Monday, December 29, 2008

The Christmas Season

Yes, it still is the Christmas Season. It is the quite reflective time of the season that should be most enjoyed. The wise men are due to arrive in a week and some Orthodox calenders are not celebrating the day until January 7th. Yet that radio station that seemed so intent on being the first to play Christmas music, even on Halloween, had none after the 25th. Some stations are actually continuing their Christmas music.

It used to be one was proud of the severity of the Winters one's community endured. Yet the local talk radio people just whine about all the severe weather. Then they complain about the chik-a-fication of our country. Just a bunch of pansies.... except for 'that woman' they have on now in the mornings. But now the snow is nearly gone with temps near 60 the other day and an inch of rain.

We went to an indoor work day for the local WORBA Chapter. Bring your own meat for the grill they said. Or as my wife called it "An eating meeting." Brought some Omaha Steak gourmet franks my brother sent us for Christmas. The host ordered three units of the product shown above. I recently saw a TV show on ION TV about gadgets, where they highlighted the 'rear view bicycle helmet.' Couldn't find much about it on the Internet. Just coming to market in the United Kingdom.

My weight is up five pounds but still under the 260lb mark. Time to get back to the serious training. When I slack a bit it doesn't take long to become apparent of the precarious condition of my health. Have to be more serious on my supplements. And no I didn't get a trainer for Christmas and wasn't really expecting one considering. Maybe a New Years Day sale.

Your family giving you something that reflects your interest, goals and ideals? Hmmm..... A real Magic 8 Ball moment. But that isn't what Christmas is all about. I hope everyone has a great end to their year and reflects on the season well to prepare for the next.

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