Friday, May 29, 2015

Mold on the Brain

This weekend is the Miller Lite Ride for the Arts here in Milwaukee. It is also the Battle for CamRock; the WORS race out Madison’s way. Helmets are required for either event. No helmets required however for the spring opening of the Wauwatosa Farmer’s Market. It’s no three day weekend but…

We had a simple Memorial Day; no shopping, an opportunity to reflect. We had some gatherings with friends and at church on the weekend but not on the day. It doesn’t get much better for a Memorial Day and its associated weekend.

The holiday is usually a big movie weekend. Not this year. Why go to a movie on a big weekend with the big prices? People, people, people. Some people like a crowd. Tuesdays maintain the day of greatest economy for cinema goers. It is the most typical of discount days for most all in the industry and it can draw a crowd.

We didn’t see a movie at the theater, but about a week ago we watched “Sharknado” on our Internet TV. Not in one sitting, but still we watched it.

Off the top of your head you may think that, ““Sharknado” is a complete waste of time.” But after watching “Sharknado” I didn’t feel the movie was a waste of time at all. You have to be able to attribute some value to time, or rather its good use, for it to be wasted. After watching “Sharknado” nothing in life or the universe seemed to have any value at all.

Do not let “Sharknado happen to you. I am serious. Note, I did not provide a link. Seriously, don’t watch it.

We did see a new movie on our Roku that burst with hidden values. That would be “Against the Sun”. You think three men in a small raft in the middle of the ocean would be a bore. Oh contraire. Of course you need to hold values yourself to recognize the depth of these simple men’s moral fortitude and strength of character. We had obviously recovered from our previous viewing experience.

Do not let “Sharknado happen to you.

I should be spending more time in my basement. My next project must wait till after the end of the month as I am behind in my writing goals. The fore mentioned purchase is portrayed to the left.. You’ll have to wait to see what it becomes. I will document and share the process in the not so distant future.
I need more time on the bike too. My diet has produced a now slow but consistent weight loss.

The creator of the Bulletproof Diet has a real hang up with mold. It consumes far too much of his attentions, from my perspective, when he’s describing his diet. On the other hand it is a very serious issue. It can contribute significantly to weight gain according to the new documentary that he is promoting; “Moldy”. The trailer makes the issue appear horrific and ridiculous at the same time. Just my take.

After we put a new roof on our house my annual weight gain of five pounds ceased. It soon became a three pound a year loss. Not sure if mold had anything to do with it, but it is scary stuff.

Thinking Paleo Diet however, I have to conclude that man has been dealing with mold for thousands upon thousands of years, at least six, so our bodies should be able to deal with it to some extent. To fear foods over their potential for containing mold toxins is a bit over the top. Every diet I have heard of highlights berries. They differ drastically in regards to other foods, legumes for one. The Bulletproof Diet is adamant against mushrooms (no surprise their) while other diets label mushrooms a super food.

Now the vegans are trying to go Paleo; they call it the Pegan Diet. Why not Pagan I ask. Appears more appropriate to me. It’s already taken.

Do not let “Sharknado” happen to you. Please.

Not sure how the Metro Mountain Bikers’ trail work day turned out last Tuesday. I was busy, my wife was out and it looked like more rain would fall.

At least we haven’t had any sharknados yet.

The $98 question: What were my three most favorite WORS races? Keeping the same question. Check out the Charity Jackpot Page link in the sidebar to possibly triple the amount.

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