Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dope Fest

Yes, it is the 'Tour d' France' starting right about now. Even with the World Cup still going on, how can one not stop to rip the pure white as the driven snow athletes pumping themselves with the latest man made concoctions design to enhance and go undetected? Unlike the 'tour d' fat.' I will not be at either event. The BBC did a report Thursday night on doping in cycling, namely the 'Tour d' France'. I guess they are still upset about losing to Germany. And France is easier to pick on, having surrendered before their final World Cup first round game.

Tomorrow will be a simple day. Clean and work on the bikes and work in the yard. Hopefully getting out for a long ride. But a friend left a message and requires my tools and expertise on a project. Don't know what the family is doing over the holiday. Hope storms don't frustrate our Sunday fireworks.

Two posts in three days? Yes, getting back into writing.

Hope everyone has a happy 4th of July.

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