Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

A time to remember those who died, most notably members of our armed forces. It was called decoration day and decorating graves of loved ones was the norm. Then it modelAbecame decorating ones yard. I was planning a garden day as both my wife and I had the whole day free. We were going to get some major garden projects done and maybe go for a bike ride. The weather snuffed out everyone’s plans. The whole neighborhood was quiet.

But the weather was perfect for bringing an end to some old unsustainable school projects. I couldn’t bring myself to throw them in the trash so I burned them. The largest seen here.


It is surprising how well Strathmore burns once it gets going.

The WORS season looks to be going well though I have yet to get to a race. Plenty of pictures on their Facebook page. I missed the last Metro Meeting having had a very long work week and weekend with that other holiday in May. I was still recovering and completely forgot.

Another race series some may be interested in is the Urban Dare, coming to Chicago June 15th. I am still pushing to get back into a rigid fitness routine. I gave my delivery job five months notice and will soon be writing full time. It will be easier to work in an exercise schedule around my writing. Writing I am also doing a lot more reading.


Of course there had to be the grilling for the holiday.

Note the changes to the jackpot rules on the Jackpot page.

Here is the $10 question. I have never gone to a movie by myself. Way back there was a movie I really wanted to see but my brothers and mother went without me. I never saw the movie. What movie was it? Hint: I have been there.

See how you can double the winnings for charity on the jackpot page.

1 comment:

Phillip said...

"Incheon" was the movie. It was produced by Reverend Moon who was prominently portrayed in the opening credits. The funny thing is the one who wanted to see the movie and was denied by circumstance joined Reverend Moon's church. I do not believe the movie is in circulation.