I have one word for all those manly souls that took to field and forest for the great hunt; burrrr! Stepping out into the cold this afternoon from our somewhat warm dwelling my thoughts were not of hunting days past but of going back inside. It is a good reminder to clean my firearms. In my summer cleaning I actually found my receipts for my guns, all bought from reputable retailers. Important papers under our current regime as the police will not return any firearms if they should in anyway find them in their possession, unless you have proof of purchase.
But the thrill of the hunt is not completely lost to me. Three mice, I doubt very much they were blind, fell victim to one sticky trap. Yes, a single trap. I had found mouse sign in the form of droppings and such, clearly marking out their feed trail. After the victorious harvest my wife cleaned the area with some type of ammonia product.
“You know nothing about hunting!” I proclaimed to my wife. Confused, I had to explain to her the importance of scent and how she had compromised their trail, disrupted their routine and destroyed the opportunity for continued hunting glories and my chance to become a legend in the hunting world. She became very distraught over her faux pas. Now I will have to scout a new location.
Resources have helped consume my time as I am unfettered in my efforts to improve the house. Hopefully we will swing a remodel of our garage in the spring. No sense in planning for that however until neighbor issues are resolved. Renters do not make the best neighbors but we have some fairly good ones at present. If only this one in the alley house could learn to park, preferably on the street.
On the topic of hunting, my wife and I both enjoy “Duck Dynasty.” We watch older seasons for free via Amazon Prime on our Roku. I have cousins just like the Robertsons, though they trim their beards. They live in Arkansas by way of Northwest Wisconsin. The man who owned our house before us had roots in Northwest Wisconsin. Those on “Duck Dynasty” often say “Do it right or do it over.” My cousins are of the same mindset and similar prosperity. The previous owner of my house on the other hand didn’t do it right and didn’t do it over.
Hence my time is drawn away from writing and riding and most other opportunities to advance myself, as we climb back to economic relevance. The bike trainer is essential in fitting in any exercise especially considering the cold. My weight is still creeping down. Any virtual reality bike trainers are out of the question this Winter. I am hoping to purchase some type of GPS device and sign up for Strava when the warm weather returns to track my training.
Yes, Christmas is coming and this picture is from far warmer times. August, 2010 to be exact, at least to the month, when we visited the many vendors at the State Fair. I am lacking in current photos but what would a blog be without photos?
The $45 Question: Where did I purchase my last two firearms since I returned from oversees? See Charity Jackpot page in sidebar. If you can answer this question, the Doubler, the Bonus Question and tell me what was the catalyst for these purchases before the next post I will reward the charity of your choice $1,000.
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