Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Yes, this blog was to be predominantly about sports and fitness, most notably mountain biking. I am still waiting for my “Mountain Sport” to catch on. Wow! It’s been nearly five years since I wrote that? Soon my ideas will sweep the world. But somehow the dog is looking to subvert my plot for world dominion and looking to claim himself supreme ruler. But his early successes, as his image attempts to smother this blog, far from guarantee ultimate victory.


Here is Ike in one of his more determined poses thinking, “When He least expects it I will leap into his lap and harass him with assaults of affection until he submits to my will.” …The attempt by cats to overthrow dogs as supreme consumer of human fondness is the ultimate definition of futility.

Enough about Ike. There are so many sports stories here in Wisconsin these days. Most notably Matt Kenseth, #17 of Wisconsin, went down to Florida and won his second Daytona 500. After many a delay, tribulations and trials, rain and fireballs, the race concluded over 36 hours after it was set to start on Sunday. You couldn’t have asked for a more odd chain of events, but that’s what happens when you let those open tire racers into NASCAR.

Then there is the Ryan Braun story. Seems hard to discredit either Braun or the collector for Major League Baseball in this drama of a failed drug test overturned. Heh, why was the collectors young son, studying here at UW Milwaukee, Ryan’s chaperone; the one watching the collection? Did he handle the sample? Could someone put a drop of testosterone in the cup and it not be noticed? They say one drop would account for the excessively high levels of the substance the test supposedly found. And if that drop dries on the bottom of the cup can it be easily seen? I just find it odd this college student, and we all know how foolish college students can be, is the only one hiding from the media.

But Major League Baseball still is trying to smear Braun. What next? Will they change the rules specific to Braun’s situation to try to drive him out of Baseball? It didn’t work on Jonathan. I’m talking “Roller Ball”, the James Caan version not the morally bankrupt remake. They tried to get rid of him and he ended up RULING THE WORLD!


And the Wheel and Sprocket Bike Expo is only a month away. Nothing says Spring like warm weather and wet muddy trails. As it was in the 50’s temperature wise today I had to go out for a ride. It went from partly cloudy to overcast by the time I got out. I started with a climb into the wind, and then the wind got stronger and colder as it began to sleet. I would have stuck it out but cut my ride short as I wasn’t wearing any gloves. No pictures from the ride.


And nothing says Summer like grilling, and grilling at a WORS event just makes my mouth water. And grilled cheese is in the news again. Yes, my weight is going down and this picture isn’t helping. I am watching what I eat and most likely will stick to the plan that I will not race until I am under 250 lbs. I am still shopping for a trainer but most likely will settle for overhauling my race bike and buying a used bike for riding around town on errands and to go to the gym. Need to manage our resources.


Ike had a bath today. Umm, smelling minty. You can’t do that yourself can you Ike. And no one likes a dirty dog, …almost no one. I own you Ike, I own you.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I hate car

I heard TunTun and Shippo loved car very much.

They think I should too.

But I'm sorry .

I hate it!

If they buy doggie seat belt for me ,I might enjoy riding car.
I don't know...I hope ...

I'm Ike!
Every dogs different ,Right?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Winter, Is it Over Yet?

DSCN2859Winter has been a fickle creature this year. The weather has provided many opportunities to ride though I have been unable to take advantage of them all. This photo from a short time back is of the Hoyt Park Trails. Mud is the word of the month when it is not snow or frigid cold. But the snow stays not long on the streets. However my time has been filled with concerns other than fitness and health; two things I need to focus more on.

Will be getting my bike in to be overhauled soon. Still looking at trainers though a second bike of lesser value may be a better investment this year as the opportunities to ride outdoors are more than few. A second bike for running around town, a bike that I could afford being lost or damaged would do me well to get me to the gym.

ProForm has a stationary bike that connects to Google maps where you can travel courses anywhere in the world almost. Like the high end trainers for your competition bike and nearly the cost. They have treadmills with the same features. The problem I have been told by those in the serious bicycle business is that the pricing demands by COSCO, Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart and the like the quality is not as high as it should be for people seriously training. You can get similar higher quality machines at your bike/fitness shops.

Misao enjoys posting about Ike. Ike was very upset at me not being clearer on his Super Bowl predictions. He would have typed the post himself if his paws were not so large. He said it would be a safety, touchdown and field goal for the Giants 12 points and would have come off looking half genius if I had reported correctly. He says it was the interception and New England’s failure to recover a Giant turn over that through off his prediction. That, and he thought Nicks were for kids.

DSCN2852Picked up some research material for one of my future books. Will get more research from the library. Too many things consume my time and I would focus on the writing but I need to make money. And I need to stay fit and lose weight. With Lent I am looking to be more thoughtful over what I eat and spend more time in the quiet; less radio and TV.

