A lazy Saturday. Made all the more sweet after surviving a Friday the 13th without suffering any nightmares, getting caught in a murderous maze or stirring the ire of any hockey masked punks. But not so lazy in that we worked last night and will be working tonight. And with the short days I will have to be getting out soon if I want to catch a ride today, as it has been a week with days above 50 or more. And it looks like more mild days to come.
On the first of these Indian Summer days I was anxious to get out for a good ride. Misao was fixed to the computer, feeding her Internet addiction, when I called out, "Where's my bike shoes!"
She didn't answer and I called out louder, ... and then louder. She came marching downstairs, as the computer is upstairs, and as she came into my office. I spotted my shoes in the paper recycling box (no, I don't wear paper shoes). I picked them up and said, "Here they are."
Then bam!
... Misao hit me. She hit me square on the back and a sharp pain pierced my spine. I thought certain that if not broken the imminent swelling would cause some kind of paralysis if only temporary. I questioned whether to go on my ride, not wanting to collapse helpless in the roadway or worse on some obscure trail where it could take days to be found.
But I rode anyway. And have had many days of riding satisfaction.
Emery's has started their Winter training sessions. I seriously have to make a plan for my aerobic training this Winter. Either getting a trainer or spend many an hour at the gym. Have to work back into the strength training too.
I will be missing deer hunting this year in more ways than one. The bow hunters have been out enjoying the rut for a couple weeks. Hunting is far more expensive than one can imagine. The ammunition, getting out to a range to practice and site in your gun on a regular basis (the closest range is over an hour drive). Traveling to and managing your land to maximize your chances. And all the equipment, the lodging and food, not to mention the processing costs. Similar to a season of racing. But I consider the bicycling higher in health benefits. Still I'm wearing my blaze orange gear when I get the chance.
I really miss getting up to our property. The clean air and water and not only deer but plenty of fowl and rabbit to hunt. Or just clearing the land to promote growth in the strongest and most desirable trees.
They have an all terrain unicyclist on TV right now. My back still hurts.
Here is another picture from Sheboygan. Windows 7 seems to work slightly better; very slightly.
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