Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sick Day

Caught a cold this week but made it to the Tuesday Mountain Bike Club meeting. It seems Ning is no longer free. And NO I don't have lots of money. I don't know why people keep telling me that. They want to put baseball diamonds at Crystal Ridge and WORS is having a boom year with attendance shy rocketing. Though there is an unofficial boycott of the Sunburst Showdown because many thing the course is not up to standards. There is a race near Peoria, close to Milwaukee, that many will be attending. A race that always looks to be on the same day as the Showdown. And 'Ray's' will open in November. The deal is done.

Being sick I don't know if I will race the Showdown. Maybe I will go to take pictures. I need to get into the WORS and WEMS schedules and plan out the rest of the year.

The last significant ride I took I checked out the flood control project. Above used to be where the public gardens were. Below is something being built but I know not for what exactly.

I also did over ten miles on my road bike Monday running errands. That is how I caught my cold as it was warm during the day and chilly at night; using my new lights.

I stopped by the garden areas and talked to a gardener. They have an apiary there. We talked about the beekeepers association. I haven't been to any of their meeting in years. I guess it is legal to have an apiary in the city now. A fee and inspection by DNS required. Was also told of some places I may be able to keep bees within the county. Still haven't heard from the county about what is available I guess they don't work too late into the afternoon. Have a friend who has plenty of vegetables to plant but if I can't keep the bees there the cost and time to travel though small would be too much.

Misao bought some cucumber plants that I planted today. Dressed in heavy clothing I worked up a sweat outside and then rested. Then worked some more. Planted the cucumbers and did some weeding. A bit too close together but hopefully I can get them growing upwards. We really like our cucumbers. People give us plants and I stick them into the ground. Those small roses were given to us last year and have come back.

Looking into publishing it seems there are many more bad literary agents than good. It seems best to have all four of my stories finished before approaching a publisher. Not easy to sleep with my sleep apnea and the congestion. I guess if I had all this money people say I have I wouldn't be using the same mask I'm supposed to change every six months for more than two years.

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