Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

DSCN4504Yes, it is still Christmas for us in the know. I’ve gotten back strongly to my writing as Winter settles in. Now with the New Year I need to get back to the cycle trainer and the gym. My weight is up slightly.

The gifts just piled up under the tree. Though we live a quiet life I guess we are appreciated. I actually saw someone that looked exactly like Katy Perry at Mayfair before Christmas.

DSCN4503Ike loves the snow as his people profile suggests. He’s not stupid. He knows when it’s too cold and wont stay out too long without his sweater.

Metro Mountain Bikers will be having a snow tubing event at The Rock this Winter again.

Thanks for reading in 2013.

Monday, December 30, 2013

If Your Pets Were Human

She found some intersting site .  Here
It's called 「Pets humanization manufacturer」 
You enter your pets information and they tell you if your pets were human what they would look like.
Do you want see me ?
This is me, Ike the dog, as people !

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Shopping

I am faced with the age old question: Is Christmas shopping considered exercise? I certainly wouldn’t recommend it to train for the high dive. I guess I will have to put it in the same category as bowling, which is yet to be determined. I doubt it is exercise for my siblings, as they have come to re-gift many things I had given them back to me.

DSCN4489Yes, fruitcake is back. Some years ago I commented that it was hard to find fruitcake, a traditional Christmas favorite. I saw one small precut fruit cake at a department store but it was extremely expensive. Happily fruitcake has made a comeback. There are many reasonable priced varieties not too hard to track down and you can still find the expensive ones. Whole Foods was the first place we noticed the resurgence, last year.

News Flash: If you buy something at the Brewers Fan Shop in the stadium, open 10:00-6:00, they will give you three bobble heads, year book and media guide for FREE! While supplies last. I am a competitive guy by nature of being a man rightly attracted to a woman, namely my wife. They had a bucket of baseballs at the fan shop; baseball a game I played a lot in my youth. I picked a ball up and squeezed it hard in my fingers. Man, it felt good. Brought back a lot of memories. It’s been a long time since I played.

DSCN4492It’s better then Obama’s stash!

I had little to nothing on my gift list this year but I think I should have put on it the handgun I’ve had my eye on for sometime; a purchase beyond our means in the past. Kahr Arms are known for power with accuracy, especially in their compact models. They tend to have limited clip capacity but that gives them a much slimmer design making even their full sized guns ideal for concealed carry. I wasn’t intending such a purchase for some time down the line, but after an evening of longer than usual prayer I dreamed a group of men thought my death a convenience and they weren’t talking natural causes. Not to mention we are having more gun violence closer and closer to our home as the years pass. Gift cards have become the medium for the gift of personal protection these days. Do I take dreams seriously? Not really but it is a good excuse. Can I imagine that there are people in the world who would benefit from my death? That is a whole different question.

What’s truly important though is that fruitcake is back. And check out Ray’s Indoor Mountain Park gift list.

The $49 question: What is the make and model of the first gun I owned, including the type of action? Yes, I watch “Duck Dynasty” and cannot disagree with anything Phil said. I suggest they go broadcast TV and get ratings not seen in thirty years.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Free Books, Snow Tires and Skiing

DSCN3700No. The Snow tires are not free but good advice is; buy some. They are worth the investment to protect your vehicle and ease the mind. Recommended by all who use them, probably.

The skiing isn’t free either. The Rock appears to be closed though the AcroBag Tour begins there this Monday. So we had lots of snow, deep cold for making snow, it’s the weekend and they have a big promo event starting Monday and their website says they are not open today? Too lazy to call and confirm. Sunburst is open and for those of you intolerant of the cold don’t forget Ray’s Indoor MTB, in Cleveland and Milwaukee.

Struggles0001What really is free, at least until Monday midnight, is the Kindle edition of my first book of 2010. Click on the cover for the link. A book difficult not to enjoy for any real men and women. So if you don’t like it…

The $48 question: What did I buy Alois for Christmas? See charity jackpot rules page in sidebar. A slight change from the previous question; gift is bought. Hint: I walked to the store and back when I bought his gift. Yes! From my house.

