Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

DSCN4504Yes, it is still Christmas for us in the know. I’ve gotten back strongly to my writing as Winter settles in. Now with the New Year I need to get back to the cycle trainer and the gym. My weight is up slightly.

The gifts just piled up under the tree. Though we live a quiet life I guess we are appreciated. I actually saw someone that looked exactly like Katy Perry at Mayfair before Christmas.

DSCN4503Ike loves the snow as his people profile suggests. He’s not stupid. He knows when it’s too cold and wont stay out too long without his sweater.

Metro Mountain Bikers will be having a snow tubing event at The Rock this Winter again.

Thanks for reading in 2013.

Monday, December 30, 2013

If Your Pets Were Human

She found some intersting site .  Here
It's called 「Pets humanization manufacturer」 
You enter your pets information and they tell you if your pets were human what they would look like.
Do you want see me ?
This is me, Ike the dog, as people !

Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Shopping

I am faced with the age old question: Is Christmas shopping considered exercise? I certainly wouldn’t recommend it to train for the high dive. I guess I will have to put it in the same category as bowling, which is yet to be determined. I doubt it is exercise for my siblings, as they have come to re-gift many things I had given them back to me.

DSCN4489Yes, fruitcake is back. Some years ago I commented that it was hard to find fruitcake, a traditional Christmas favorite. I saw one small precut fruit cake at a department store but it was extremely expensive. Happily fruitcake has made a comeback. There are many reasonable priced varieties not too hard to track down and you can still find the expensive ones. Whole Foods was the first place we noticed the resurgence, last year.

News Flash: If you buy something at the Brewers Fan Shop in the stadium, open 10:00-6:00, they will give you three bobble heads, year book and media guide for FREE! While supplies last. I am a competitive guy by nature of being a man rightly attracted to a woman, namely my wife. They had a bucket of baseballs at the fan shop; baseball a game I played a lot in my youth. I picked a ball up and squeezed it hard in my fingers. Man, it felt good. Brought back a lot of memories. It’s been a long time since I played.

DSCN4492It’s better then Obama’s stash!

I had little to nothing on my gift list this year but I think I should have put on it the handgun I’ve had my eye on for sometime; a purchase beyond our means in the past. Kahr Arms are known for power with accuracy, especially in their compact models. They tend to have limited clip capacity but that gives them a much slimmer design making even their full sized guns ideal for concealed carry. I wasn’t intending such a purchase for some time down the line, but after an evening of longer than usual prayer I dreamed a group of men thought my death a convenience and they weren’t talking natural causes. Not to mention we are having more gun violence closer and closer to our home as the years pass. Gift cards have become the medium for the gift of personal protection these days. Do I take dreams seriously? Not really but it is a good excuse. Can I imagine that there are people in the world who would benefit from my death? That is a whole different question.

What’s truly important though is that fruitcake is back. And check out Ray’s Indoor Mountain Park gift list.

The $49 question: What is the make and model of the first gun I owned, including the type of action? Yes, I watch “Duck Dynasty” and cannot disagree with anything Phil said. I suggest they go broadcast TV and get ratings not seen in thirty years.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Free Books, Snow Tires and Skiing

DSCN3700No. The Snow tires are not free but good advice is; buy some. They are worth the investment to protect your vehicle and ease the mind. Recommended by all who use them, probably.

The skiing isn’t free either. The Rock appears to be closed though the AcroBag Tour begins there this Monday. So we had lots of snow, deep cold for making snow, it’s the weekend and they have a big promo event starting Monday and their website says they are not open today? Too lazy to call and confirm. Sunburst is open and for those of you intolerant of the cold don’t forget Ray’s Indoor MTB, in Cleveland and Milwaukee.

Struggles0001What really is free, at least until Monday midnight, is the Kindle edition of my first book of 2010. Click on the cover for the link. A book difficult not to enjoy for any real men and women. So if you don’t like it…

The $48 question: What did I buy Alois for Christmas? See charity jackpot rules page in sidebar. A slight change from the previous question; gift is bought. Hint: I walked to the store and back when I bought his gift. Yes! From my house.

Happy Holidays.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Crazy Snow

Most of the world found the joy of the season when they heard the Packers won Sunday. For us lucky enough to watch the game it was the snow that made the game, and all the early NFL games, special. It made for some crazy wild football. What was truly crazy wild and completely stupid, not to mention incompetent was breaking in over game coverage for the newsmen to tell us it was snowing outside. Good going FOX6. A t least I could see the replay of that pivotal fumble.

DSCN4484Nothing says Winter like a fine powder several inches deep. Sunburst Ski Hill is open and with the frigid temps I am sure they are piling up the snow all the nights this week. The Rock Sports Complex appears to be opening this coming weekend, though their site is far less clear. If you make it to the ski park page there is a small sidebar window that tells you if the ski lifts are running. Check them out this weekend. I just saw on the Internet that skiing is becoming an activity only the richer than well off can afford. So will be going to the movies with Obamacare.

Xmas13No decorating or Christmas tree until we get out all the cards, greetings and gifts. I want to be ahead of things this year and will hope to get everything out this week. How do I describe Brach’s new Bridge Mix (in picture)? I can think of only one word; decadent. And we had to put up with a hyper already active dog for a day or so. If you take a closer look at the photo…

candySanta got eaten by a Spaniel. Tomorrow Tuesday, is the Metro Mountain Bikers monthly meeting, 7:00pm at Bennos Genuine Bar and Grill. I completely missed the last meeting, gone from my mind, and couldn’t make it to any trail work this year.

The $47 question: What will I buy Alois (member of this blog) for Christmas? I had it picked out for several months. See Charity Jackpot rule page.

Merry Christmas!