Some call this summer. Meteorically or solstice according the claim is Summer is here. But the harsh Winter and the cool damp weather maybe too much for the peach tree. If we don’t get some warm temps and if we have another bad Winter I fear it will go the way of the fire pit.
Ike was scared Thursday when the Blue Angels were flying over preparing for the air show. He doesn’t like the noise. Sorry to those who may have taken my advice and went down to see the Air and Water Show; it was cancelled. But activities abound. If you want to catch some road bike racing live, the Tour of America’s Dairy Land is in full swing. Still six more race events this week, three in Milwaukee County.
And Summerfest starts this week. We’re not big Summerfest fans, but if you love music, are in some remote area of the world and have never heard of Summerfest jump on a plane and come to Milwaukee.
Considering the weather this year you may want to investigate indoor activity alternatives. If you haven’t seen the billboards, you can buy a family summer pass for The Milwaukee Public Museum. Also for those under 15 years of age AMF bowling centers have a summer bowling pass for $24.95 and $29.95 for adults. The Milwaukee County Zoo gives you a pass for a full year, as does Ray’s MTB even though they are not open all year. You can purchase a yearly membership to most all museums.
The cucumber has reached the welded wire mesh. Soon there will be no stopping it. A 4x8 foot mesh has one end pushed in and held by the border timber and the other end is kept in place with the help of three tomato cages about five feet away. It creates a nice arch and cucumbers and tomatoes do well together.
One thing you can say about July and even August is that you know what to expect. June can be a different story. Though the second half of June is often rainy like now, this extensive coolness is neither desired nor within the typical scope. While most plants move towards the sun, the fuchsia here seems to be moving away from the sun in its mostly shady corner of the front porch.
World Cup? They say the Germans are angry, and it’s not because the prices at Starbucks are going up tomorrow. It means not even beer will make them smile. Team USA may be in trouble.
The $62 Question: What are the names of all the pilots and what are each of their plane’s names in my book? Chuck Hammer and the Invisible Squadron; A Vendetta’s Wage. Check the Charity Jackpot page in the sidebar to see how to double or triple your winnings.