Happy Holidays.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Crazy Snow

Most of the world found the joy of the season when they heard the Packers won Sunday. For us lucky enough to watch the game it was the snow that made the game, and all the early NFL games, special. It made for some crazy wild football. What was truly crazy wild and completely stupid, not to mention incompetent was breaking in over game coverage for the newsmen to tell us it was snowing outside. Good going FOX6. A t least I could see the replay of that pivotal fumble.

DSCN4484Nothing says Winter like a fine powder several inches deep. Sunburst Ski Hill is open and with the frigid temps I am sure they are piling up the snow all the nights this week. The Rock Sports Complex appears to be opening this coming weekend, though their site is far less clear. If you make it to the ski park page there is a small sidebar window that tells you if the ski lifts are running. Check them out this weekend. I just saw on the Internet that skiing is becoming an activity only the richer than well off can afford. So will be going to the movies with Obamacare.

Xmas13No decorating or Christmas tree until we get out all the cards, greetings and gifts. I want to be ahead of things this year and will hope to get everything out this week. How do I describe Brach’s new Bridge Mix (in picture)? I can think of only one word; decadent. And we had to put up with a hyper already active dog for a day or so. If you take a closer look at the photo…

candySanta got eaten by a Spaniel. Tomorrow Tuesday, is the Metro Mountain Bikers monthly meeting, 7:00pm at Bennos Genuine Bar and Grill. I completely missed the last meeting, gone from my mind, and couldn’t make it to any trail work this year.

The $47 question: What will I buy Alois (member of this blog) for Christmas? I had it picked out for several months. See Charity Jackpot rule page.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Food, football, hunting, shopping and discussing death panels are all activities that draw us away from the original intent of Thanksgiving. I should probably include Metro Mountain Bikers annual turkey hurl to the list. I would have to count myself as most likely if I were to attend. I will have to get back to the bicycle trainer with a vengeance after tomorrow’s feast.

DSCN1507I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and can see clearly all the things they should be thankful to God for. He’s is the great guiding light and protector.

Even more important however is the question; Is bowling exercise? I suggested it was to my wife and she immediately went to the Internet to find the answer. Having absolute faith in all things Internet she determined that bowling is exercise only if you are bowling with fewer than four people. Otherwise the time between throws becomes too great to be considered exercise. Well, my wife has obviously never witness my moves as the ball thunders down the lane after my approach and toss. If that’s not exercise there is no such thing. And the doctor says I need 45 minutes of exercise five times a week. Bowling is actually not too expensive with league discounts. Our league is off Thanksgiving week.

DSCN1904An image of Thanksgiving past. Excuse the jest and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

The $46 question: Where did I get the recipe for my now infamous rice pudding?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Hunting I Will Go

Hopefully next year. Time and money have restricted any desired deer hunting adventures. I have one word for all those manly souls that took to field and forest for the great hunt;   burrrr!   Stepping out into the cold this afternoon from our somewhat warm dwelling my thoughts were not of hunting days past but of going back inside. It is a good reminder to clean my firearms. In my summer cleaning I actually found my receipts for my guns, all bought from reputable retailers. Important papers under our current regime as the police will not return any firearms if they should in anyway find them in their possession, unless you have proof of purchase.

But the thrill of the hunt is not completely lost to me. Three mice, I doubt very much they were blind, fell victim to one sticky trap. Yes, a single trap. I had found mouse sign in the form of droppings and such, clearly marking out their feed trail. After the victorious harvest my wife cleaned the area with some type of ammonia product.

“You know nothing about hunting!” I proclaimed to my wife. Confused, I had to explain to her the importance of scent and how she had compromised their trail, disrupted their routine and destroyed the opportunity for continued hunting glories and my chance to become a legend in the hunting world. She became very distraught over her faux pas. Now I will have to scout a new location.

DSCN4442Resources have helped consume my time as I am unfettered in my efforts to improve the house. Hopefully we will swing a remodel of our garage in the spring. No sense in planning for that however until neighbor issues are resolved. Renters do not make the best neighbors but we have some fairly good ones at present. If only this one in the alley house could learn to park, preferably on the street.

On the topic of hunting, my wife and I both enjoy “Duck Dynasty.” We watch older seasons for free via Amazon Prime on our Roku. I have cousins just like the Robertsons, though they trim their beards. They live in Arkansas by way of Northwest Wisconsin. The man who owned our house before us had roots in Northwest Wisconsin. Those on “Duck Dynasty” often say “Do it right or do it over.” My cousins are of the same mindset and similar prosperity. The previous owner of my house on the other hand didn’t do it right and didn’t do it over.

