Monday, February 18, 2008

Hard Pack

The times I've gotten out to ride this winter have taught me one thing, If riding on hard pack it needs to be below freezing by several degrees or it is like riding on wet cement if any melting is going on.
I asked my wife, "Do you want to go out and ride with me this winter?"
"No" she said, "Never!"

I found this You/Tube video and just had to contemplate the life span of the dog, Catchy music too.

We went to see "Cloverfield" yesterday and then went to dinner. A movie that proclaims itself a Godzilla flick ten time over in the first ten minutes and then turns out to be a love story.
"They tricked me." I said to my wife over dinner at Applebee's.
"Who?" she asked.
"The movie people."
My wife said, "Movie people." and laughed.
Beware the movie people. You'd understand if you saw the movie.

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