Thursday, January 7, 2010

Time and Space

I hope everyone is having a happy new year and are well into their resolutions. Time to go through all my assortment of bike and fitness gear to see if I can put an ensemble together to handle the cold temperatures on my bike. Metro Mountain Bikers are working a deal on a group discount for some high end bike lights. Still too steep for me. The last opportunity to get in on the deal will be at their next meeting. I most likely wont be there. Just to let all my fans know... along with my stalkers (their supporters and facilitators) and anyone else who sees fit to obsess on my life.

As far as my own goals, for those focusing on my weight and fitness, today is a good day. With the snow forecast to fall all day, and the lake effect to heap more here on our special community, I will be in and out shoveling all day. Lots of snow in Seoul and even London as global warming casts its icy grip over the world.

Some say snow is a sign of good fortune and I'm hoping this new year of 2010 to be just that. Yesterday an old friend from Korea I had lost touch with tracked me down on the Internet. I actually heard he had cancer at some point (not sure if it was true) and thought he was dead. After I left Korea most of my friends move and changed jobs, as did I, and I lost touch with many of them. Good friends are few and far between and can be counted on one hand. His parents gave him a name synonymous with good fortune.

Being alone most of the day, working out of or on my house without any real human give and take outside of the gym most of the week, it is a fight to dominate time. To use it most efficiently. While I have to revamp my schedule and make a determination to stick to it, a bigger factor is organizing space. Having a specific area for each task clearly organized can keep one focused. And sometimes a certain task consumes your day as it just seems to keep you inspired, so out with any schedule. And if it doesn't, you just move on to the next task.

I have a nice reading chair and lamp, and reading will be a focus this, especially related to my profession. And hope to do a lot of writing on all my blogs. Have to keep up with any related lectures at the University. Always looking for good influences and sources of information. Of course the most influential factor in anyones life is to know that one is loved. Anyone who doesn't understand that is a fool and anyone who works to keep that knowledge from another.... no consensus will keep them from where they're going.

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