Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Who; 50th Anniversary

“The Who” performed in Milwaukee almost two weeks ago now. I had been listening to the promotions for their show with this overwhelming sensation that I would be there; which was ridiculous. I couldn’t afford it, had absolutely no plans of going and no intention of even trying to go.

So I was bowling. A group was working the league to raise money; I believe it was for cancer. I bought one raffle ticket and won two tickets to see The Milwaukee Admirals.

At the game they announced they had $25 tickets for “The Who” on sale for $10. After the game, thinking that any tickets they had would have been long sold, I asked if they had any $10 tickets left. (basically obstructed or way back seats) They did. I bought two, under my wife’s scowl as she said of herself, “I can’t go!”

I found a guy I know from Sheboygan to go with. Fairly good seat, but right on the aisle where everyone comes up out of concessions (walking in front of you). I had a young fat guy next to me (enough said) as I gave the aisle seat to my friend.

The younger crowd next to us all walked out, for a smoke or something, and a lady came up to my friend and said, “Our babysitter is sick and we have to leave. Do you want our tickets?”

On the floor about twelve rows back near absolute center stage.

Why was I supposed to be there? It remains a mystery. “The Who” is the one band I have come to appreciate more and more over the years. I had a couple of their albums when I was young but I listened more to “The Doors” and “Styx”, and a bit of “Queen”.

“Cheap Trick”, “Super Tramp”, “Joe Walsh”…. My wife says “Queen” never sounds old. Neither does “The Who”.

“The Who”, a band from a time when everyone debated who was the best. Who was the best guitarist? Who was the best drummer? (Keith Moon) Who was the best bass player? (John Entwistle) Who was the best vocalist? Who had the greatest stage shows? Who was the best period?

Now, a few woman performers are recognized for amazing vocals. Extraordinary men vocalists are recognized only if they sing opera. A complimentary word is occasionally given to artists who actually write their own music. But what everyone really looks at in music these days is, “Who makes the most money?” …Something I never recall hearing anyone debate in my youth.

The young people at the show seemed to pay little attention. When leaving they snickered, “Have you ever seen so many people with gray hair?” Yes the crowd was generally older. I noticed a not so tall woman who really needed to be on someone’s shoulders to see anything but…

“The Who” truly is one of the greatest rock bands ever. They were playing “Bargain” when we got to the floor.

Speaking of bargains, the Bike Expo is fast approaching. I was hoping to be occupied that weekend but my plans fell through. I am not intending to volunteer for the Metro Mountain Bikers booth either; a bit late for that. And you can bowl three games free everyday all Summer for just $30; $26 for children.

Emery’s is already in sale mode; for over two weeks. They couldn’t wait. They call it the Trek Fest Sale. Their sale ends the day after the Bike Expo. So if you need a bike right now… But the trails are not yet open.

For you road riders the La Crosse Omnium is in full promotion fever.

I really need a new helmet. More to the point, I could use a new bike… maybe a couple of new bikes, and a stand to hold a bike when I do maintenance and… It could never end.

The $133 question: What were my three most favorite WORS races? Keeping the same question. Check out the Charity Jackpot Page link in the sidebar to possibly triple the amount.

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