Sunday, March 13, 2011


All of Misao's family in Japan are safe, as are friends and their families. It surely was shocking and horrifying to see those tsunami taking out fleeing cars. Misao has one social network friend that had much of her extended family living in one of the hardest hit cities. Dogs from all over the world will surely save many a life over the next week or so.

Here are the first signs of spring at our house. I planted a few kinds of bulbs, each kind to bloom some weeks after the other. The problem is the proximity to the neighbors house keeps the ground warmer than the weather would otherwise suggest. So I think everything will come in at once. Tulips, narcissus and something else. It seems it will only cost $20 to treat the peach tree. Misao said Lady Ga Ga gave $16 million to the Japanese relief effort (Misao read this and now has told me her source is questionable. Yes, I changed 60 to 16, a problem with pronunciation).

The gym still has some crowds. I thought it would have emptied out by now. People just hanging out talking, sitting or hanging on the equipment you want to use. Women hula hooping in the path to the machines you want to use. Just annoying sometimes. The women last longer than the men, but in another month it should be back down to the regulars... which are most predominantly men.

Actually haven't worked on the book since the Japanese quake. Threw off my entire focus. Will print and edit what I got and then finish the first draft.

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