Schon seit einigen Jahren hatte ich den Wunsch, einmal die USA zu besuchen. Die Heimat dieses Blogs ist ja ebenfalls die USA. Diesen Wunsch konnte ich jetzt verwirklichen. Ich besuche jetzt einen mehrwöchigen Englisch-Sprachkurs, da mein Englisch noch nicht wirklich gut ist. Mein Reiseziel ist San Luis Obispo in Kalifornien.
Das beste Transportmittel für die Stadt ist natürlich ein Fahrrad. Das Fahrrad (siehe Bild) habe ich hier im CBO (Cambria Bicycle Outfitter für 400 USD gekauft.
Es ist ideal für diesen Zweck. Der Bicycle Shop ist günstig und sehr empfehlenswert.
Es gibt hier sehr viele, gut markierte Fahrradwege. Die Stadt ist sehr Fahrradfreundlich strukturiert.
Eine große Entäuschung ist das Wetter. Ich habe hier viel Sonne und Wärme erwartet, aber bis jetzt war es ziemlich kalt (abends teilweise nur ca. 4 Grad Celsius) und tagsüber nicht mal 20 Grad Celsius. Außerdem weht ständig ein sehr starker und kalter Polar-Wind vom Pazifik ins Land. Geregnet hat es auch schon mehrmals.
Den Namen hat die Stadt vom Bischof Saint Louis von Toulouse (Frankreich). Dies war ein Grund, diese Stadt auszuwählen, da Louis die französische Form meines Vornamens ist. Das Bild zeigt die Statue von Vater Junipero Serra, der 1772 diese Mission gegründet hat.
Ich hoffe, das Wetter wird bald wärmer, damit ich mir die Fotos von den vielen Palmen nicht in meinem Zimmer anschauen muß.
A journal of of our fitness and outdoor life with a dog perspective. I enjoy the mountain biking and yard work and my wife Misao is always looking for health and cooking tips. Phillip
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Robin, The State Bird
Spring is here finally. Though it has been tempting to get out for some long rides I spent some time starting back up on house repairs. I also got some work done in the yard. I was lubing my chain and filling my tires to go out for a ride when this tough guy came around. My presence unable to deter him from his desires, he began to feast from our lawn. Paying me no never mind. I even got up and came back with the camera. He thought it curious my pointing the little box at him. I never recall seeing the Robins with such powerful colors as this year; very black crown and vibrant breast. And I have never seen so many as I have this year.
Then I got out for a good ride. These are the first flowers I saw this year, along the river near the Hoyt trails. Have no idea what they are called. The trails at Hoyt were soft. The Kettle Moraine Trails are open, or so I heard at the monthly Metro Mountain Bike meeting tonight. This Saturday will be river clean up day. There will also be a Tea Party rally in Madison. The weight is moving down ever so slightly.
"Ride the Divide" is one focus expressed at the meeting. The location for its Milwaukee premier has changed; now at the Rosebud. We'll see if it doesn't change again. The race most attractive to myself, I have a list of links to big races in the sidebar, would be the MTB Challenge.
They are rebuilding the swimming pool at Hoyt Park. With temperatures reaching 80 the other day it is about time to turn off the furnace and turn on the air conditioner.
We went to the Bike Expo at the last minute. Misao reminded me Saturday that we were there last year taking a break from fretting many days over our dog in the hospital. A couple days later she died; poisoned. She was a very good dog. So Misao took the enthusiasm out of my sails, but we made it there Sunday evening. They sold a lot of bikes. Their best event ever I heard.
Someone commented on my last post, but I didn't confirm it. It was an anti-Amway plug with corresponding link. What put me off the most is that it appeared instantly as I posted. We all have our own horror stories about salesmen, no matter what they are selling. I just question the intentions and integrity of any who would obsess so against another. Those a kin to the spitter's guild. Stirring up in the hearts of men that they can do things to some that they would never consider doing to another (or allowing anyone else to do to another), like poisoning their dog.
Bad weather will return, ensuring that the first formal draft of my next book will be completed by Monday. If you read the brief excerpts I put, will put, on my writers blog you may form certain impressions about my next book. I can insure you they will all be wrong. I may have it available for Kindle soon.
Friday, April 8, 2011
I Give, and I Give, and I Give
Yes, as the bicycle season ramps up I must support the cause. Time for promoting the work and well being of others with no compensation for myself. First and foremost, we have the Wheel and Sprocket, the State's largest bicycle retailer, part owned by a cousin of a very good friend of mine, Bike Expo at State Fair Park this weekend. But some other great bicycle enthusiasts of Olympic fame will not let the event go unchallenged. Emery's is also having their big spring sale. With gas prices so high you might not want to drive all the way to the city, two great locations. Not to forget your local bike shops, I have to mention Ben's (even though they don't want me in their store) a great supporter of Metro Mountain Bikers and great lovers of cycling.