Hence my time is drawn away from writing and riding and most other opportunities to advance myself, as we climb back to economic relevance. The bike trainer is essential in fitting in any exercise especially considering the cold. My weight is still creeping down. Any virtual reality bike trainers are out of the question this Winter. I am hoping to purchase some type of GPS device and sign up for Strava when the warm weather returns to track my training.

DSCN1056Yes, Christmas is coming and this picture is from far warmer times. August, 2010 to be exact, at least to the month, when we visited the many vendors at the State Fair. I am lacking in current photos but what would a blog be without photos?

The $45 Question: Where did I purchase my last two firearms since I returned from oversees? See Charity Jackpot page in sidebar. If you can answer this question, the Doubler, the Bonus Question and tell me what was the catalyst for these purchases before the next post I will reward the charity of your choice $1,000.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gales of November and Other Storms

Well they didn’t come early, but the tornados came late. The first real snow was early and Sunburst Ski Hill, home of an annual WORS race had made their snow and were opening. Then record highs, thunder, lightning and the unthinkable. The Midwest has some suffering to endure and many may still be without a home over the Holidays.

DSCN4455The snow is beautiful however. Thanksgiving is next week. My parents invited everyone to a restaurant for Thanksgiving. I told my mom we would bring the green bean casserole. Thanksgiving should be about sharing good humor and good food with family, not shopping. Talk about a storm…

Yes, the Packers are plating, we hope, the Lions on Thanksgiving. We should be tied for first place right now, but I guess the NFL wanted a three-way tie in the North Division some two weeks ago because the refs gave the game to Chicago and no one will speak up about it. I saw many a big Chicago play where holding should have been called. I don’t know what game the talking heads were watching. I saw an arm wrapped around the neck of one of our lineman. Then and obvious chop block in view of the whole world. Both were on big third down plays. I believe three penalties were called in the entire game. Is the NFL going the way of wrestling?

Wisconsin Minnesota rivalries are the theme for this coming weekend. Sunday the Packers play those losing Vikings. Saturday our respective State Universities go at it for possession of Paul Bunyan’s Ax. I heard that before the ax they competed for a slab of bacon. It’s true. The good old days were better.

DSCN4458Food will most likely be the bulk of our gifts this Christmas. I helped my brother and their three children move. What a hassle. There is not a single thing they need. When we received money for gifts when we were kids it went into the bank. Now my nieces and nephews thank us and write they can’t wait to go shopping. At least they are still writing real letters.

There are only a few things we need and they relate to fixing up our home. Afterwards we can think about new furniture, bikes or trainers, or going skiing. My used trainer will, will have to, suffice for this Winter. My weight is inching down. Let’s see if the trainer will make a difference over the Holidays.

The $44 question: What was the name of my first bowling ball? See Charity Jackpot page in sidebar.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Let's Go For A Walk

When we went out for a walk ,one neighbor stopped and ask Misao.

Neighbor: How old is your dog?
Misao: He is 4
Neighbor: 4 month old?

Me; Ike the dog: Excuse Me I'm not puppy.

Neighbor: Looks like he walks you. (Laughter)
Misao: Many people said same.

Me; Ike the dog: Yeah I walk her every day.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Right Equipment

“60 Minutes” did a expose’ on the Go Pro digital camera; the man and the company but mostly the camera. It is a great success because the man with the vision created the right equipment for surfers, and meeting those corresponding requirements he happened to create a camera good for absolutely everything else. Go Pro was a sponsor of WORS at least for one year in the past and a product I have propped before (without compensation). I showed Misao the Go Pro web site with the videos. She says we have to get one to strap onto ‘Ike’ our dog.

DSCN4419It’s important to have the right equipment. I have my equipment for the gym and I have my used trainer for this Winter. I have been getting more and more use out of it. I think I would get out riding more if my mountain bike hasn’t been suffering from wear and tear. Men need new machinery from time to time to keep them fulfilled.

