Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I've neglected to keep up with all the local rides. My riding and attentions have been divided (and did I mention some one poisoned our dog). The Fat Tire Tour, or excuse for a drunk fest, was actually the same day as our rummage sale. I was outside and saw them go through the far intersection heading for our local bar. Obviously doubling back as not to pass in front of our home. Fearing I would cast them an evil eye.

Also failed to mention the Miller Park Ride for the Arts in early June. We were going home from church along the lake front with many a bike filling the street heading for the finish. Taking an entire car lane as they should. With the light traffic it was safer. No problem for cars to use just one lane. As we came to a stop light it turned red. A whole group of bicyclists went right through never even thinking of stopping. Some bicyclists on the pathway were waiting to cross. They waved and smiled at the other bicyclist going through the red light and waited. When the light turned green for the cars, they then decided to cross. Against the light, placing themselves at the mercy of the automobile operators. They laughed. Lawlessness breads lawlessness.

Also missed were the 'Tour of America's Dairyland' series. And bike to work week. The week we had all that rain. 

Mondays are a riding day. Lots of errands and no car. Takes a good part of the day with a stop at the gym, and then bicycling to a poker tournament in the evening.

And today, Tuesday, I made the Odd Tuesday Ride. Trying my best not to be influenced by their lawless ways. Picked up a new tube earlier in the day. It was good to get back on the mountain bike again. I had gotten a bit soft just riding the road bike recently. A bit rusty on the trails. The group became scattered and I left early. Misao called. She had forgotten her house key and I had to meet her.

Hope to get to the Wednesday time trials at Crystal Ridge tomorrow, but we'll see. After today's ride I didn't feel too great and may just do one lap to see if I can hit the 8 mph pace. My weight is still high.

Then there is the Tour d' Fat, previously mentioned. And the following day is the Crappy Bike Ride. Organized by the guy who can't recognize a good deal. The only thing wrong with that XTR crank set being that the big ring was a P-46 but was marked P-48. The 4th being a Sunday, we will most likely take our bikes to a local fireworks but not with the Crappy Bike Riders. Just a quiet evening after a long weekend.

Yes, we have a variety if lilies. Several trails have lilies planted along them but there is not enough sunlight for them to bloom. I notice the phlox bloom nicely in the forest along the trails but those planted in the open (at home and I planted some at church) do not bloom as early if at all. Our begonia died. I guess I put it out too early. Looks like we will get plenty of vegetables from the garden and the peaches are doing OK.

More e-baying, salvaging and odd jobs to keep the bills paid. Got a bit of cash for some old windows from Lisbon Storm Screen and Door. I don't think many people are going to Summerfest because of the lack of jobs. We haven't hit a summer slump this year, business wise. Sales are good and Summerfest isn't complaining either. It is because the people who are working have lots of money, putting in long hours and overtime, as it is too expensive to hire additional labor with all its government dictated costs. Still enjoying the yard work and the roof stopped leaking after my patch job.

Still haven't gotten to my rants on the World Cup or Verizon. Maybe next time.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Summerfest has begun. Unfortunately opening with a terrible accident. A guy at the gym suggested the tremors from the Ontario earth quake may have had something to do with it. Tomorrow the Subaru Cup begins, but like I said, we have no money to attend. Besides I haven't given the mountain bike a good wash (or gotten new tubes). Not good to travel without giving your bike a good wash. Did get my wife's bike and road bike good and clean though. I was thinking of going to take pictures but storms are a comin. 

And another expense looms. Patching the roof, as it started leaking again. I was wondering where all the water was getting in. I was patching tiny cracks and couldn't see how water enough to saturate an area of drywall could get in, when my foot went right through the roof. I patched it and priced out the proper repair for the entire roof at Menard's at about $500. But that is at risk to myself as I don't have all the equipment to do it in the safest manner.

Do my posts seem a bit harsh these days? Did I mention someone poisoned our dog. The garden is a nice relief (sorry no bike pictures) but not like a trusting pet. Or a good long ride. Haven't had many long enough rides either. If the weather allows I need to ride to Emery's to get some tubes for the mountain bike.

Tour d' Fat is coming but my weight is going down, slowly, so I feel unworthy. My leg strength has improved with a bit of strength training and am looking to see how I ride Crystal Ridge when I get the chance. Was shown a convenient way to do the leg curls one leg at a time. Bracing oneself on the bench with one's arms and setting one foot firm on the ground. Leg extensions at 120lbs each leg without any knee pain or swelling afterwards. Just have to make sure everything in my leg is aligned when doing them.

