As I approached Nordic Mountain and saw a multitude of bicyclists on the course I pondered why everyone was going so slowly. Last year was muddy, racing in the rain. This year it was like riding on sponges. With all the recent rain many stayed away. Our total field was eight racers. I had what I consider my worst race ever and the highest points scored for the series so far this year. I'm weakest on rocks and Nordic Mountain has plenty of those. I haven't raced every course in WORS but I believe this course and Rhinelander are the most difficult and technical. It felt good to just finish the race considering. With citizens racing last I had little chance to take pictures.
Discouraged at weighing in heavier than last race I then had the Trek tent check out my front wheel. Pop pop pop as I rode. The bearings in the front hub were shot. They said it would not be dangerous to race. Having to fight that rotational inertia was not my only problem. Within the first mile I thought I would vomit. I was dehydrated and/or didn't eat properly. My time was so bad, after hearing comments by others after the finish, I wondered if the group I was riding with was misdirected by a course marshal. Yes, I did have someone to race with. Went back and forth with one of the only participants heavier than myself in all of WORS. I took a big lead and then he came up at the end to pass me. Three people in my field whom I've always beat this year finished ahead of me also.
Of course the event was well organized as always. The water station was most excellent. On our final lap they took an ATV ahead to set up a second station for those of us bringing up the rear. Here is the promotional bag with the WORS bottle. My wife bought me a shoulder bag for when I have to do errands on my bicycle. I used the Subaru clip to clip the bag strap to one of my belt loops on my shorts so it doesn't swing out in front of me as I ride.
I said to my wife the night before the race, "Where's the spaghetti?"
"Sorry," she said, "but rice has carbs." (protein too)
So when I wake up mid morning to pack up and get to the race my wife had lovingly made spaghetti. Can't turn that down. Not sure if complex carbohydrates were good right before the race, (something was telling me not) and then the quart of chocolate milk on the ride up. I had an energy bar and drink after I got there and had two bottles of sport drink. We haven't had any pancakes or waffles for breakfast in awhile.
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