DSCN4435One thing that has kept me away from exercise and also my writing is work. I had a string of jobs and now I am trying to get in some work on my back entrance before it gets too cold. I leveled out a landing with a thin coat of sand mix during the Packer’s game. I prepped before the game and then watched the first half. I thought I would get it all done during halftime but when I finished, to my surprise, the game was almost over. If only I had been watching…

DSCN4439I gave Misao a Teeter Hang-up for her birthday. She has been complaining of back pain for a long time but no more. It is the most highly recommended hang from your ankles thing I could find. A DVD and a series of e-mails guide one to safe usage. One needs not only the right equipment but the right way to use it. I use it myself. It is good for the joints too. It requires some space but we really can use it tucked in the corner as it is. When you leave the Teeter site they offer you a discount price for a slightly used (free trial) Teeter with full warranty.

Misao has become a groupie of ‘The Band Perry’ and says we need to go to their Green Bay concert also. Keeping the wife happy is very important. The right equipment is certainly essential in this regard. There are some age old time proven tactics and equipment to keep the desired harmony in the home. The foremost tactic is for men to be men and women to be women all in their respective spheres.

DSCN4416In this quest for familial bliss the bowling ball is an essential piece of equipment. I joined an all men’s league with my friend of forty years. I started with one of my dad’s old balls but then got a new ball drilled specifically for my hand. What a difference. Nothing keeps a man happier than winning.

To keep my wife happy I call her ‘Queen Bee’. Then she sings “I rule, I rule, I rule.’ I let her live her fantasy and if that doesn’t work, I can always go bowling. Not ‘The Band Perry’ but it works.

Just call me a font of wisdom.

The $43 Question: Where did I bowl as a youth? Hint: historic landmark. See Charity Jackpot page in sidebar. The more books I get published the greater the multiplier will become.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Greatest Show …Everrrrrr!


Yes, my wife and I made it to see The Band Perry. And what a show!

DSCN4371Though starting a bit late, the opening act was first rate; Joel Crouse. I was not familiar with the name but quickly recognized his songs and his band was fantastic. A substantial performance of the highest caliber.

DSCN4378My wife enjoyed the appearance of Scott MacIntyre of American Idol fame. A transplant recipient he gave his personal testimony in support of the shows sponsor Power2Save. I heard the woman trainer for the winning horse in The Breeder’s Cup Classic is a heart transplant recipient.

Misao liked his songs very much. The local coverage of the entire show was impressive though I would have liked to have read some explanation for the delays. I was surprised I didn’t hear any advertisements in Milwaukee. I don’t know about the country music stations. I think many of The Band Perry’s fans or potential fans would not necessarily listen to strictly country music stations. All ages made up the audience including parents with their children.

DSCN4383Have I strayed into the analytical. Sorry. The opening acts were great and I was expecting more of the same and then …POW! The Band Perry came on like unbelievably so powerful and like never like let up. Everyone rose to their feet and stayed there.

DSCN4387DSCN4393The stage set, visuals and energy dazzled. They reached out to and engaged the audience all throughout the show, encouraging everyone to sing along. Kimberly spoke of family and overcoming obstacles with best wishes for all their fans.

DSCN4397And the fore mentioned delays were nothing compared to what might have been. Let me take this moment to share a bit of my own wisdom. That being, that one should never tease someone they don’t know and who doesn’t know them. I mean, I had the mischievous urge to yell, “We love you Katy.” in friendly jest of course. Well with all those songs Kimberly sings of relationships gone wrong who knows what state she could be in. I may have set off a chain reaction of  female spite and venomous scorn that may have spread from artist to artist, artist to producer, and every combination thereof. Soon all of music-dom as we know it may have come to an end. But practicing the utmost control I instead left happy and still of this world.

DSCN4407My wife wanted to hear “Chainsaw” but it wasn’t part of Friday’s program. They ended with “Better Dig Two” and brought down the house. The audience was inspired and you could see the band was overjoyed at the close. It was a good night from where we sat. They love their fans and really work hard.

Our deepest wishes for their continued success as they hit Europe.

Misao bought their album “Pioneer” (special edition) at Target and spends her internet time learning all the background of their songs. She kept looking over my shoulder as I was writing this post yesterday so I had to put off finishing it until today. Why she worries baffles me.

