Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Is it Spring Yet?

Thoughts of Spring were dancing in my head when I saw the WORS update last week in expectation of the Iola Race this past weekend. Fantastic memories and great course. Will I ever get there again.

DSCN4651I heard the conditions were great prior to the race at Iola but Ike says, “We can still have snow.” You can find WORS results and standings online. It’s a great organization. Don’t forget WEMS this weekend.

DSCN4649The biking season has begun though the weather is slow to comply. The Wisconsin Bike Fed Magazine has a calendar of most all cycling events in Wisconsin.

DSCN4640Ike and I were pleasantly surprised a couple weeks ago and thoroughly entertained since. Is “American Hoggers” the greatest show ever or what? Hunting wild hogs with a pack of dogs, then wrestling them to the ground and tying them up. If I knew you could make money doing that I’d be in Texas right now. Dogs and guns, guns and dogs and plenty of pork. Wouldn’t have to worry about the rising price of bacon, would I. It’s Ike’s favorite show, that we enjoy on demand via our Roku. (I don’t talk to things, …usually) But what I truly found surprising, perusing another MTB publication, is that they have an MTB Race in Illinois; The Palos Meltdown, July 20th. Plenty of time to prepare. Or if New York is more your style, The Wilmington Whiteface MTB Race is June 22nd.

The Chicago types may also enjoy coming to the Metro Milwaukee area to ride at The Rock. It was planning to open the middle of this month, but with the rain storms passing through now that may be delayed. BMX, pump track gravity park and more, a must visit if you’re into the sport.

My weight took a slight uptick this Spring. Always contemplating life and reality I connected it with a lack of a good breakfast. We ate substantial breakfasts most of the Winter but my wife starting slacking. Really, you do not get nearly as hungry or get the boredom cravings if you get a good breakfast. I wish we had a more regular schedule so I could work in more exercise too. 60 Minutes did a report on a 40 year study to see who makes it to 90 years old. 45 minutes of exercise a day was one key. More exercise, even much more did not make a difference, and you don’t have to do it all at once either.

DSCN4643Man, those modeling classes sure paid off. Or rather, ‘dog’. I am determined to write every day this month. No, not my blogs as you may notice, but my books; several works of fiction and a preliminary work on planning which I may use as a basis for a Masters Thesis in the future. It is going well so far. SARUP had a great speaker from Harvard, an urban planner that was magnificent. Against suburbs and local rail, and completely data driven. I caught him after the lecture and ask him some questions. About what? Food of course. “Does the urban dweller eat the whole cow?” gets to one aspect of my inquirery. Soon we’ll only be eating only corn, then soylent green.

The $56 question? I will be changing the format. The initial question will also be from my books (not about myself). I will start with a question that is part of the bonus question (see Charity Jackpot page in sidebar, you can double or triple the stated amount) What is the name, with the State, of Captain George’s hometown? From:”Chuck Hammer and The Invisible Squadron; A Vendetta’s Wage’'

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