Today the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin had a grand opening but let me start with a project that shouldn’t be lost in the details. Dream Bikes is having a grand opening for a location in the inner city of Milwaukee. One of the contributors to the project is a man of Olympic fame (he trued the wheels for the Olympic cycling team) whose name to those discovering employment under his wise and capable hands is Jobs.
I took a short ride today to visit the Bicycle Federation’s new location just off the Hank Aaron State Trail. The development of the trail with its link to the south side via a bridge and an old tunnel under the railroad tracks is a very good location for their new facility. The link that neighborhood now has to the stadium and easier access to the lakefront attractions by bicycle (or even walking in regards to the ball park) create a more attractive neighborhood and should be a draw for those bike enthusiasts who want commuting options, and those types are growing. But honestly, only a nutter is going to ride his bike to work everyday, or even most days out of the year in this climate. Yeah, I know it is bike to work week. Why don’t they hold it in January?
You can visit their new location and buy a T-shirt, jersey, socks or a trail pass, as well as regional bicycle maps. The event had a good turn out, When I was taking the above photo some of the locals were griping on their porch about the rich people who can afford their fancy bikes with their special shoes and socks. Their website is a good source for finding events.
So I had a nice little ride today. Good after four very full days of work. The peach tree is loaded with peaches this year. The warmer weather will suppress the leaf curl. My brother sent me this photo of an elm tree I gave him some years ago. It just started growing in a pot I left outside. It seems to be doing well.
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