Monday, April 29, 2013

April Fools

Everyone complains about April though every year it is rainy and cool at best, snow storms at the worst. Some say they want to turn off their furnace but they never do. We are just too anxious for Spring. No one has been excited over my idea for an “It’s April You Fool Race.”

But May is different. Suddenly the action begins though it is a bit too early to plant. I mentioned the Ominium last week;  held the first weekend in May. Also include is the Granddad Half Marathon, also in La Crosse. La Crosse is beautiful country. And they are going all out in fitness promotion.

There are also Trail Runs associated with seven of the twelve WORS Races

DSCN3881Today I got the wheels of the old mountain bike turning. It began to drizzle as I went out and stopped when I got back. But I had a good meander. Down along a path I often take I found that this bridge has been opened, or not. The allure was too much and I ventured over the old timbers despite my weighty disposition.

DSCN3884On the other side I found this remote stretch that looks to be used only by some pre-digital spammers to practice their ancient craft.

DSCN3883Here on the edge of a wilderness wild I ended the adventure and turned back lest I run into my greatest fear; cannibals. That and hordes of malicious mechanical spiders. I love to travel and have traversed many a part of the globe. New Guinea is one place I have no desire to visit.

I perused Hart Park and headed home. It was a good ride.

The $6 question: The moment you have all been waiting for. I read magazines much more than I did in the past. Mostly the outdoor sports type, often for research on something I write. I pick and choose the articles and most of the magazine goes unappreciated. But in High School there was a magazine I read from cover to cover, every add and classified. What magazine was it?

Friday, April 19, 2013

Just Ducky

The weather has been frightful for some but plain ducky for others, namely the ducks. Working my route in sometimes driving rain, or what my wife and I would call a carwash, I observed quite a bit of the seasonal flooding familiar to this region. The ducks were everywhere. I nearly hit a pair with my car. As I drifted away from a male mallard I soon realized I had just set course for the female. Her camouflage having hidden her from immediate view I had to brake. They both flew up and out of the way just in time. Some ducks are not so lucky. I found this dog treat while I was waiting for our car to be repaired.


Yes, more selfless promotion of the labors and dreams of others, providing some more free advertising. The store seems very knowledgeable on all things healthy for one’s pet. Some more WORS (Wisconsin Off-road Racing Series; we’re talking mountain bike if this is your first time to my blog) sponsors include that stalwart Trek, as well as BelGioioso (that’s cheese) and Element Mobile.

The WORS opening event has been postponed due to weather. They still have snow at Iola. The race has been moved to the 19th of May.

My profitless promotion of the work of others has come to the point where I am receiving e-mails out of the blue from events across the state. Or perhaps some group has shared their e-mail list with center venues. I have been lacking in that some events have DSCN3852passed without my mention. The La Crosse Ominium is the weekend of May 3-5, which would have been the Opening event date for WORS if they had not rescheduled. The Ominium will have a special introduction to women’s racing.

The chocolate bunny’s peeps came to her rescue as the Leprechauns had cleaned out the bunnies bowl. But what I found later is just wrong. I guess the bunny thought the Leprechauns had left and she was safe. It will be the bunny’s downfall. I can still hear the Leprechauns in the walls. …or maybe that’s the raccoons.


A good blog needs pictures.

$4 Question:

Yes, no one answered the $2 question of previous post so I have a new question. I guess everyone is waiting for the jackpot to grow. I will answer all questions in the comment sections  of the related post. My family members may or may not qualify for the jackpot depending on the question. In other words, whatever I decide. Here’s the question:

Dominated by indoor activities over the Winter months one such activity has created the urge in me to become very thin, buy a cowboy hat (I am always looking for a good poker hat) and purchase a sidearm. Why?