The $42 question: What three concerts have I attended in my life? Hints; The Band Perry sang a piece from one of the groups, but in regards to the other there was no harmonica in TBP show. See Charity Jackpot page in the side bar.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

DSCN4351Or in the world of Specialized, have a very Special Halloween. Our dog “Ike” might be well described as ‘special’ or even as a ‘hound from hell’ as the picture may suggest. No, we didn’t go visit some haunted structure or photo shop in the background, that really is our back yard.

DSCN4348The weather has been cold damp dark and blustery. The winds knocked over our small bush last week. What is really scary though is the overwhelming success of the Wisconsin Bike Feds Summit and corresponding Gala. Obviously due to my promotigating it through this most powerful of mediums; any blog written by me. Really scary stuff. Not sure how this threat to the bicycle cause in Iowa County turned out.

DSCN4364Dream Bikes on Third Street is no nightmare. I stopped by today to drop off some old rims that may find reuse and old tires and tubes that they will recycle with efficiency. If there is any good use for old rubber they know about it. A worthy cause.

Misao made me get a hair cut today. She said I get angry easily when my hair gets long. Perhaps some wild haired Teutonic spirits looking to connect in pursuit of some vicarious conquest against perceived enemies resembling those long dead. But I think she just wants me to look proper and upstanding for tomorrow. A friend of ours scored us some tickets for “The Band Perry” Friday evening in Madison. My wife’s very first concert ever. We can afford to go, making up Friday’s sales tonight, as nothing Halloween related goes on after the 31st. That’s when those Saints come marching in. It will be a wild and crazy tonight.

The $41 question for good causes such as Dream Bikes (see Charity Jackpot page in sidebar): What two concerts did I attend in High School? Yes, we will keep it the same as my last post as getting tickets and making time for “The Band Perry” has consumed our souls this week.

Better Dig Two

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Chance of Snow

Snow in October? That was the promise anyway. It snowed in Sheboygan and Madison today according to my Facebook friends. And snow can mean only one thing. Cyclo-Cross is here; AKA Psycho-Cross. La Crosse is holding a cyclo-cross event on November 2nd.

palermo3bOf course with the chance of snow I had to go for a ride but unfortunately the snow never arrived. The photo is of Palermo’s from Three Bridges Park. The panoramic nature makes the river look as if it is bending. The sign asks people not to wander off the path and trample the newly planted native species. last time a road by several people who looked like volunteers were working hard at the planting.

DomesThe trail also gives great access to one of Milwaukee’s landmarks; The Domes. Entry is free  to Milwaukee county residence on Mondays before noon.

Of course Friday is The 2013 Wisconsin Bike Summit if you have yet to find your second part time job and have the time. It is topped off by the Saris Gala.

DSCN4339I realized on my ride that the Three Bridges Park will also enhance the views for the now rising tribal casino’s new hotel. It is there behind the bridges.

DSCN4331The geese were out in force to poop up the path.

Now for the big event, the $40 question with not only the Doubler being in affect (see jackpot page) but also the Bonus Question is now activated for a chance to transform $40 into $120. My wife and I are contemplating attending one of The Band Perry concerts in Wisconsin over the next several months. I went to two concerts when I was in High School. Which two performances did I see?

Hint: They could both be labeled iconic. …or not depending on your tastes.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Pizza, Pizza, Pizza

Everyone loves pizza. It is something you can order delivered at home for a football game, while you’re riding on Ray’s fantastical indoor MTB courses or even at the next Metro Mountain Bikers meeting which will be in November on Sunday; MTB movies to follow and a hot grill outdoors. It is election time for the club.

Palermo’s is a famous, or rather infamous frozen pizza producer in our valley. They have a public café at their production facility that serves beer which is so very important to many of the MTB affliction. I am not sure if the Fall Social Ride tomorrow will visit there, but places you have never been before (on a social ride) were promised last meeting. All are welcome. I rode out to Palermo’s yesterday and took a glide over the Three Bridges Park trail, connected to the Hank Aaron Trail. It is right behind Palermo’s. When I got there I found the battery in my camera was dead.

DSCN2977But we need pictures. Here’s an early Happy Halloween.

It is a nice ride,as is the Canal Street corridor. If a clear and convenient bike path can connect 6th street to the Lakefront it will be a convenient and enjoyable ride. You could actually ride from Lake Michigan almost all the way to Madison with little worry of automobile traffic. Though from this November until 2017 the trail will be closed from 94th Place to 116th Street while the freeway interchange is being reconstructed.

