Friday, October 7, 2011

Golden Harvest

I really should take my camera out on my weekly route. The fields are turning gold, the pumpkins are stockpiled along the sides of the road for sale to anxious youth shining in their gleaming autumn orange and the leaves are beginning to turn. The weather is beautiful. I hope this Indian Summer does not mean an early Winter though it will get me to writing a lot more on my book(s).

My weekly drive also takes me by the Trek facilities here in Wisconsin as well as the major beekeeping equipment suppliers in the state. I miss keeping bees. The small towns have some very interesting small bike shops with rustic allure.

With competing out of my mind for this year the training has dropped in priority, though I am looking forward to our trip to Sheboygan this Sunday. I hope to get some good shots and video from the WORS race and Misao will be visiting with friends there. Hopefully the colors will be at their peak making the trip truly enjoyable on most every level. Hope to have many great pictures to share.

DSCN2547House repairs… They are unending. I filled this crack with a 3M product. The crack was there before the mud jacking of the garage apron which was done well. I took a masonry chisel and widened the crack so the patching cement, that came in caulking tubes, could really get into the crack and have its own solid presence, and the process also provided a clean surface. I vacuumed and brushed it out. It’s how you prepare a crack for repair. The learning never stops here. Learning and sharing about how to do things well is part of what makes life a joy. The cement product was a bit rubbery so I don’t have any after pictures. Didn’t trowel well (maybe I waited too long). But it doesn’t look too bad. I may grind it down smooth later.

DSCN2543I asked Misao to be more careful about spending money on frivolous things. She said she doesn’t. Another plus for Sunday, race day, is that the Packers play in the evening; Sunday Night Football. I knew the Detroit Lions would come back and beat the Dallas Cowboys last week because the Packers are never allowed to sit free and clear as leaders of the Central Division (is it the North Division now?). Misao bought two of these plastic popcorn tubs for football season. The Packers and Lions are now the only two undefeated teams, for all you international readers who might not be keeping up with football. The real football that all real men follow.

I have been considering going back to school for a Masters in a year or two. Today they have an open house for potential graduate students but I am unable to make most of the activities as our car is in the shop again. Just when you start to get ahead something happens.

Shopping around for a good trainer I see that those computerized models where you can follow routes on your computer or TV screen are not as expensive as I thought. You can even race others over the Internet. My Capitalist Watch List in the sidebar has Internet sellers that have some systems on sale. It looks like if you get a good sales price you could get one with all the necessary accessories for under $1,000. Still too expensive for me right now, but you never know what the future holds. I know the best computerized trainers run several thousand.

The Brewers are going for it all this afternoon. If they win they are in, if they lose they are out. What steams me is with all these stadiums, including ours, being paid for with tax payer’s money we cannot see the game on broadcast TV, only paid TV. Everyone makes more money if the series go all five games. Just like my dad thought the whole losing streak towards the end of the season was all planned as no one makes money when you have a runaway team. Why go to a game if nothing is at stake. if it is all a scam the Brewers will bury the Diamond Backs today. The game will just be a formality.

Go Brewers!

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