Thursday, February 5, 2009


This isn't the best picture of what the broken screen on our little camera looks like but it catches the stamps well. Yes the camera, for some unknown reason, does take pictures again (and video, but since I do not have the software to crop video it would be fairly useless). Still I am currently borrowing my mother's Kodak. To get some pictures of the dogs while we can and try to sell a few things on e-bay.

The pictures from hers, a heftier model, need less editing and it takes normal AA batteries. Have to go to my parents house to download them on their Kodak software and bring them back on a flash drive. If we didn't have payments (interest free for 2 years) to make on the TV I could swing another less expensive camera on our retail card.

Tun-Tun is over 14 now and has been ill for awhile. The Dinovite helps him and seems more potent the fresher it is. The weather will be warm for a week now and it should make him feel better and melt most of the snow. A bit of rain should also clean that salt dust off the roads and I hope to get some good riding in. I need to be getting some 2-3 hour workouts in even if they are light.

Rain will clean off the sidewalks too and I should take the dogs out more. They can't walk at the same pace and Tun-Tun can't go far, so I haven't been taking them out much. If I take one the other cries till we get back and I feel awful. Sometimes Misao sneaks out with Ship-po.

Hopefully we will hear from Alois again soon. And don't forget to vote in the survey.

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