Also failed to mention the Miller Park Ride for the Arts in early June. We were going home from church along the lake front with many a bike filling the street heading for the finish. Taking an entire car lane as they should. With the light traffic it was safer. No problem for cars to use just one lane. As we came to a stop light it turned red. A whole group of bicyclists went right through never even thinking of stopping. Some bicyclists on the pathway were waiting to cross. They waved and smiled at the other bicyclist going through the red light and waited. When the light turned green for the cars, they then decided to cross. Against the light, placing themselves at the mercy of the automobile operators. They laughed. Lawlessness breads lawlessness.
Also missed were the 'Tour of America's Dairyland' series. And bike to work week. The week we had all that rain.
Mondays are a riding day. Lots of errands and no car. Takes a good part of the day with a stop at the gym, and then bicycling to a poker tournament in the evening.
And today, Tuesday, I made the Odd Tuesday Ride. Trying my best not to be influenced by their lawless ways. Picked up a new tube earlier in the day. It was good to get back on the mountain bike again. I had gotten a bit soft just riding the road bike recently. A bit rusty on the trails. The group became scattered and I left early. Misao called. She had forgotten her house key and I had to meet her.
Hope to get to the Wednesday time trials at Crystal Ridge tomorrow, but we'll see. After today's ride I didn't feel too great and may just do one lap to see if I can hit the 8 mph pace. My weight is still high.
Then there is the Tour d' Fat, previously mentioned. And the following day is the Crappy Bike Ride. Organized by the guy who can't recognize a good deal. The only thing wrong with that XTR crank set being that the big ring was a P-46 but was marked P-48. The 4th being a Sunday, we will most likely take our bikes to a local fireworks but not with the Crappy Bike Riders. Just a quiet evening after a long weekend.
Yes, we have a variety if lilies. Several trails have lilies planted along them but there is not enough sunlight for them to bloom. I notice the phlox bloom nicely in the forest along the trails but those planted in the open (at home and I planted some at church) do not bloom as early if at all. Our begonia died. I guess I put it out too early. Looks like we will get plenty of vegetables from the garden and the peaches are doing OK.
More e-baying, salvaging and odd jobs to keep the bills paid. Got a bit of cash for some old windows from Lisbon Storm Screen and Door. I don't think many people are going to Summerfest because of the lack of jobs. We haven't hit a summer slump this year, business wise. Sales are good and Summerfest isn't complaining either. It is because the people who are working have lots of money, putting in long hours and overtime, as it is too expensive to hire additional labor with all its government dictated costs. Still enjoying the yard work and the roof stopped leaking after my patch job.
Still haven't gotten to my rants on the World Cup or Verizon. Maybe next time.