I hear the University Wisconsin system has a hidden billion dollar surplus. Why didn’t I sue them? (not the $4 question.)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Trainer

We have become a crass and uncouth society with few scruples. Just about anything passes for humor these days. But one thing that is not funny is saying you’re going to buy yourself a trainer and then not doing it. After a while it makes one feel less of a man, or even worse like a politician. So I went out and bought me a trainer. Not a person, as my wife thought I had been writing about all these past months (I guess she never clicks on the links) but what is in the picture here.
DSCN3863Take note that this is not a safe place for a trainer. Cyclops recommends one use a fan when using their trainers indoors and this is a small tight corner. But the weather is still cool and I am just getting back into serious training with some light workouts. One does not want to overheat and die. What I accomplish this year will determine my racing future. If I cannot get my weight down I may only make a few choice races/events every year. I may even have to drop down to citizen class in WORS if that is allowed. But I will get in great shape even if I still weigh 280lbs.
Kinetic seems to be growing in popularity as a trainer. They had several out on display at Emery’s. I bought my Cyclops used at Emery’s for a good price. It was a demo. I hope it lasts. It doesn’t look the best and when you have a demo out it is not just performance but appearance people are judging. So it was time for this demo model to move on.
DSCN3867My exercise log is filling up at last this April. Getting in some good walks with the dog and now I have been doing some stationary riding with my road bike. I don’t get out much with my road bike. I have trouble getting a proper adjustment on these old brakes. They drag against the wheel. Even when I think I have it fixed it happens again. Rain is keeping me off the roads as well as some good old hard work. Last week I had five days of gainful work. Good physical work, unlike my driving job. It gets the old bowels moving. I had myself one of those sit downs where you think, I should have weighed myself beforehand. I cannot think of a job worse for my health than driving all day. That is why I put in nearly six months notice some time back that I will be quitting that job.
To promote my blog (and my other writings) I am starting a promotion. I will ask a question each week starting at $2 for the winner. The prize will go up $2 every post ($1 a post over $40) every time the question is not answered before the next post. I am looking to be posting more than once a week now that the season is upon us. The topic will be of course myself and always educational. You can claim the money for a charity or or non-profit such as a bicycle club. (revised 5/24/13; can only be claimed for a charity)
The $2 question:
When I was a baker way back when I broke the record for most donuts dropped on one screen. A batter bowl with a plunger drops the donuts into the oil, they sink to the bottom before rising. They are turned once. When the donuts drop they sometimes touch when they momentarily rest on the bottom, it’s called a marriage, and they become slightly deformed. I don’t recall what my record was (I think it was 64, it was a long time ago) but I remember how many marriages I had. How many marriages did I have? One guess per ID.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter

DSCN3847The problem with Easters in March is menacing Leprechauns. Needless to say there was little left of the bunny’s eggs and droppings by the time Easter morning arrived. If only he had left some of his gold in exchange. The display idea Misao got from Martha Stewart though she didn’t refer to the jelly beans as droppings.

Easter gets ‘Happy’ while Christmas gets ‘Merry’. I thought my wife and I had a gay marriage but everyone says that is not what it means. Or maybe it is just a really big April’s Fool joke. I hope so. Spring has truly given us the April’s Fool as after a tempting weekend the cold has returned.

But there is no fooling about The Bike Expo this coming weekend. Not to be outdone by Wheel and Sprocket, Emery’s is having a 50th Anniversary Twelve-day Sale starting at the same time as the Bike Expo, …but lasting much longer.

The Brewers won their opening day game today. A good start to the New Year. My New Year resolutions are to write fiction professionally (which means to write 30,000+ words a month) and complete a work on planning as a possible basis for a potential Master thesis. Always looking to inform my readers there are some good production techniques to master one’s time when working from home, linked to in one of my other blogs.

My training goals are also getting a late start. I may still get a basic trainer to push myself this month so as not to be put off by the weather. Yes, the WORS Racing Handbook has been out for awhile and there is only a little more than a month before the first race. If I focus I may be ready for the forth race. Kinetic is still a sponsor. Some other sponsors include Honey Stinger, Kalimt.Borah, ProGold (lubricants for bikes and guns), Kuhl, Native eyewear and many more. I’ll have to mention them all at least once over the season.

DSCN3751Started the month with some focus despite being alone with Ike. I told Misao that we had two dogs that took care of us, now we have this dog. I took him for a long walk today, long enough to qualify being added to my exercise log.