Morning glories are wondrous. They are beautiful, grow like a weed once established, but are easy to be rid of if they are someplace you don’t want them to be. Glorious.
Why don’t my waffles taste like those at the restaurant? I keep asking the Internet and have yet received no answers. I bought my wife a waffle maker one Christmas to boot, and still stand denied that crisp clean restaurant result.
Today is National Waffle Day. Support US made waffles.
Did you miss it?
No, not waffles for breakfast, you can eat those anytime today. I’m talking about the underwear ride last week.
The sun had long set. I was sitting before the TV watching one of my favorite shows via Roku, “Rough Cut”, and taking notes when suddenly there came a roar. As if some people had broken out in brawl.
‘A ha!’ I thought ‘That group that hangs out in front of the house across the street at odd hours has finally broken out into a fight.’ I rushed to the front door, cell phone in hand ready to call the police, and threw the door open.
My jaw dropped. Hundreds of bicyclists rode buy our home and those of our neighbors in nothing but there underwear.
When I realized the horror of what was playing out before me I yelled through the screen door, “It’s a one way street!” And they were going the wrong way!
My wife came running down and joined me at the door. After her initial shock she laughed and waved at what looked to be thousands of riders. “Are they going around the block?” She asked, wondering how there could be so many.
My thoughts were somewhat different. ‘Don’t smile’ I internally scolded, ‘Give them the evil eye and the fearsome frown, they are going the wrong way on a one way street.’
“It’s so cold outside.” my wife fretted over their plight.
‘It is cold.’ I entertained. A smile stretched across my face at the thought of the temperature tormented.
Neither the fruit of the loom nor the fruit of the womb, our peaches yet hang low in bounty. They have yet to ripen and autumn is quickly approaching. They would make a sweet topping for your waffles.
..What? You lost your appetite??? Would my explaining the fact that most all the riders were young and fit, make a difference? They also had appropriate lighting, flashing red and a few head lights. Some were wrapped in strings of LED lights and one bike was made to look like a chariot. …Didn’t help?
Don’t forget the Fall Color Fest in the Southern Kettles or the quickly approaching Tosa Fest. Right now, at this very moment, Emery’s is having a big Summer sale.
For the total complete bicycle enthusiast The Saris Gala is just around the corner; special guest Gary Fischer the father of mountain bike and always the best dressed for any occasion.
I volunteered to man a booth at the WORS Collectivo Classic in Minooka. Not the Minooka in Illinois, and certainly not the Minooka in Alabama, but the Minooka in Waukesha. I arrived and realized that I had forgotten my camera. So I didn’t get out on the course to take any pictures, but the company was good. I bought a waffle from one of the food vendors, no joke, for a light lunch.
This past weekend WORS had a great cross country romp up Green Bay way. Their next event is September 6th on a fabulous course in Lake Geneva Treadfest. The high end resort experience is fitting for the devoted rider as the season’s end quickly approaches. One of my favorite races, but I have failed in my weight loss goal and will not be competing.
I am reminded that Metro Mountain Bikers is an organization advocating the building of sustainable trails. They also spend much time maintaining those trails; along with other IMBA chapters across our State and Country. Maintenance is something The Rock has given up on. Where $5 might not seem much for self paid access to their trails, it is when the trails are neglected and overgrown. Alpine Valley has trails not only maintained but with a cheaper access fee.
Here are some of IMBA’s best trail centers across the nation.
Copper Harbor, in the UP, is a system of trails growing in length and reputation.
Always wear a helmet and dress appropriately when riding the trails.
The $110 question: What were my three most favorite WORS races? Keeping the same question. Check out the Charity Jackpot Page link in the sidebar to possibly triple the amount.