My books are available for Kindle. My writers blog will soon become my most popular if you trust the visitor counters.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Keep park clean

It's a fun time .

Sniff sniff

People!Please clean up your dog's poop .

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Today's trouble

They told me 「Ikey You are not goat!」

And they started singing 「Trouble~trouble♪ trouble♪」
As you know Cat burglar CM.

Actually I like bone better.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Closer Look

My hair always sticks up....

I'm a boy,but I have long eyelashes....

Don't you think me handsome?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl

Yes it is Super Bowl Sunday and I am feeling under the weather. I believe it has something to do with the weather. Misao hasn’t been feeling well either.

Predictions? I predict I will be cheering for the team that falls behind first and is looking for the comeback.  It will be hard to cheer for the Giants but the Patriots are my favorite AFC team having spent some years in New England. My favorite AFC team would be the Colts but they left Baltimore. “Quothe the raven, Nevermore.”


Ike has done his research on the Internet and says Brady will lead the Patriots to a 34-12 victory. He has become quite a wiz on the computer. Ike and I had a long long walk after church. I should take him with me on my bike he has so much energy. Hopefully he’ll leave me alone during the game. But if his prediction comes through its going to be unbearable here.

No, I wasn’t watching pregame all afternoon. Surprisingly I watched an excite comeback …tie between Chelsea and Manchester United. Yes, Manchester came back from a 3-0 deficit in a magnificent tie. Yes …ties are magnificent to those Europeans. I am talking soccer if you can’t tell. Then we watched The Adventures of Pluto Nash until my headache went away.


Ike says ties are for losers. Better to have tried and lost than to tie.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Warm

Is it February already? Metro Mountain Bikers monthly meeting will be a special, most of the day event on Sunday February 12th; a mega meeting. It will begin with a ride, 1-4 pm, before the meeting and then movies and hopefully an open grill from 6 pm. And with the recent high temperatures in what has usually been the coldest time of the year it looks like it will not just be for the fool hardy. Yes, Winter weather riding can be very risky but if things stay warm it may be Spring all of February. I most likely will not be attending. It will be in the middle of a long hard week of work and I may have some other commitments.


My exercise routine is picking up, finally. And as I exercise more I want to exercise more. The WORS season is quickly approaching. I got out for six days of vigorous exercise last month, including a quick ride yesterday at over 10mph on my mountain bike. Not great but it gets the heart moving. I took this photo on a ride before our January cold snap and had hoped to get a contrasting photo of a frozen river by the end of January, but when I was there yesterday it looked nearly the same.

With the new roof my stomach problems went away. I put it to environmental conditions where as my parents, who helped pay for the roof, chalked it up to reduced stress. A good roof is very important and a bad roof is quite a lot of stress. Then I did some work in a crawl space as the roof work had knocked down old insulation and made a general mess under the old rafters. I had my ventilator, long sleeves, hat and goggles, all highly recommended for anyone working in a crawl space, yet after I finished I got a bit sick and my stomach problems returned.

So, …I say it was more environmental than stress. I am not as hungry as I used to be either since the new roof was put on. I am not sure if I am losing weight too as the fancy scale we have needs a new battery. Getting in shape and getting healthy is a multifaceted effort. I also need some long overdue expensive dental work to be done. Bad teeth can also cause health problems. Misao and I also need to get on a regiment of some good supplements. The talk these days is krill oil. I also believe in what is labeled ‘HA’ for your joints.

DSCN2807Ike and clearing out the basement have been a formidable pair of tasks. Got all my tools and such out to clean and organize. Have some major projects to get to in the basement and am rearranging everything in preparation. Ike needs constant attention whenever he is not sleeping. My brother is recommending a trainer this spring as it was my opinion that he is very smart, though he acts stupid, and has some great hunting skills. He responds poorly to raised voices but after an initial start he goes towards sudden loud noises, suggesting he shouldn’t be gun shy.

Will definitely get my bike in to be overhauled, but don’t think I have enough money to swing a trainer. But if the weather keeps up like this a trainer may be a poor investment considering our current finances. Besides I’d rather get the high end stuff than the cheap simple trainers and those are out of reach for this year. Looking also to repair a beach bike I got from my brother or pick up some thing simple to ride around town with to do errands and get to the gym. Of course then I need a place to lock it up.

Started this first day of February with writing. This is my third blog post of the day. I will also write on my books today. I may write all day and stay away from Facebook completely. And for Kindle device owners you can read “Chuck Hammer and the Invisible Squadron, A Vendetta’s Wage” for free. Simple download it from your ‘Kindle Owner’s Lending Library’ on your Kindle device or click on the “Prime” badge on the sales page. I should post this on Facebook.