Saturday, July 30, 2011

SLO: Avila Beach

Ich berichte hier in unregelmäßigen Abständen von meinen Erlebnissen während meines Englisch Sprachkurses in San Luis Obispo (SLO). An einem sonnigen Sonntag bin ich mit dem Rad zum Avila Beach gefahren. Es dauert ca. 45 Minuten, bis man mit dem Rad den Strand erreicht. Hier sieht man einen Fluß, der zum Pazifik fließt. Über den Fluß führt eine Metallbrücke, auf der man bequem zu Fuß das gegenüberliegende Ufer erreichen kann.

Einige Impressionen vom Strand:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Adapting to Conditions

Conditions require some adaptation. I will not go to the time trials tonight. With the heat and the difficulty of the climbs I believe it to be unwise. I could not have possibly completed two laps, as intended, anyway with the heat warnings. So how did I adapt? Did I just sit home enjoying our three air conditioners and dehumidifiers?

No! I went out in the hottest part of the day (100F) with high dew points and put in more than fifteen miles; the length of the WORS Sport course. Stayed on the parkway. Still some good climbs but not nearly as strenuous as Crystal Ridge. The goal; to acclimate myself to the conditions that I may encounter Sunday. made a quick stop at Emery's along the way. They also have a great remodel on their website. I will now tweak my bike and add another bottle holder. Yard work and home repairs will continue my acclimation process as I now rest in preparation for the race. I will register on site Saturday.

Actually felt OK during the ride until the last mile or so. My weight is down below 270 also. I believe the heat is played up so much in the news these days because people fail to acclimate themselves in these days of air conditioning. And part of acclimating is sometimes just to slow down, stop and find some shade in which to quietly ride out the heat wave. Much like Winter where at times one is confined indoors people need to adapt to conditions. In that vein we have been raising our temperature settings on the air conditioners as Summer goes on (80F). It will save us some on the electric bill too.

Here is part of the work around the new detention ponds. The picture is several weeks old now. The water in the river is still and very green. The bicycle parking at the new swimming pool is packed full these days after I posted a picture of the amenity here. I must have a whole lot of readers. Hope to get some photos soon from Alois and Misao is inspired to play on the dog theme in photos.

Misao bought some Gatorade and I am looking forward to my Saturday soba noodle feast to prepare. Whole grain buckwheat noodles are the best you can eat to prepare for a race. I speak from experience as well as research on the Internet. But, honestly you can't trust everything on the Internet.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hot Day

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Alois; July 18.

Yes, today is my Birthday and I have survived unscathed. I heard they closed the expressway in LA today. I hope it wasn't on my behalf. Misao was inspired by Master Chef to make me a cake from scratch. The whipped cream covers her attempts at writing Happy Birthday on the cake.

I made the Wednesday Night time trials this past week. A good one lap run of the race lap for next Saturday. Under an hour gives me confidence to race in Sport class. A lap people's fancy GPS systems have measured anywhere from 6.3 to 7.5 miles. Two laps for the Sport race should have me at the ski hill before the Elite racers start. Should be well off the course by then. have been feeling good recently; strong on the bike though my average speed is only about 7mph on the trails. Will ride near everyday and hit two laps next Wednesday before the big race. Then three days of rest, sobe noodles, oodles of noodles, the night before the race, some Gatorade and I should be in good shape to perform well.

WORS has redesigned their site (very nice) and I really enjoy Cycling News; I get their updates via facebook. Some controversy in Milwaukee over a half marathon they held for Summerfest. The director caught some heat but it is as always. If you're popular, part of the in crowd, anythings OK, if you're not, you never work again. And what about the BBC World Service covered music festivals some weeks back and not a word about Summerfest; the largest music festival in the world. What I really want to know is, what happened to Peter Day?

My parent's will take us out to Red Robin for lunch tomorrow. I have wanted to try their burgers for a while now. This robin is from the nest in our garage this year. Very friendly and eager to pose, his adult feathers still to fill in. The baby rabbits hardly give us notice when we come out. None of the lettuce I planted is coming up this year.

As we get out of our financial distress we have been able to afford more supplements. Fish oil being the big one that seems to have made the difference. Also not much fast food for the last five years might be helping some. Well over five years on the CPAP machine and I think my body is finally rebounding strong. Still need some medical tests I don't have money for, but I'll eventually get to that. Feeling good to be getting back into racing after nearly two years without participating in one. My weight is still too high, twenty pounds more than the last time I raced, but I feel stronger in some ways than before.

I have opted for contact lenses, as they are much cheaper than a new pair of eye glasses. Bought some $15 reading glasses for ...reading. They are much better for riding and I can now get some nice shades to protect my eyes and clear the glare. People seem to enjoy my latest book.

The fourth of July was another grill day. Burgers the general shape of the state of Texas were called Bubba Burgers. We road down to the Harley Davidson Museum where we had a good view of the fireworks. the fireworks feature on my camera didn't seem to work well, but the battery was very low. A small crowd made it all that much better. God Bless America.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July. Misao and I plan to go to the fireworks by bicycle this evening. Not sure if we will get any photos. Veteran's Park on the lake front is full of tents. Does waiting longer make the fireworks more enjoyable? With Church and being a bit tired we didn't go to the parade. I will grill some brats soon. Here is a photo from the Memorial Day Parade that Misao wanted me to put up... Doggles!

Yes, I am watching the Tour d' Fraud'nce. I guess cheating is OK if everyone is. I wouldn't want to be that supposed spectator that caused that first stage carbon jam. I enjoy watching time trials.

I had some good long rides hitting the local trails. On two of those rides I stopped by Emery's. First to get some brake pads, then to get some new tubes so I don't have to pump up my tires everyday. I wonder if the tube and tire companies even care about their products only lasting one year. I could blame the Chinese but I could also blame the capitalist establishment just wanting to sell more products. Not sure if that is really an environmentally sustainable approach... actually I am sure it's not. The connection between the two Oak Hill trails was too muddy to ride a few days ago. Some parts of the trails along the river are infested with cow parsnip ...nasty stuff; hogweed.

The old pads. Those pads were a bit tricky to replace and get them straight and flat with the rims. Continual adjustments while I ride for several days until the brakes settle to where they like. I might take the whole assemblies off to clean and lube.

I put my old knobby tire on the rear wheel to replace my failing back tire. It was original with the bike and was on the front wheel for years, plus two hard race seasons, before I bought new tires. It has more than enough tread to last the season. Still hoping to get to several races. The 'Ride the Divide' is over.

The new pool has in Hoyt Park has this nice new bicycle rack area. The Milwaukee Brewers had a ride to the game day. Not sure how that worked out. It sounds like they added more bike racks at the stadium.

Still having lots of problems with the Internet, I suspect man made. I wrote on three blogs Friday and my next books, yes book'S', are growing in my mind. After I get to the eye doctor and get some new eye wear the task of writing will be so much easier. I have been having lots of problems with my ancient glasses and I need bifocals. I think I will go back to a rounder frame. Life was batter when I wore round frames.

About time to cook those brats. Steven Raichlen was on public television all day yesterday. Right after the Tour coverage is over.