And to add a bit of color, pictures so important to a good blog, don't forget that Ray's MTB is still open.
I also received an e-mail some time back asking me to promote this bike website, I may add it to the sidebar, and no I received no compensation. And someone friended me through our you/tube page. Another entrepreneur looking to fulfill the American dream. See their video clip below. Yes an Amway, or Quixtar, or just Nutrilite promotion, whatever you want to call it, it is a catchy tune. I have to get me one of those T-shirts. I am no longer part of Amway, as I couldn't make any money. Though I really enjoy their XS line of energy drinks. I will have to find someone to buy them through.
Medical issues and meeting with a lawyer have kept me from getting to the gym. The weather has kept me from riding much. Not to mention trying to finish up my next book. The first draft is the story, the writing comes after that. Sometimes I editing a string of sentences I wrote and have to ask myself, is that English? Having written a book it makes me more self conscious of how I write on my blogs, making even that task take more time.
And to add a bit of color, pictures so important to a good blog, don't forget that Ray's MTB is still open.
I also received an e-mail some time back asking me to promote this bike website, I may add it to the sidebar, and no I received no compensation. And someone friended me through our you/tube page. Another entrepreneur looking to fulfill the American dream. See their video clip below. Yes an Amway, or Quixtar, or just Nutrilite promotion, whatever you want to call it, it is a catchy tune. I have to get me one of those T-shirts. I am no longer part of Amway, as I couldn't make any money. Though I really enjoy their XS line of energy drinks. I will have to find someone to buy them through.
Medical issues and meeting with a lawyer have kept me from getting to the gym. The weather has kept me from riding much. Not to mention trying to finish up my next book. The first draft is the story, the writing comes after that. Sometimes I editing a string of sentences I wrote and have to ask myself, is that English? Having written a book it makes me more self conscious of how I write on my blogs, making even that task take more time.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Election Day
It is hard to believe just two days ago we got this hail storm. Pea sized, some bigger, some smaller, all ice. Frozen orbs smacking little bits off the trees. The most unusual part of the storm was how much we got. Some claimed three inches where they lived. It felt funny in ones hands. To walk on it took more energy. Good thing it was above freezing or we would be plagued with black ice, the hail all crushed down into the pavement.
But today was a wonderfully beautiful day, sun shining bright. Election day when the silent majority will make a powerful statement to the liberals here and across the country. After voting this afternoon I was out in the yard in short sleeves, checking out the new growth and making some minor house repairs. But mostly I was writing, as I was yesterday. Taking a break now to write here.
Yes, I should be riding, it is so beautiful out, but I need to finish. I hope to have the book completed by tomorrow, and the last two chapters edited, gone through a couple times by myself, by the end of the week. I added a tiny bit to the preview on my writers blog but will add more over the weekend. An English gentleman, a man I knew briefly overseas, to whom I sent my first book enjoyed it and said I had talent. They say you will never get good feedback from anyone who knows you too well.
Not sure if I will publish as an e-book unless they can guarantee they wont be giving it away for free. No money to pay for a professional editor.
Between our two businesses, house repairs, exercise, and writing I hope to reach a goal of 60 hours a week to start with. Unless I can finally get another job.
Friday, April 1, 2011
April 1st
Here's is the last remaining remnant of snow in our yard. Like a vampire it hides from the sun. It would be nice to say there will be no more snow this Spring, but the weatherman predicted snow for today. I hope he was joking. I am not big on April fools jokes. But we all know here in Wisconsin that we can get some heavy snows even in April.
Out riding the last two days. It is good to ride. The trails at Hoyt are just a bit too wet yet to ride. That is why Ray's is open until May 1st. And since I have been promoting Ray's for free, Wisconsin in my visitor counter (it records by state) surpassed California in number of visitors. Yes, Wisconsin and California is where the vast majority of my visitors apparently live. My bike is in need of a good cleaning and tuning. And I need new tubes. Those Chinese tubes just don't last. Everything is made in China, except for the stuff that's made somewhere else.
And speaking of China, I've put a snippet of my next book on my writers blog. A very rough first draft. I had to rewrite the section as the computer I am using is incapable of connecting to the Internet and this computer does not have microsoft word. Over 2,000 words yesterday and nearly that today leaves me posting in the middle of the night. The preacher on the TV is singing that all that was lost, all that was taken away, all that has been stolen will be returned. Amen. It's now after 2 am.
Misao smiles when I say I'm going out riding and then I'll be writing. "Wridng and riting" she says, or something like that. She is focusing on my weight loss project now, which should be helpful as she plans the meals. I really need to put more effort into my photos. You can catch a glimpse of my next book here.
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