Sometimes we make pizza from scratch. Palermo’s sells frozen crust at their cafe. You can buy pizza dough fairly cheap at Trader Joe’s or other places. The traditional yeast based pizza dough can be a long somewhat tedious process to produce but there are several recipes for no yeast pizza dough (I think that is what Trader Joe’s sells) that take only a few minutes to prepare. You can find the recipes on the Internet and they are almost all identical. We were watching America’s Test Kitchen one Saturday and their no yeast pizza dough had one difference over all the others. You know they test and retest and then test again to find the very best recipes. They added 2 tablespoons of corn starch to the typical recipe. And I am no fan of big corn. I wouldn’t tell you that if I didn’t trust that it makes a difference.

My wife and I had to make a trip yesterday and without reservations I let her drive. Though when I told her to stop I had to repeat myself five times before she stopped. She also claims she stops completely at stop signs. So we were planning to try this no yeast dough pizza. You need to roll it out on parchment paper so you can slide it onto a preheated stone or pan (it bakes with the paper). So for several days I asked, “Did you buy the parchment paper?”

Over and over she confirmed to me that we had parchment paper. So she was mixing up the dough. I, always looking to help, asked “Where is the parchment paper?” I opened the drawer she directed me to and asked again, “Where?”

“This is wax paper.” I told my wife. Wax paper is much easier to remove from the bottom of a baked pizza after it is cold, like refrigerator cold. Pizza toppings are more common and inexpensive these days at the grocer.

DSCN2627I did not make it to the 2013 Wigwam MTB Challenge but here is a wondrous picture from 2011.

The $38 question (see Charity Jackpot page): You all know that I have invested myself as a writer. (I will be providing my e-books for free in the near future) Who gave me my first typewriter and what is the make and model?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Happy Birthday

I want wish Happy Birthday to my other dad.

I hope you had wonderful 40th B day.
I love you -Ike-

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October; Strange Days

Is it October already? The colors seemed to start changing on queue. This will be some month. October 3rd is Ray’s Indoor Bike Park sneak peak; free for all IMBA members from 6-10pm. October 8th will be the Metro Mountain Biker’s monthly meeting at ‘Collectivo’ formerly Alterra at 68th and Wells. They found it important to mention to club members that they serve beer at this location. Maybe I will have a tea. The 12th is Metro’s Fall Social Ride also featuring beer. October 25th is the Wisconsin Bike Summit in Madison. I suspect beer will be involved.


The WORS season ends this October 6th.

REI will be hosting a run/walk this coming weekend at Lapham Peal State Park to raise money for improvements. I mentioned some events this last weekend and heard on the news of many more that same weekend. Lots of fundraising going on around here for good causes. I regret that our schedule is so irregular that we find it hard to contribute. REI will also be hosting a Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse seminar on the 22nd, a topic near and dear, like global warming.

My brother the Catholic Priest is developing a pilgrimage route in Wisconsin. He will start his own pilgrimage over the route this October 13th.


Ike suffered a bee sting a while back. Here he is sitting in the refrigerator. He looked worse and worse over the following day (the Internet said after 24hrs he should be fine, not true) but 25mg of Benadryl immediately made him a happy camper; problem solved.

October hit me like a brick. Found myself scattered this morning but regrouped. Having several jobs going last month I had to push to complete some semblance of my writing goals. I worked late last night to finish another edit of my second book. I found the work in such bad shape I thought, You’re never going to be a writer Phil. (I call myself Phil but prefer you all call me Phillip) Then I said to myself, “No man. You’re good.” I pulled out some past versions of the work in print-out and digital form and compared them with what I was working on; the latest digital version. Is sabotage the right word? Maybe, if I could imagine why or how someone would want to mess up my work, but it is difficult to imagine. Something messed it up good in many and various subtle ways.

I hope to make it to Ray’s this Thursday. It is my bowling night but I pre-bowled so I can attend a lecture at SARUP. Then I will run out afterwards if time allows. California was passing up Wisconsin in number of visits to my blog until I started giving Ray’s some free promotion. They have made their indoor park better than ever this year making many fantastic changes. Their season pass is good for twelve months now. So if you get one late this season it will still be good early next season. They also hold several stand alone events throughout the summer.

