Friday, June 13, 2008

Rain Rain

My bike is in the shop. Getting a new bottom bracket and they'll tightening up the hubs for me. Thought it was my headset but a loose hub was giving me trouble on the control. Looking forward to a tight re-energized ride. Now a new pair of shoes would also add to my performance. Ship-po, one of our dogs, has recently developed a fondness for my foot wear. Bontrager is coming out with a new shoe.

Tomorrow is the WORS mega event the 'Subaru Cup.' We''ll see how the bike rides. The Wednesday night races are cancelled indefinitely. Some photos of the devastation the recent and continuous storms have wrought. Sure there will be plenty of trail work as the WORS and WEMS races approach. The flood waters washing through the channel near my home attract the gulls as they swoop down on small fish and large tadpoles. Found this guy still breathing on the path along our flood wall and threw him back in.
To the west the trails are flooded and blocked with fallen trees so I took a ride to the lake. They finished that bridge at the Lake Shore State Park so it is an easy ride along the lake bypassing the Summerfest grounds. Was a good ride outside of trying to get from the 6th Street Bridge to the Third Ward. The new Canal Street corridor is very bike friendly. A confusing mess to get through the First Ward.

Found this blog on gardening that links to an endless stream of garden blogs. Been doing a bit of work on my own piece of God's good earth. Some parts looking fairly nice while most is still unkempt. Go around helping my parents, my Church and others with their yards and properties during the week, and have the retail business and MTB competitions taking up my entire weekend. Still getting some time in to send out some resumes and develop my own design projects. Have to get down and do some more writing too.

The begonia in the planter gets too much direct sun here and the cosmos, phlox and black eyed Susan's are slowly coming to life. The sedum are always fine. The wet weather actually makes it easier to weed. The vegetable garden however has been doing poorly. The trouble with planting the leafy crops early is rabbits. They don't have much else good to eat. The only thing we have coming up are the radishes and some spinach I planted a couple weeks after the first planting.

Here is Tun-tun yesterday watching my wife slice up some liver. He is very concerned about our diet. He still hangs on. His breathing is getting more difficult the last couple days.

Its fun to help people and I'm always happy to give all these free endorsements. That's why everyone speaks so highly of me.

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