Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Muscle Memory

Listening to a guy on the radio the concept of muscle memory was extended by him to the concept of accomplishing greater fitness and health. The claim as I understood it was that our body gets in a rut when we exercise in only one fashion and if you only do one thing, like bicycling, you may night be as fit as you think. For instance you appear really fit as you accomplish your cycling goals but you keep getting fat. The whole idea of muscle confusion is promoted with many testimonies as a truly superior way to lose weight. And as I get out on my bike again I feel good and strong after not riding much over the Winter but get tired and short of breath when I do other things. I will have to try different assorted exercising and stretching in the evenings, even if it for only ten minutes.

Memorial Day is quiet for us. We didn’t go to the parade this year. We did grill and I caught at least part of four war movies as they had hero movie marathons on two of the nostalgia TV stations. I think the other had series such as “Combat” and “Twelve O’clock High” on; stuff of my childhood.

Planting the garden is also something I started this weekend. I found this website on how to grow tomatoes but it also has some good information on what plants you should and shouldn’t plant together. They have a few articles on the subject if you look around. Now I know why our tomatoes haven’t done well for some time. It was the radishes and maybe the lettuce. We are out of spinach seeds. I saved one row for spinach.


Ike chases butterflies while I am working in the yard. He pees like a girl too. At least he wont kill the peach tree. He’s got something in his sites.


The Trek Big Wheel Classic is on this weekend. Been there before. Can’t make it this weekend. Not where I want to be yet fitness wise. Metro Mountain Bikers should have a great crowd tomorrow, Wednesday evening, for their time trials at Crystal Ridge. You have to go to the Alpha Trail trailhead.

As I work on my resolution for this year, “No more Mr. Nice Guy” I have to wonder is that really much of a resolution? I certainly didn’t let Ben’s off the hook for ill treatment of a customer. Didn’t blink twice to write about the spitter’s guild. Might not get my scathing piece on my experience in Architecture this month but it is well on its way.

My writer’s blog has actually surpasses this blog in visitors according to the visitor counters.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Staying Cool

Hi everyone.

I found cool spot.

Where ?

Bath Tub!

Ride, Ride, Ride

DSCN3055Yes, I actually got out to ride today. No, not going to the Wednesday night time trial but they have begun after some rain delays. The Hoyt Park trails are in good shape and obstacle free. I came across this obstacle but then realized it was no obstacle at all. Rode right through it. Then I crossed paths with this fallen tree.


And the tree lost. Just call me Heracles. Does that earn me a T-shirt?


Teavanna’s Samurai Chai tea seems to work to suppress the appetite, even over some time. Actually it suppresses more the cravings than the hunger. And if that is too much caffeine the White Ayurvedic Chai tea has far less caffeine. Both good for you and can be enjoyed cold. Even watered down in the water bottle it gives the water a crisp cutting edge that I can enjoy. More free advertising from the goodness of my heart. Yes, my weight is inching down. Not sure if it is the tea or my stomach shrinking as Misao pays more and more attention to portion sizes.

For the truly fit and powerful in the way of the bicycle you can ride six trails in one day this Saturday. I am not sure if you are required to ride each trail once a day for six days before that, if you get my reference. A mega event, Single Track or Bust, put on by those Northeasterners don’t you know. It is unclear to me how the event title conveys the scope and magnitude of the event but I don’t live in the woods.


Ike is looking for an agent. He thinks he’s going to be a movie star and is getting some promotional photos together. Obviously he is watching too much American Idol, but Misao wont let us watch anything else. I voted for Phillip Phillips. How could I not.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin

Today the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin had a grand opening but let me start with a project that shouldn’t be lost in the details. Dream Bikes is having a grand opening for a location in the inner city of Milwaukee. One of the contributors to the project is a man of Olympic fame (he trued the wheels for the Olympic cycling team) whose name to those discovering employment under his wise and capable hands is Jobs.

I took a short ride today to visit the Bicycle Federation’s new location just off the Hank Aaron State Trail. The development of the trail with its link to the south side via a bridge and an old tunnel under  the railroad tracks is a very good location for their new facility. The link that neighborhood now has to the stadium and easier access to the lakefront attractions by bicycle (or even walking in regards to the ball park) create a more attractive neighborhood and should be a draw for those bike enthusiasts who want commuting options, and those types are growing. But honestly, only a nutter is going to ride his bike to work everyday, or even most days out of the year in this climate. Yeah, I know it is bike to work week. Why don’t they hold it in January?


You can visit their new location and buy a T-shirt, jersey, socks or a trail pass, as well as regional bicycle maps.  The event had a good turn out, When I was taking the above photo some of the locals were griping on their porch about the rich people who can afford their fancy bikes with their special shoes and socks. Their website is a good source for finding events.

IMG_0322So I had a nice little ride today. Good after four very full days of work. The peach tree is loaded with peaches this year. The warmer weather will suppress the leaf curl. My brother sent me this photo of an elm tree I gave him some years ago. It just started growing in a pot I left outside. It seems to be doing well.