I always get immediate hits from California when I post on any of my blogs. It is always a new hit, not a previous visitor and did I mention it comes as soon as I post anything. Its been that way for years.

Last question stands. $36

Saturday, September 28, 2013

What’s a Man To Do?

Two previously mentioned events deserve to be repeated; a reminder to those who may not have any plans yet for today (I write in the early AM). One is the Energy for Life Walkathon today right here in Milwaukee at Greenfield Park. The other is the Fall Color Festival, a family oriented MTB event, In the Southern Kettles at the John Muir trail head. Both take advantage of Wisconsin’s wonderful natural environment.

Harvesting is something that should come natural to all men. Partaking of the fruits of their labor and God’s good earth. The peaches were slow to ripen this year due to the unusual fluctuations in the weather this Summer. I picked all the ripe fruit and anything of significant size since it all seemed to be falling, ready or not. It appears the fruit will all drop the last week of September even if it is still green. Much was chomped upon by some creature, most likely of feathered nature but whose true identity has yet to be revealed. We had more rot than usual this year. But everyone  we have given fruit to loves the peaches. They can’t stop talking about how wonderful they are. Ours is a Resilient Peach Tree and this is the northern edge of its growing zone. It is in a protected area and we are near the lake. It gets something less than full sunlight as the surrounding houses shade it for some hours a day, though not much more than the trees along the street would.

DSCN4324But what’s a man to do? I do a good days work, hard to come by, and do what any man would do when stopping by a supermarket. I was looking to buy some bacon, if the price is right, and pick up some non-alcoholic beer.

So I am walking up to a local grocery and some lady approaches me and says, “Excuse me sir. I don’t know if you know this but you almost caused an accident back at the intersection.”

So what does a man do? “No.” I answered, “I didn’t.”

She went on to explain that how stopping after a left turn arrow went from yellow to red that I almost caused two cars, one hers, to hit me from behind.

I explained that I had to stop (I was not going fast either) and if anyone hit me from behind it would be their fault; they would be liable. After the fact I wish I had told her that she would also have gotten a ticket for un-attentive driving if she had hit me. And that’s the truth!

She said, “The light was not red it was gold.” …Gold? That told me everything I needed to know. Those must have been some powerful psychedelic mind altering illicit drugs she took in her formative years. Who calls a yellow light gold? Must be of the same liberal stock as those East-siders that drift into the lane to their right before they make a left turn.

I continued to try to explain why she was wrong. She just wouldn’t shut up. Finally she called me a derogatory term that I cannot mention here and stormed off. Some choice unmentionable terms I had not used in many years came to my mind also though I refrained from their use. But two words encapsulate any and all such terms could possibly come to mind; ‘woman driver’. There is power in being concise.

And when I say ‘woman driver’ I am not being figurative despite her looks. That would suggest that she could possibly be a man. On the other hand they changed the definition of literal to also mean figurative in the latest edition of “The Oxford English Dictionary”. So to say that she was literally a ‘woman driver’ would still not preclude her from being a man. Bringing us to the real problem with the world today. Men not being men (and I’m not talking non-alcoholic beer) and women not being women. Could it all trace back to when woman started driving?

And this is why you keep coming back.. Yes, I try to keep you informed of upcoming events. In some cases I lapse in that responsibility. I missed  mentioning the Ore to Shore Mountain Bike Epic. I have discovered a new race, after it was over, in the news feed in my side bar; The Red Earth Classic in the upper peninsula. But it is the cutting edge truth and common sense that was all too common in days gone by.

DSCN4277Another photo from the Coffee Bean Classic.

Now, for the $34 question. Back in High School my brother and I were going to go in together to buy a classic muscle car but the guy left town thinking it was a day later than it was before we could pick it up. What was the make, model, price and how much did we put down, which of our younger brothers redeemed the receipt for our deposit and was it days, weeks, months or years later? Check  the rules on the jackpot page.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fall Colors

DSCN4319It will be a while before the fall colors blanket our beautiful countryside, but Autumn begins this weekend and the reds and yellows are covering our peach tree in the form of fruit. We may have it all picked this weekend though it is still a bit green. It was a strange year weather wise and the fruits vary greatly in size. We’ll see how they taste.

