Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Jumpin Jehoshaphat

When my wife said, face overflowing with enthusiasm, “I’m going to paint the frogs.”

I asked “What are you doing to whose dogs?” Eventual understanding her intent I Sighed to myself, ‘Well, it was a nice garden accent.’

She had some left over spray paints from previous projects and went to work on the frogs.

DSCN5472DSCN5473I found myself surprised and highly impressed with my wife’s talents. She painted the frogs and they look fabulous. You’d think I would have learned by now. She calls it her masterpiece and just realized now, looking over my shoulder, that she hadn’t painted the back.

To the left is the original color scheme, seen from the back.

Reflecting on my previous post and looking to recent Supreme Court decisions I have come to the conclusion that I am meant to be filthy rich; that’s how I feel. It’s the person I believe myself to be, I know myself to be. I’m going to make the Supreme Court give me all your money.

Thanks for reading. The Supreme court will be in touch.

“End of the month, padding your word count goal again Phillip?” you’re accusing. Maybe, or maybe I’m just building my case. They will be in touch.

The $104 question: What were my three most favorite WORS races? Keeping the same question. Check out the Charity Jackpot Page link in the sidebar to possibly triple the amount.

Less than three-hundred words to go.

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