The bad cold, then the rummage sale and some Internet endeavors as well as house repairs have kept me from my book though it still grows in my mighty brain. Have to get back to writing soon.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tubeless in Milwaukee

Yes, I went to take a long mountain bike ride today and needed to change the tube on my front tire. I found the spare in my kit to be boxed but an old tube. A tube that also leaked. And I had no others. So it was a ride on the old road bike and I came across a bunch of rock n' roll types down by the river.

The WEMS race, according to the Internet, went off with only a slight delay due to yesterdays rain. The skies last night were ablaze with lightning, fingers spreading out and covering the entire sky. It was supposed to rain today but it looks like God blessed the Cyclopaths.

I tried to e-mail them to ask if they needed any help, Team Cyclopath, but their e-mail address was not available. The guy in charge always works hard and gets a good event done. I found him very friendly and good hearted though the team seemed to pay me less than no never mind. Perhaps the influence of the Spitters Guild. There power resting somewhere between that of the Mason's and the Lollipop Guild. And don't underestimate the reach of the Lollipop Guild. Just look at Britain. Once ruling the world and now... just look at their teeth.

And Brits certainly are not doing as well as they would like at the World Cup. The refereeing having set soccer back 20 years here in the United States. A game where the brain is a strike tool and ties are... WOW! We didn't lose.

Actually I enjoy watching the world cup (oooh, sorry was that supposed to be capitalized) once in awhile and those horns keep me from falling asleep.

So I was exhausted and didn't go spectate the WEMS race. Sorry no new pictures. Plenty of pictures from Sunburst on the Flick'r page. Even the cost in gas hits us hard as trying to save our dog this spring set us way way back. But we did have a rummage sale. A neighborhood rummage sale. So we made a bit of cash and then dumped off much of what we couldn't sell at the thrift store. Then I took all those old cans and some scrap metal in the old garage and turned it in for even more cash then we made at the rummage sale and then I put a bike part on e-bay and it is already more than even that. That is a bike part I offered to a gentleman in exchange for straighten the rims of an old beach bike I have. Only to read on his blog that people want him to do work for free shortly afterwards. An XTR crank set.

Tomorrow is Father's Day. Sent my dad a card but haven't heard of any gathering, which is typical. Will be available after church if anything pops up.

Put out some ceramic pots we couldn't sell at the rummage. Currently nothing to put into them. Arranged the border of cement blocks so I could place planters of various sizes in among the plants. maybe I should have just used them to make a grid, putting something different in each square. I once saw presented a garden, mostly rock, that was covered by identical frog statues marking out a grid that covered the entire garden. I found it very attractive.

Subaru Cup? Yes we made a bit of money but we're just too far behind. The Odd Tuesday Ride was rained out as was the last two Wednesday Night time trials. Have been meaning to go but have been busy. And now it is rain rain rain. It takes time for the Crystal Ridge Trails to dry so I don't know what the chances are of racing this month. More storms in the forecast.

Which brings us to the real question...

Monday, June 14, 2010


There wasn't a whole lot of sunshine at the Sunburst showdown. The 'Top Fuel' is the feature bike this year, but all high end bikes are in short supply these days, keeping the prices up.

The #1 reason I didn't race was money. The #2 reason is my weight is too high, or maybe it was because I wasn't over my cold. So I went to take picture and hike the ski hill. And the weather was overcast and very humid. I was happy I decided not to race until I saw and remembered how many other, even sport racers are in worse shape than myself. Many people decided not to finish the race.

They look like mice in a maze or perhaps ants scurrying around a nest. So goes the Sunburst course, weaving and bobbing to make most of the land available.

I took some pictures of the citizen (above) and sport races and recorded video of the elite/comp starts. I will get them up on flick'r today and you/tube a bit later. Sorry to those I didn't catch on camera. I could see the anticipation in the eyes of some. Obviously aware of my mad photography skills. And then there were those few spewing snot in an obviously aggressive and violent manner.

Looked for a new angle on the banked turn.

Obviously some took the turn faster than others.

