Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It’s Like Winter Just Began

DSCN3786In two days March begins but with the first truly Winter like snows falling just this past few weeks, a pile coming down upon us today, it is hard to comprehend that Spring is just around the corner. But it is, and just as I have saved enough money for a trainer. Could there be some good deals out there right now? I’ll look, but maybe I will have to wait until next year. Meanwhile the white water, a Wisconsin tea keeps falling. Some plows broke down under the weight of this slush fall.


Here is another trainer manufacturer. Kinetic is working hard to capture the market also. They are supporting mountain biking as a High School sport, something WORS has committed to.

I have this pile of bikes to get in shape too. The weather has been so abnormal I don’t know if the roads will be safe to ride sooner or later. Looking at my exercise log I find that I have not done any serious training of any kind since September. And keeping a blog relevant requires that I actually do something continually that one can write about and provide pictures of. I’ll have to keep closer track of Metro Mountain Bikers activities, visiting the site more often. I have to become more active and involved, something that will be much easier when we can afford a second car.

Thanks to Alois for his contribution. Misao keeps posting about the dog while my friend from Korea suggests that he would make a tasty meal. I’m sure he was kidding.  Guess what I am thinking in this regard as you gaze upon Ike’s, our dog’s latest feat.


Not included in the photo are the books he actually removed from the shelf.


I’ll just let him enjoy the snow, …for now.


Ike loves the snow. It’s like he’s marinating in it.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Amerikanische Pfannkuchen

Ich habe dieses Rezept in einem Kalender gefunden:

Zutaten (für 2 Personen):

3 Eier
150 ml Milch
150 g Natur-Joghurt
150 g Mehl
2 Esslöffel Vanillezucker
1 Teelöffel Backpulver
eine Prise Salz
Öl für die Pfanne
Ahornsirup zum Anrichten


Schlagen Sie die Eier schaumig, rühren Sie die Milch und den Joghurt unter. Sieben Sie das Mehl, den Vanillezucker, das Backpulver und das Salz hinein. Die Pfanne mit etwas Öl erhitzen. Gießen Sie genug Teig für einen untertassengroßen Pfannenkuchen ein. Langsam auf beiden Seiten goldbraun anbraten. Mit Ahornsirup servieren.

American Pancakes

Ingredients (for 2 people)
3 eggs
150 ml milk
150 g natural yoghurt
150 g flour
2 dessert spoons vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
oil for frying
maple syrup to serve


Beat the eggs till fluffy, mix in the milk and yoghurt. Sift in the flour, vanilla sugar, baking powder and salt. Heat a pan with little oil. Pour in enough batter to make a saucer-sized pancake. Fry slowly till golden brown on each side. Serve with maple syrup.


I just want wish Happy Birthday to my other Mom.
Are you ready for party?
Can I have a piece of cake?