Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Hills are Alive

Actually my first time trials at Crystal Ridge. 1:50+ for three laps, 12 miles, my longest strictly off road ride ever. My second lap would have been faster than my first but I had to stop several times for those who were lapping me to pass. I lifted at the gym earlier and didn't eat much so I was far from discouraged at my result which reflected my first two WORS races. Had knee pain. Must be those long uphill climbs. Perhaps if I slide higher in my seat on the ascends I will have less trouble. I tend to get scrunched down a little when I am racing.
Beautiful course with the scent of wild flowers. A whole lot of phlox. It would be nice to get some variety, bluebells lily of the valley. Lining that section of road between single tracks with hostas would be nice. It could be called Hosta Vista (hosta la vista). A nice cover of wildflowers on the ski slope, marking the switch backs with a groupings of azaleas and a couple of lilac bushes in some sunny openings in the forest would really freshen things up.

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