Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Binge Writing

I have been consumed with the publishing of my book lately. Yesterday was focused on getting the cover design worked out and submitted. Wasn't thinking of the Odd Tuesday Ride as I was preoccupied and there was a good chance of rain. I also didn't realize that it was the final ride of the year with a Wheel & Sprocket sponsor providing free food. Until I checked the site at 6:30, late, and already had other plans. Maybe if the last e-mail said it was the W&S event and the last event... I'm sure nobody missed me or even noticed I wasn't there. I guess all the Odd Tuesday Riders will have to wait 'til next year. The one time I went a couple of yahoo tricksters kept bollixing everything up. More drops than not.

And today, after trying to work out some confusion with Create Space, but with nothing more to submit, I went on a writing binge. This being my fourth blog post of the day. But I did get out to the gym. Misao is exercising with some 'Corism' exercise clips she gets on the Internet. At least that is what it sounds like she is saying. It's all in Japanese. But the Internet tells me Corism is a car in Japan. And we all believe everything we hear and see on the Internet. Misao's looking buff and putting me to shame exercising every night.

And here is another picture from the Alterra Classic just to keep things interesting. When I found out our church was meeting at Lapham Peak Sunday and being in some funk trying to get the book all straightened out I was thinking of not going at all, but I had said I would go to the race on my blog so I went. I found this site some time ago. You can ride for affordable housing.

If you're an Archaeologist I guess you like the hot dry weather. It finally rained today after things really dried out here. I am looking forward to cooler temperatures and getting up on the roof. Have to get back to my next book too.

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