Kinetic seems to be growing in popularity as a trainer. They had several out on display at Emery’s. I bought my Cyclops used at Emery’s for a good price. It was a demo. I hope it lasts. It doesn’t look the best and when you have a demo out it is not just performance but appearance people are judging. So it was time for this demo model to move on.
To promote my blog (and my other writings) I am starting a promotion. I will ask a question each week starting at $2 for the winner. The prize will go up $2 every post ($1 a post over $40) every time the question is not answered before the next post. I am looking to be posting more than once a week now that the season is upon us. The topic will be of course myself and always educational. You can claim the money for a charity or or non-profit such as a bicycle club. (revised 5/24/13; can only be claimed for a charity)
The $2 question:
When I was a baker way back when I broke the record for most donuts dropped on one screen. A batter bowl with a plunger drops the donuts into the oil, they sink to the bottom before rising. They are turned once. When the donuts drop they sometimes touch when they momentarily rest on the bottom, it’s called a marriage, and they become slightly deformed. I don’t recall what my record was (I think it was 64, it was a long time ago) but I remember how many marriages I had. How many marriages did I have? One guess per ID.
1 comment:
The answer is NONE. It would not have been a record otherwise. In general tall people and people named Jim dislike me strongly. The previous record holder was tall and named Jim. He had a fit that I broke the record and grabbed up several donuts and put them on the scale. All a perfect 2oz. I hope he has recovered by know and that I didn't drive him into such disillusion that his life completely fell apart ...maybe.
This is not an easy record to achieve. After dropping the first round one must go back and drop more rows as the first rows one has dropped rise from the bottom. Them they must be turned in such a fashion that they are of even coloration, which mine were, always.
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