Monday, November 9, 2015

Topics of Debate

DSCN5867I have not been invited to tomorrows Presidential Debate here in Milwaukee, even though I offer highly accurate analysis per the common man. You would think someone would offer me six figures, if not to head their campaign than to write for their rag. Of course, what is good for the people, the truth and common sense are not in demand among the political types. One thing is not up for debate; my own sense of self-worth. Now if only my finances would reflect that.

DSCN5871No tomorrow’s debate is not at The Domes. The Winter Farmer’s Market opened Saturday and we just had to go. Munster is a highly underrated cheese. We bought some  Pepper Munster from one of our favorite dairies at the market. Munster is a great cheese for sandwiches though some may argue for Swiss or even American.

The lack of debate over the officiating of the Packers Panthers game testify to the obvious fix the officials were running. So obvious that the NFL does not want anyone talking about the game officiating or showing the replays. And this mornings local Packer analysis on the radio will not even mention the mountain of penalties? Shame, shame. “The only thing evil needs to triumph is for good men to say nothing.” Some one said that.

DSCN5873No, that is not the line for the free cookie recipe book from We Energies. That is the line for pictures with the reindeer.

DSCN5875This is the line for the free cookie recipe book. This is Milwaukee, …and they did say free. The man behind us asked for seven.

We debated giving out candy this year for Halloween. We rushed out at the last minute and bought a bunch. Too few creatures of yet to be established height came to our door, which left me with a daunting dilemma.

DSCN5857My wife confiscated the unclaimed goods and I am now under ration.

DSCN5881I discover this treasure waiting for me most mornings. One of each.

Some people debate whether it is proper for women, girls, to dress up in an otherwise inappropriate fashion on Halloween. I recommend modesty. Ignore the alluring words of temptation offered by a certain female talk show host. I saw a wonderful very respectable costume while we were out working on Halloween. Two young ladies had dressed up in common jeans and hoodies as twins. It was a really convincing costume. I think they were sisters.

Halloween sales testified to the reality of our economy (the issue of our upcoming political debate; the economy …not reality). Sales were worse than years past. And with Halloween on a Saturday this year I expected at least a 10% jump in sales rather than a 10% drop. Hey, gloomy weather doesn’t deter people from going out on Halloween. People used to parade in elaborated costumes from bar to bar. That was so many years past the images fade from my memory.

WORS, the most successful mountain bike race series in this country, has dropped from twelve to ten races for next season. Great efforts are put into holding these events and great efforts are put into participating in them; travel lodging, time, keeping one’s bike is racing form. Interest is not dropping, resources to participate are. If you’d like to debate my analysis there is a comment section.

Emery’s is having a fitness equipment sale. Sales, it’s all we have left. The Container Store opened at Mayfair Mall. They have a selection of bicycle hangers among their inventory.

IMBA is running a contest to win a free mountain bike trip for two to Italy in their membership campaign. We couldn’t even afford the free trip; the missed sales.

And speaking of Halloween, again, are not flashing lights designed to disorient people as they travel through the haunted houses? So why would one think putting flashing lights on your bicycle would make you safer? Why do so many police cars get struck by other vehicles when they are making road side stops? Flashing lights? There are to many gimmicks in the field of bicycle safety for night riding.

Here is an issue for debate: Was it easier to lose weight in the eighties and why? Needless to say my diet has been suffering a reversal. I suspect environmental causes behind my weight gain. With all my home repairs I must be stirring up some toxic catalyst to fat storage. I have not slept much more than five hours a night for the longest while now, which also is bad for a diet.

Getting back on the supplements recommended in the bulletproof diet has stabilized my weight. Now Bulletproof recommends a new supplement and claim their form of the supplement is the best. Glutathione is a super antioxidant important in cleansing your body of toxins that the body may try to neutralize by storing in fat.

The final debate: Do I attend the Metro Mountain Biker’s monthly meeting Tuesday or listen to the Presidential Debate live on the radio? I’ve missed two meetings, and I can most likely find the debate on YouTube the next day if not that night. Besides, the candidates will be on stage, they wont be free to seek me out for my invaluable advice. Until then I will be right here at home if anyone is looking to come visit.

To those of you closer to me or my family thank you for your prayer and support for my mother over her surgery and recovery. She is now safe at home after almost eight weeks in the hospital.

DSCN5861I made this step for her as my parents bed is too high off the floor according to the social worker. That 2x4 across the top edge fits snugly under the bed frame so the step will not move. When using a router the key is to take a little bit off at a time; making several passes. You’ll get a more controlled result and wont burn out your router motor.

DSCN5864The $120 question: What were my three most favorite WORS races? Keeping the same question. Check out the Charity Jackpot Page link in the sidebar to possibly triple the amount.

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