Talked to Dave. His team has a new sponsor. Found a new product on my offers page, Ice Wraps. I think it is a bit late to get into the WORS photo contest. My video file appear to be too large for conveniently showing on the Internet. If anyone has some suggestions on how to fix that let me know.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sick Day

Caught a cold this week but made it to the Tuesday Mountain Bike Club meeting. It seems Ning is no longer free. And NO I don't have lots of money. I don't know why people keep telling me that. They want to put baseball diamonds at Crystal Ridge and WORS is having a boom year with attendance shy rocketing. Though there is an unofficial boycott of the Sunburst Showdown because many thing the course is not up to standards. There is a race near Peoria, close to Milwaukee, that many will be attending. A race that always looks to be on the same day as the Showdown. And 'Ray's' will open in November. The deal is done.

Being sick I don't know if I will race the Showdown. Maybe I will go to take pictures. I need to get into the WORS and WEMS schedules and plan out the rest of the year.

The last significant ride I took I checked out the flood control project. Above used to be where the public gardens were. Below is something being built but I know not for what exactly.

I also did over ten miles on my road bike Monday running errands. That is how I caught my cold as it was warm during the day and chilly at night; using my new lights.

I stopped by the garden areas and talked to a gardener. They have an apiary there. We talked about the beekeepers association. I haven't been to any of their meeting in years. I guess it is legal to have an apiary in the city now. A fee and inspection by DNS required. Was also told of some places I may be able to keep bees within the county. Still haven't heard from the county about what is available I guess they don't work too late into the afternoon. Have a friend who has plenty of vegetables to plant but if I can't keep the bees there the cost and time to travel though small would be too much.

Misao bought some cucumber plants that I planted today. Dressed in heavy clothing I worked up a sweat outside and then rested. Then worked some more. Planted the cucumbers and did some weeding. A bit too close together but hopefully I can get them growing upwards. We really like our cucumbers. People give us plants and I stick them into the ground. Those small roses were given to us last year and have come back.

Looking into publishing it seems there are many more bad literary agents than good. It seems best to have all four of my stories finished before approaching a publisher. Not easy to sleep with my sleep apnea and the congestion. I guess if I had all this money people say I have I wouldn't be using the same mask I'm supposed to change every six months for more than two years.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Holiday Weekend

I was worried about my lack of energy and went for a very long ride a week ago, very long. My energy levels shot up afterwards and then I crashed for the holiday weekend though I didn't take more long rides. Must have been the family stresses around the holiday, though I did see my older brother who came into town for the activities I wasn't invited too. You'd think after some 40 years I'd be used to it.

Yes, Hoyt Trails are wrapping up the flood control work. This bulldozer was doing its dozing over a week ago. I was there Friday and the plantings were all going in. The trees were done and they were putting in some shrubbery. Don't know when the fence will come down, if it hasn't already. Fortunately for the new plantings, we are getting some rain this week which most likely means no Wednesday Night Race tonight. June is the month for flooding around here. Maybe I will play a free poker tournament tonight instead, but who knows.

Not sure if I will be ready for the Sunburst Showdown. My weight shot up over the weekend. We went to see "Robin Hood" at the theater Monday, Memorial Day, and nothing says bloated like a gut full of popcorn and cherry coke. I'm surprised Obama hasn't declared the movie an act of sedition yet.

Misao said if I wore my nice shoes with my nice sweat pants (with a button down collar shirt) she would not walk with me through the mall to the movie. She would claim she didn't know me. I had to wear my tennis shoes or put on a pair of dress pants. I wore my tennis shoes.

Yes, we went to the cemetery(s) as well as the theater. It looked like people have decorated the graves and crypts of their loved ones far more than I believe I have ever seen before in the public mausoleum. And then we grilled up a bunch of meat. When we fire up the grill we have to cook up all the meat we have in the house. I said it would last a week. Misao said three days.

With the dogs gone the gardening gets more of our attentions. Even Misao was spending more time getting her hands dirty. It has been a bit stressful with the dogs gone. The mourning doves seem to enjoy our front upper deck.

On Sunday we went to a church outing and I shared some of my stories. People were impressed and suggested I publish in a magazine. I really don't know anything about the publishing scene. I do much of my writing (as well as my plotting to RULE THE WORLD) in the basement. I may get to washing and tuning the bikes today but will be working on lots of my blogs to clear my mind for the next story, already started, I will be working on. Five years of consistently looking for a job and only one interview. Been putting out at least two inquiries a week recently. Poker, writing, investing (actually made a little with a little), e-bay, Internet advertising and surveys, maybe I should buy a metal detector. Still trying to pay medical bills almost two years old among other things. The retail business just doesn't make enough.

I actually find the most job leads on craigslist.