I have been feeling under the weather. Have a bit of a cold. Not riding as seriously after deciding not to compete, but only to take pictures, at the WORS Wigwam MTB Challenge; the final event of the season. The money saved will provide a bit of a chunk of the funds I need to get a trainer this Winter. The weather is already chilly.
This Saturday will be the Metro Mountain Biker’s social ride. I do not attend such events as drinking alcohol is too much of a feature. But it is known to be great fun and I haven’t heard of any problems on the roads on such events. The trails are a different matter.
One of the things which has kept me busy and worn me down was a wedding this last Saturday. They had a photo booth for all the guests. Not sure if they got the idea from Jay Leno. Two copies, one for the guests and one for the wedding album. Very nice idea. Here is one of the shots of us.
You may have noticed my wife’s highly fashionable eyewear. Those are actually my new glasses. I have been met by people I know, when they see me in my new spectacles, with laughter or remarks such as; “You look like a completely different person.” The progressive lenses take a bit of getting used to but are great for desk work. No problem with driving but I wouldn’t want to ride mountain bike trails with them. I have single vision sunglasses for riding (and driving) when I don’t wear my contacts. People say I look like Yakusa with them on. I just can’t wear contacts continuously.
My cousin also wrote a book and is working on another. He has done much research on the plane crash he wrote about (as a work of fiction) and the book is gripping for the unquestioned expertise it conveys as he is a pilot himself. That with a good story easy to understand makes it a great read. I am sure his writing will grow in complexity as he writes more. He’s an interesting character.
It was ‘World No Car Day’ last week and in celebration I spent nearly twelve hours behind the wheel of our car working. Another reason I got worn out. I need to make sure I am taking in liquids and food during my long delivery route so I don’t suffer later or lose focus while I am working. First time out I got lost twice. Some have asked me if I have claimed disability as my health conditions seem to leave me easily tired at times. No. I would never outside of losing some significant physical or mental capacity. I believe if I can drop some significant weight and watch what I put into my body I am just as durable as any other. I was surprised how well I road mountain bike this year considering my weight and the amount of time I trained. I was riding fifteen pounds heavier than last year yet I felt improvement in my climbing strength.
Still determined to get in a lot of riding this year. When I ordered my copy of “Ride the Divide” I also got a smart wool beanie that will serve me well into the Winter season, keeping my noggin toasty warm.
Some hideous creature knocked our peaches off the tree at night and ate them.