Monday, July 12, 2010


T3 is filming in Milwaukee today. We saw the second Transformer movie on the 4th. Misao enjoys the Transformers. I wonder if our local museum is a transformer in the movie. If so, what does that make Santiago Calatrava? Questions such as these set my blog apart.

Saturday night I crashed in the dark. I guess my bike lights aren't as bright as they need to be. My road bike front tire dropping into an opening between slabs and the tube popped and I went over the bars. Don't even think of how to fall. Four years of Hap-Ki-Do training nearly everyday, all starting with how to fall in various fashion, and it just comes natural like. Later, after working the route my wrist hurt bad, but an ace bandage and no pain at all. The next day and it was all better. Working moving dirt excavating a foundation with a friend. Lifting buckets, with a rope, filled with mud. Between the accident and the work yesterday I was left aching and exhausted today.

The rim dented, the tube pinch flatted and the walls of the tire were scraped up. A new tube busting through the older than old tire wall when I put it in. No riding to the free poker tournament tonight (poker highlights on one of my other blogs). Wouldn't take my mountain bike. Don't want to leave it locked up out on the street for long. It is too valuable.

This is bicycle awareness week. At least that is what the radio said. The Internet says it is in May. Public service messages on the radio giving safe riding tips. Should be riding more but getting in some workouts. Leg strength is good. 140 lbs each leg on the leg extensions without any knee pain. I don't need much more than once a week strength training to build strength. And don't injure, or stayed injured, easily. Must be the genes.

Now they say strength training is better for weight loss than aerobics. I say everyone is different and there are several standards among the population. My weight has dropped over 5 lbs.

Looking forward to plenty of cucumbers this year. And tomatoes.

Another type of lily in the garden. A hybrid. We have three rabbits in the garden too. Nice to have friendly animals that get use to your presence. I have named them Small, Medium and Large based on their sizes. Of course that will change over time as the smaller ones grow, but then I hope to call them delicious. As they say you can only eat rabbits in months with 'r's in them, as they carry a fever in the heat of the summer. Unlike dogs that are eaten in Korea in the summer, as it is said to be proven the meat gives one extra strength and stamina in the summer heat.

The learning never stops on this blog

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Anonymous said...
