Monday, August 4, 2014

State Fair

DSCN4841Ike says, “Go to State Fair!” We went on Thursday, opening day, for our four hour walk around the grounds. Ike is shaking with excitement over some treats we bought for him at the Fair from Annie’s Pooch Pops. Not a name forgiving of typos but Ike can’t read. At least that is what he claims.

We got our roasted corn, baked potato, our lamb brat with mint jelly and a simple chocolate Sunday. Good deals in the Wisconsin (Agricultural) Products Building. Best priced food at the Fair for someone on a budget. Not sure if $55 per gallon for maple syrup is a good price but it may be. We found it not too busy and the lines, such as for the cream puffs (we had one each), were short and fast moving.

We also enjoy the Natural Resources Center which has been greatly enhanced. Then we had to go down ever row of vendor’s, hawker’s and peddler’s booths. Great deal on teeth whitening if you want to sit for a half hour. A huge display of massage chairs filled in where the hot tubes have scaled back. Not as many infrared saunas either. Not that we could afford any such decadences. Good Earth Soap was back in the Wisconsin Products Building. People work hard and invest a lot on a vision or dream to come up with something unique and desired by the public. Overall, looking at the faces of the sales people, it doesn’t look like any kind of financial recovery to me.

DSCN4843Ike loves your pooch poops Annie. …See what I mean.

We came up behind the back of a small stage in the sheep barn. The schedule listed the sheep shearing demonstration for 5:00 and I took out my phone and it was 5:01. “Let’s see the sheep shearing demonstration.” I said to my wife. We walked the five feet around the back of the tiny stage and the sheep was done sheared. “Wow!” I said, “He sheared that sheep in less than two minutes.” We listened in as people asked many an interesting question.

I like going through the cow barns. I like the smell. It reminds me of going around Wisconsin to visit relatives every summer when I was a child. Those that stayed in Wisconsin were mostly farmers. That’s what my dad called a vacation.

If we actually had the money for a sit down meal, listening to a live band, at one of Milwaukee’s fine Restaurateur’s and/or Caterer’s annual establishments we would. Instead we did our rounds, headed back to our car free parked many blocks away and went home to Ike. Our tickets were free.

DSCN4797If you enjoy walking, hiking, trekking or just getting around by foot a pilgrimage may be in the future for you. My brother the Priest goes on a Wisconsin pilgrimage twice a year. Many people are starting to join in. He gave me this t-shirt. Of course you can always do anything you’re doing, not just a pilgrimage, with prayer and offering devotions to God. Not a State Fair thing but still a Wisconsin thing.

The $66 question in recognition of the Catholic Church: What location named above did I often visit when I was young? See Charity Jackpot page for further details.

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