Thursday, April 29, 2010

That's Life

Iola is coming but it looks like I wont be able to attend. The lack of funds combined with work potential will leave me Iola-less. I know the course well and it will be sorely missed. I got my USA Cycling license but was too late to register for the WORS series online. I will have to shoot for the Sunburst Showdown as my first event and register for the series then, looking to make five races for the season. Not sure if I will hit a WEMS race this year. I have to get my WORBA membership in too. There will be a High School Championship Race under WORS the Saturday before the Sheboygan Wigwam Ultimax as I understood it at the last club meeting. WORS is also looking for a photographer.

The Hoyt trails may be fully accessible some time in June. 28 days the most likely point at which they will treat and cover the concrete, all part of the flood control plan. Hopefully it will also mean the opening of the trails around the associated detention ponds. Paths I originally heard would be paved. If true a great chance for some uninterrupted road bike riding, the loop being at least two miles. I went riding with Misao the other day and took a picture. Not that anyone needs to be convinced that my wife knows how to ride a bike. Though I am sure some of those reading of my mountain bike exploits are convinced I don't know how to ride myself. Honestly, ...I think my readers should know this, I don't know how to read either.

Feeling good, but my weight hasn't come down as much as I would like. Have to get out riding more. I put my new lights to good use doing some night riding. Though I am breathing easy on my rides, hills and all, I haven't been feeling 100%. Maybe it is that broken molar I haven't had the money to take care of.

I thought of writing on Earth Day but thought... NO! Plenty of others writing in Honor of Lenin's birthday. A grocery store was giving away trees. I put it in a pot. Have no idea where I can plant it. The peach tree blossomed early and then the blossoms were burned by the cold. Don't know what kind of harvest we will have this year, but fewer peaches means bigger peaches. Funny how these temperatures seemed warm a few weeks ago but feel a lot colder now. Though it may reach the 70's today. Will get my ride in soon.

Some dogs were playing in the river on our ride. The older one couldn't keep up but he would just take the stick from the others after they fetched it. The house feels empty as we are now dog-less. I will set out this Summer to write a book of short stories. One, that will be revised still quite a bit, is on two of my blogs. The others I will produce without Internet ties.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Yard Birds

Two young mourning doves have taken up in our yard. Saw them this morning and they have been around all day. They mate for life. I could hear them coooing this evening. Spring is here, but all Wisconsin knows April is good for some big snows. Everything has settled down after getting Ship-po in the ground.

Yes, we got to the bike expo Saturday after we finished taking care of Ship-po's body. I bought some all purpose lube and some lights for city riding. It will extend my riding hours, but the days are already very long. There were few high end bikes at the expo. The bike companies have cut production to keep the prices up. Most all the bikes were from $250-$700. We saw our Alderman there shopping for what looked like a first bike. Gary Fischer was there also.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

400 Days

As soon as Ship-po was big enough she would jump up and open the gate to follow us whenever either of us went out, so I had to add this clip to the gate. Now she is no longer around to lay at my feet or follow us around the house watching over our every move. No more hearing the clang of her collar and tags. No more to demand her walk in the late evenings , play tug of war with or play fetch with indoors with her favorite squeaky toy.

We drove to the North Woods yesterday to bury Ship-po next to Tun-Tun. When Tun-Tun slowed down she used to schlop up water in her jowls and take it to Tun-Tun as he was resting. He would drink up and set his head back down. They were almost never apart. After Tun-Tun died she adopted his blanket we used to keep him warm as he got very old. She would often sit very still with her blanky grasped tight in her front paws, noise stuffed deep into its folds. She would toss it around at times often covering herself as if to play hide and seek as we would ask, "Where's Ship-po?" All torn and tattered we buried her blanky with her.

With the many difficulties, health and otherwise, that have come to pass over the past decade or so in my life I often wonder if I would have survived or overcome without my dogs. Their therapeutic effects well recognized.

Born September 19, 2003 she died sometime in the night of April 9, 2010. In dog years near my exact same age, not even seven years old. 400 days after Tun-Tun.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Ship-po is at the vet and not doing well. Two nights there alone. She started hiding in the corner behind the chair and started vomiting so we took her in. Will be visiting her again today. Things don't sound very good so far. Bad kidney numbers and yesterday she started bleeding. The doctor will call back soon.

Wheel and Sprocket is having their Spring sale at the State Fair Park. And of course Emery's has their own matching sale event at their stores. I could have used a few small things, like a new helmet, but everything is getting maxed out to take care of Ship-po. We were just getting a handle on our finances and then, like always, some crisis arises. I might be able to race later in the year.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. The potted Tulips are blooming. A time of Resurrection and new life. It was a beautiful day. A quiet day of reflection. The Easter frogs say hello. I am not sure what frogs have to do with Easter. Or maybe I have the wrong holiday.

It was the first day I haven't gone for a bike ride since Ash Wednesday. Some days I am on my bike for hours. Last week I went to UWM for another lecture after doing some other errands all by bicycle. It was very worth the while and ran late. I had to rush home before it got dark.

Just four days (sorry... weeks) until Iola. I'm not sure if I'll race if I can't get my weight under 260lbs. It boggles my mind that I am running five pounds heavier every year that goes by. Yes I splurge once and a while and make fun of myself but I have been cutting back consistently over the years and just keep gaining.

More tulip.

Hitting the trails also. All in good shape outside of the dead falls from the strong winds we have been having. My legs feel they are strained and without reserves, though I get them to do what I want. Feeling I had nothing left the other day I had nothing better to do than put it into the big ring and push and pull on my crankity cranks just because I could. Uphill downhill or just level ground. A rest today, most likely ride to the gym tomorrow and then some rain days coming and my legs should be exploding with energy when I get out again.

And just to prove I have my own Peeps, I took a picture.

We went to Redbox again and got "2012." One of those movies that are so bad that they are good. And with technology making it all look so real it is a must see. Not to mention that it is all about Wisconsin. I could write all day on the things that don't make sense, but I don't want to take the fun out of it. I always wanted to visit the South Pole.