I have been away from writing all together for a few weeks. I had the opportunity to help some friends with projects of theirs. It has kept me busy. This time of year also appears to be a two month window in which I do 90% of major renovations on our own home. I failed to mention the Bike Fed/IMBA Day at The Rock two weeks past. Maybe they would have had a larger turnout if I had mentioned it on my blog. I am just too popular. Until we can rid ourselves of our weekend jobs I don’t see any opportunity to support weekend bicycle events and competitions.

stopsignSpeaking of the Wisconsin Bicycle Federation, a fine cause, I doubt they had anything to do with posting this signage.

Tomorrow, very short notice, is the grand opening of the Pleasant Valley bike trails. They look quite inviting for the whole family and not too far out of the way for the Milwaukee area. 10:00am – 2:00pm in Cedarburg.

With plenty of time to plan a wonderful Saturday don’t forget about the Fall Color Festival in our wonderful Kettle Moraine on Saturday the 28th. Plenty of fun and activities (and prizes) for the whole family. On the same day is another event and very worthy of participation. It is the Energy for Life Walkathon for the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, right here in Milwaukee at Greenfield Park.

On a darker note, the Odd Tuesday Rides are over. The Wednesday Night Races, also finished for the season, were a success with a total of 159 different competitors over twelve weeks. They averaged about 50 racers a week. Nearly half were in the over 40 category, and they were not all in the greatest of shape. Of course their were some true athletes competing but don’t be shy in taking the plunge. There will be plenty of beginners to commiserate with if you are overweight and out of shape. Metro Mountain Bikers have invested nearly 800 volunteer hours as of the Beginning of September in trail care and building. There will be many more before the end of the year. WORS Alterra attendance was down by 10% from the 1012 season.

Yes, the economy is hitting everyone hard which is why you are all waiting for the now $32 question (see rules on Charity Jackpot page). The question; How old was my wife and how old was I when we first met?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Tea Time

I made it to the Odd Tuesday ride at the Alpha Trail. For me it was a real lung buster as I have not trained nearly enough nor brought down my weight, but I love the switchbacks, up and down. It still is a great ride despite The Rock restricting some of the cross country single track. It reminded me why I love mountain biking with the great nature and intense full body engagement.
MTB3A stenciled advertisement would fit nicely on that built feature. Yes, more photos from the Alterra Coffee Bean Classic. I mentioned the free coffee but they were also offering a ‘sport tea’. Now ‘Colectivo’ they have begun offering their own tea blends, though I do not see Sport Tea in a tin they serve it in their stores. I suspect their Fable Tea is part of the mix; containing rooibos. So advances Colectivo’s march towards world domination.
DSCN4027SPORTea is something completely different but maybe not so much. My wife and I enjoy tea, her more than me. Her tastes favor the bitter and dingier tastes more than I. She just received some nice teas, per her tastes, from her sister in Japan along with many other tasty goodies.
DSCN4058I like visiting Teavana when we go to the mall. I realized that Misao doesn’t like to buy their expensive high end quality. She would rather buy cheaper brands from the grocery store so she can have more money for other shopping, to support her habit; not tea but shopping.
DSCN4088Teavana has a wide variety of quality blends and very hands on attendance. If you prefer less personal care and slightly cheaper prices, but the same range of variety as well as information on all the tea’s qualities Fava Tea Company may be where you want to shop. Of course, in this economy and with high gas prices location may be your deciding factor in giving your patronage to any brand store. I also came across the Mark T. Wendell Tea Company on the Internet via Facebook.
DSCN4146Let me get back to business. This weekend, September 1st, in La Crosse is The Skullsplitter Gravel Race and Ride. That’s the way they spelled it though a hyphen would be advised.
DSCN4199The WORS Reforestation Ramble was quick upon the Alterra event this past Sunday. It is a good cross country trial and a race I enjoyed in the past. Training for next year begins now. One of my favorite WORS races is Treadfest, coming this September 8th. A beautiful setting and course set in a luxury resort.
DSCN4260There is so much to organize on the Internet. Would we all be better off without computers? I will have to get all my photos up on Flickr though I am not sure how much space I have. After some years of cancelling Flickr’s paid service they finally adjusted the formatting back to the free service so I can access all my photos rather than just a few in one of the sets I had previously set up.

Oooops! $30 question same as last.