Yes, it is football season, at least it feels that way when the Packers are winning. I missed the Colectivo Coffee Bean Classic, not just because the Packers were playing at twelve noon, but because our church services have moved later into the day since last year.
Tomorrow is October which means Halloween, which means scary, which means cyclocross is here. If you‘re a fan of the extremely beautiful area of La Crosse, and cyclocross, save November 9th on your calendar. It’s the DAHL-GMC-Winona Cross Cup at Ecker’s Apple Orchard. Makes me wish our weekends were not so busy so we could go out to enjoy the event and the wonders of the natural environment. The most glorious wonders of nature have one of two qualities; either they are devoid of man’s influence or highly influenced by man as a true steward.
And as the days grow short and cold, indoor comforts come to the fore. Yes, Ray’s Indoor Mountain Bike will be opening for the season soon; October 4th. But if you are an IMBA member, and don’t want to watch the Packers play the Vikings on Thursday Night Football, you can ride the new layout for free from 6pm to 10pm. They redesign their courses every season. With gas prices dropping I may be tempted to partake this Winter.
Don’t forget the final WORS race of the season, the iconic MTB Challenge in Sheboygan, now the Sheboygan Bicycle Company MTB Challenge. A great event in a beautiful setting, my wife has been asking me about because she has friends in Sheboygan.
I know what you all are wondering; ‘Phillip! What about your peaches?’ This was a poor year for the soon to be old peach tree. We had few blossoms yet it looked like we might get a good bowl off the tree. Alas, the cool weather made them slow to ripen and one by one they submitted to the needs of the beasts of the fields and birds of the air. A final pair, nearly the size of a grapefruit, were munched on just before they were ripe. They don’t taste so good any way when they get that large. I have a fifty dollar bill from my birthday I intend to spend on a pole saw to give the tree a good pruning. With the one tree, do I go with a cheap Harbor Freight saw that some like, or a $40 pole saw from Menard’s? These are the kind of decisions that tax one’s youth.
Not to leave any one without hope, Christmas is only twelve Fridays away. A wondrous time of year.
Now, the $70 question: What are my three most favorite WORS races? If you read all my posts you should be able to figure it out. And if you read my books you can double or triple that sum; see Charity Jackpot Page in the sidebar.