Thursday, February 28, 2019

Millennials; The Other Baby Boomers?

I bought some Blue Cheese stuffed olives at Fresh Thyme a while back. They cost $7.99 a pound. The Blue Cheese, we always capitalize Cheese in the formal here in Wisconsin, cost $18.00 a pound.

So how much did the olives cost?

$7.99 a pound.

Those wedges of Blue Cheese made from raw milk that you can get at Trader Joes… to die for.

Now I have upset the vegans, the Millennials, those other baby boomers, who if not vegan, sympathize deeply with vegans. I brought up olives and combined them with an animal based product and implied death. Yes the likes of the vegan and many Millennials vehemently seek out things, no matter how mundane, to be offended by.

I only write of what I know.

All Millennials exist as an extension of the baby boomer generation, a generation which vilified their parents and past institutions, or rather everything that came before that gave them the wondrous lifetime they have enjoyed. A lifetime advanced in comfort beyond all others in all of history is truly something to fret over.

Rejecting all that has come before is sort of like aborting a baby before it is born. Oops, I’ve offended again. Let me rephrase with a more sensitive metaphor. It is like castrating your father before you are conceived. Which is great as long as he is a white man.

To the generation vilifying meat and declaring herd animals a source of global warming and a detriment to our environment and ecology I have one reference that proves you all the fools, unless you already know that you are spreading lies (which makes you outright liars unfit for position and status in a world seeking righteousness), and that is The Savory Institute.

Yeah, we had millions upon millions of Bison (you know, herbivores like cattle) grazing the plains, creating grass root systems that burrowed feet upon feet into the ground sequestering carbon, holding water and bringing abundant life, but we wouldn’t want to go back to that. (mob grazing: see Savory Institute) We should lay the plains bare and cover them with soil depleting GMO soy or corn with its accompanying glyphosate so we can all enjoy that delicious rich and flavorful tofu drizzled with high fructose corn syrup.

The parent’s of the baby boomers had no problem envisioning our potential future in many an artistic endeavor, a world where we are entitled only to eat soy, plankton and bugs. They knew where it would lead. Soylent Green is people.

We, the common man, are the bugs.

Now the Millenials that built the company selling Soylent are surly offended by my Soylent Green reference, to which I respond, “You named your product Soylent fools!”

A complete disregard for the past reference. I find hope only in that many share in my target of ridicule. And do not get me started with Analog Watches.

…They are not analog. They said so themselves on The Nightly Business report.

Like my millennial brother says, “It’s about the story, not the substance.”

What world do you seek? Who are you making rich as the world rots from within, from the sugar and carbohydrate saturated guts of the common man?

I could go on, but I transgress into the realm of one of my other blogs.

Of course I generalize yet declare myself absolutely relevant in all my views. It makes for a better story.

The future of mountain biking, at least here in Southeastern Wisconsin, rests upon the Millennials not being the other baby boomers; they who reject those that have come before, those forbearers who actual knew how to build and built with hand tools many of the trails we all enjoy around the Metro Milwaukee area.

Actually… they are all baby boomers.

I am scratching my head.

A few Millennial members of metro envision that all the local ski hills being surrendered over to mountain biking, with its berms and other build outs on slopes, because there just won’t be any more Winter snow here in ten years.

Hey! It was said in a public meeting. It is approved for public consumption.

This is from our first blow of snow, when we reached near record cold temperatures. It is much higher now. No puns intended.

The new up and coming leaders in Metro Mountain Bikers have great vision, hope and even drive. They will take the club far, but how?

A group from Metro took a trip to  Arkansas a little while back. Great mountain biking, with various biking amenities having been established there on the corporate dime.

The corporate dime? Why?

Because Arkansas is investing in the apparent new and upcoming industries, the technology industry, and they need to attract the Millennial worker, so they need the amenities that the millennial demands. I am not sure why anyone would want to attract the Millennial worker other than that is what is currently available, but that is the way it stands.

So bicycling amenities in Arkansas of every type are being invested in, funded by various corporate interests. I heard the trip was mind blowing, simply fantastic.

With FOXConn coming to the region a similar need for top rate amenities will drive corporate dollars into bicycling features and trails.

The Rock, in Franklin, I believe understands this and in order to attract an influx of young up and comers to buy their properties they are developing (Ball Park Commons). They are more than happy to build a long awaited and hoped for pump track amidst their development.

Everything is about socializing to the Millenials and a vast pump track next to an umbrella bar is perfect for that vision of the future.

Those taking up the mantle of leadership in Metro Mountain Bikers are well accomplished individuals, in profession and life. No video game slackers in the bicycling community. Not sure how they would vote on any marijuana referendums, not that they are users. I simply question their sensibilities.

My remarks here are driven by a sense of discord I felt this Summer between the old and new in the club. A discord that seems to have dissipated, so all is looking good for a future where professionals will be paid to build trail with machines.

Look for many new and improved trails in the near future, including Glacial Blue,  and Port Washington trails.

With the decline and fall of IMBA a consolidation of clubs has occurred. Fat Kats is now under the Metro umbrella. I’ve written of Fat Kats unethical behavior in the past. Of course that was long long ago, when there still was a race is Sheboygan.

When I first started in mountain biking I used to win raffles all the time.

But who cares about being ripped off in a raffle by a spur of the moment case of bad judgment driven by bigotries society refuses to address, unlike racism, when we are all being poisoned with highly refined sugar and carbohydrates, not to mention the associated chemicals all to ensure big pharm gets their share of the money grab.

It is outright criminal on both the corporate and government bureaucratic level.

Will any of us survive after 5G when they can target are brains to be cooked from within? Seriously, 5G is military tech, whole new tech not a 4G upgrade, designed not only for communications but to be weaponized.

I guess our baby boomer overlords do not trust their own spawn.

The Lacrosse Omnium is putting out the e-mails early this year. If you do not receive them and are planning your Summer already click here for the RAW (ride across Wisconsin) details.

The Omnium La Crosse premiere event always looks awesome, though I have never had the chance to watch it in person.

Next month I will be evaluating gyms and my Winter time gym experience.

Yes, I am newly resolved to post here monthly. If I do not post here at least once a month there will definitely be a post on “Poker Facades” or “From the Inside” in compensation. Hope to have this blog redesigned soon also. Actually, I missed January and have two posts tonight. Is it still the 27th?

The $165 question: What were my three most favorite WORS races? (some may no longer exist as venues have changed) Keeping the same question. Check out the Charity Jackpot Page link in the sidebar to possibly triple the amount.

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