Saturday, September 26, 2009


Finally my work number has transferred over to my new cell phone. With the new all-in-one computer device I scanned some of my work for a future web site. Also am going through some albums to see if there is anything I might want to digitalized. Found wrapping paper scraps still looking for a proper place in the album, from a gift, undelivered, I wrapped this spring.

Here is a photo from when I was living in Korea. Took hap-ki-do all four years. A studio in a neighborhood where I was doing some volunteer work. Everyone should know how to defend themselves and I look good in black. They have a promotion for their hap-ki-do lessons going on at Bally, but they wear white. Yes I was that thin. Below is a picture of my teacher. A bit of a mountain biker also.

I had an interaction over the Internet with my younger brother once. He claimed I was a violent person. He couldn't really give any examples for his ridiculous claims. Certainly no one I trained with in Korea, or here in Milwaukee when I took karate at UWM, would say I am violent. I mentioned my brothers assertions to a guy I know from the gym and he laughed in disbelief. But kudos to my brother for actually communicating his concerns; everyone talks about me and no one talks to me.

I have been part of conversations, not complimentary to others, when the object of the conversation was absent. I don't initiate such conversations but when I find myself in such circumstance I make it a point when I meet that person to say; "Hey, I heard you....."

Martial arts is about discipline on several levels. Fighting to keep in shape or restore ones health is a discipline. So is trying to be a good person. It requires constant attention. Man is more than material.
It is autumn. Most trail work gets done in the spring and autumn. I wont be helping on the trail work day tomorrow (it's Sunday). It is also the time to plant bulbs. we don't currently have any bulbs in the ground but I made a small new garden plot in the front where I may try the layer (aka sandwich or lasagna) system to have blooms all spring long.

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