Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It’s Cold Out There

DSCN2770Yes, Christmas is over. We took down all the decorations and lights on the seventh of January. It was hardly a white Christmas but the snow has finally arrived along with the frigid cold. The warm stretch took me to the local trails but they were too muddy to ride. It also gave me a window to get some important house repairs done that I couldn’t get done in the cold.

I got a shake weight for Christmas which helps me keep in shape; burn those calories when I otherwise wouldn’t be. I will get my bike into the shop to be tuned up but I don’t think I can swing a high end trainer. Will have to pick up something less expensive soon to get ready for the race season. Need to be in shape and to get my weight down; below 230lbs would be miraculous, 210 ideal.


Snacks like these will not get me there, but they have gone with the holidays. Continuous tasks have kept me from the gym and kept me from writing. I will have to determine to write something each morning. The second book is available on Kindle and I am working on the next in the series.


More pictures of Ike to come. He is a nice dog. He has a few problems having been kept in a small space most of his first year. I got boots for Misao and she got me a pair of suede shoes, among other things, for Christmas. Some rolled heavy bubble wrap keeps them standing in shape. We sprayed them with suede spray.


Nothing engaging, witty or particular enlightening today in this post but you can’t have ice cream every day. Maybe next time. I have to get my nightly ice cream now. Yes, even in the frigid cold.

Monday, January 9, 2012


That’s short for spike.


Dog in the house!